Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 99: Fight with Logan (Part 2)

   It wasn't until this time that Victor realized that he had been tricked by Lin Yi.

   The prophecies that this prophet said were all to delay time and wait for Logan to arrive.

   Victor was also a little bit annoyed in his heart, in fact, his speed, strength and perception abilities were all above Logan.

   But just now, he was completely caught in the trap of this oriental prophet, so that he ignored the surrounding situation.

   But the saber-toothed tiger is a saber-toothed tiger after all.

   The war intent in his eyes was on the contrary, he shook his sharp nails slightly, moved his shoulders, and said, "Okay, one-on-two, it's been a long time since I was so enjoyable!"

   As he said, he jumped up directly and rushed towards Logan.

   He is like an animal, landing on all fours, and one jump is more than 20 meters.

   But unexpectedly, he jumped more than 20 meters towards Logan. After landing, he suddenly leaped towards Lin Yi in the opposite direction.

  Neither Lin Yi nor Logan thought of this.

   His right paw reached Lin Yi almost instantly.

   Lin had no time to dodge, so he could only cross his arms and block his chest.


   With a sharp sound, Victor's claws struck Lin Yi's thick arms, and he couldn't get in at all.

   But the huge power still lifted Lin Yi.

   At the same time, Logan behind followed suit.

   The two brothers fought together.

   The two of them have the same self-healing ability, and the battle is really fierce.

   Victor's right paw was about to grab Logan, and Logan's bone claw pierced out, directly piercing Victor's right palm.

   Victor screamed, but his left paw slammed, slashing Logan's carotid artery, blood spurting out.

   But only after spraying for just two seconds, the blood quickly began to clot, and his wounds healed quickly.

   Similarly, after Victor pulled his hand from the bone claw, his right hand quickly healed.

   Lin also wanted to step forward to help several times, but the two of them both killed one thousand enemies and self-defeated one thousand-anyway, they could not die at all.

   Lin is not good either, he does not have such a strong self-healing ability.

   As long as he gets close to their battle ring, he will either die or be injured. !

   So Lin Yi still watched obediently and waited for the opportunity.

   Finally, as in the movie, Logan was seriously injured by Victor.

  Saber-toothed Tiger Victor wants to lift his foot and step on Logan's bone claws.

   Lin also knew that Logan would faint in pain as long as the bone claw was broken. When the time comes to face the saber-toothed tiger alone, then basically only GG is left.

   So he quickly pounced on Victor, the saber-tooth tiger, and his claws pierced the back of Victor's head.

   Victor only took a half step to the side, and then avoided Lin Yi's blow, and then lifted his right foot and slammed Lin Yi to the ground.


   This kick made Lin Yi directly spray a blood mist.

   The sandy ground in front of him suddenly turned dark red.

   Victor said with great heart, "One-on-two, Logan, even if you find a helper, you won't be my opponent. I will leave you a paw as a souvenir today!"

   said, raising his right foot and stepping heavily on Logan's bone claws.


   All three bone claws broke off.


   The sad screams echoed in the forests of the Rocky Mountains.

   A group of unknown birds were startled by the screams and screamed in all directions.

   Logan's forehead blue veins burst, his eyes flushed.

   In extreme pain, his brain's self-protection mechanism was activated and he fainted.

The saber-toothed tiger Victor stepped on the three broken claws with his foot, rubbed it a few times, and smiled at Lin Yi: "Look, the best person in your mouth has been beaten into this look by me. How do you feel, prophet Mr?"

   Lin did not speak either, his mind was spinning fast, thinking of a way.

The saber-toothed tiger Victor shook his neck from side to side and said, "But we are brothers after all, and I will not kill him. And so far, nothing can kill us. But you are different, my dear Mr. Prophet. , I will first try to see if I can break your paws, and then I will torture you slowly and make you unhappy. I will kill you when I have enough."

   said with a smile at the corner of his right mouth, his left foot was raised again, and he was about to step on Lin Yi's paw.

   But at this moment, Lin Yi suddenly lifted his left paw and stabbed Victor's right foot severely.


   With a soft sound, his sharp claws drove Victor's right foot into the ground.


   Victor let out a scream and kicked Lin Yi's head with his left foot.

   Lin Yi's right paw was horizontally blocked, and Victor kicked his left foot on the sharp paw.


   There was another soft sound, and Victor's left foot was directly cut off, and the cut part flew out because of inertia.

   It looks like a football player has thrown off his shoes.

   It's just the whole left foot that Victor throws off.

   Lin also took advantage of Victor's inconvenience, swiped another claw, and cut his right foot again.

   Victor screamed, the bloodthirsty light flashed in Lin Yi's eyes.


   Both claws swung past like money.

   First cut off Victor's head, then took off his arms.

After   , the two claws cut Victor into dozens of Until then, Lin Yi felt that the suffocation in his heart had lost most of it.

   But he knew that Victor could still be resurrected even then.

   So he didn't dare to stay any longer, picked up Logan on his back, and quickly jumped in from the nearby woods.

   Logan weighs more than 80 kilograms and is tall, which is difficult for ordinary middle school students to remember.

   But Lin is also a Level 3 evolutionary, with much greater power than ordinary people, carrying Logan on his back, crossing the jungle, like walking on the ground.

   It's just that Logan's legs are too long, which is a bit difficult to clean up.

   There is no other way but to drag his legs to the ground.

   About an hour later, he came to a small canyon he had already found.

   Then in a forest in the valley, let the system show the rental house.

   "The white rabbit opens the door."

   Lin also said.

   The door of the rental house opened with a creak.

   looked in the door and saw that it was no longer the interior of his rental house.

   is a huge factory workshop.

   It’s just that there are no general factory production equipment in this workshop, but a lot of test tubes, beakers, computers, and instruments.

   It looks like an old workshop that has been transformed into a laboratory.

   Lin also remembered, this is where Logan received the Edman alloy injection in the movie.

   Lin also carried Logan back in and closed the door.

   found a room in the workshop and put Logan on the bed first.


   Lin also took a breath and wiped his sweat.

   felt a little uncontrollable excitement in his heart.

   After waiting for 120 years, I can finally complete the task.

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