Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 67: The man with a knife in his smile

"I said, haven't you saluted me yet?"

Hisugaya looked at Lin Feng and said, her right hand was already holding her Zanpaku Sword tightly.

He also recognized Lin Feng's greatness, otherwise he wouldn't be able to bring down Asanjing Renji. If he started here, he might have to resort to Zanpakuto regardless of the regulations.

"What if I am disrespectful?"

Hisugaya Toushiro and Lin Feng faced each other, and the surrounding air instantly became cold, and a layer of frost slowly formed under the feet of the two of them, spreading over the wall next to them.

An abrupt voice suddenly broke the silence of death at this moment.

"Captain Hisugaya, Lin Feng has four seats, what are you doing?"

Lin Feng and Hisugaya turned their heads to see, it turned out that Lan Ran came over, and beside him, he followed a squinted smile with a line of light purple hair.


With a cold snort, Hisugaya retracted his hand, and the frost under his feet immediately turned into water vapor, dampening a piece of the ground, and evaporating again under the sunlight.

"It's none of your business, Aizen." Hisugaya glanced at Aizen and said.

"Captain Hisugaya, you are not good! You are not called Captain Aizen." The smiling man behind Aizen came out and laughed at Hisugaya.

"It's none of your business, Ichimaru Gin!"

As for who Hisugaya hates most in the 13th Division, Ichimaru Gin is definitely ranked first.

From the first day I saw him, the cold like snake-like aura on his body made him feel a little jealous. Even looking at the smile on his face seemed to be pretending. "Hid a knife in a smile"!

In Ichimaru Gin's smile, there are hidden things that he does not know, but can threaten him!

"Ichimaru Silver?"

But when Lin Feng heard the name, he turned his head and looked at him, he was indeed a "snake" man...

"Haha, Ichimarugin, you and Captain Hisugaya should stop quarreling."

Lan Ran smiled faintly and looked at Lin Feng: "I came to Lin Feng Sixi today. I have something I want to talk to him."

Hisugaya glanced at Aizen and Lin Feng, then turned his head disdainfully, "I have something to do, so I won't chat with you here!"

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "Walk all the way, dwarf."

This word hit Hisugaya’s head like a jack, looking back to find Lin Feng to settle the account, but after seeing Ichimaru Gin’s cold face, he still clenched his fist and stretched out a finger to point to Lin. Feng said: "I will ask you to settle the account later!"

After that, he left here angrily.

"Haha, Lin Feng four seats, you still don't want to make this kind of joke in the future." Aizen squinted and said to Lin Feng, "Captain Hisugaya hates others saying that he is a short man."

Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter to me, what do you want to talk to me about asking me?"

"That's the case. The superior asked me to ask you about the "virtual" mutant species. The information given by Vice Captain Oh Maeda was not very detailed, so I had to come to you."

Lan Ran's eyes with spectacle lenses gleamed with cold light, and he didn't expect Lin Feng to wipe out the mutants he created so easily, and there were no scars on his body.

"This incident has already been reported by Omaeda, and all the information is there, except for that, I don't know anything."

Lin Feng took a step, walked past Lan Ran, and said quietly: "I have something to do, so I won't tell you more, and..."

"Captain Aizen, you know the best, right?"

The people in the forty-sixth room in the center were all controlled by Lan Ran, and Lin Feng knew that, otherwise, he would not send this task to himself. This task is clearly to kill himself!

Lan Ran's face changed, her eyes sharpened.

"If there is nothing wrong with Captain Aizen, then I will leave first."

Lin Feng leaned his hands on the back of his neck and walked forward slowly, when Ichimaru Gin suddenly stopped in front of him.

"Go away." Lin Feng said coldly while looking at Shimaru Yin.

Ichimaru silver said with a smile on his face: "Captain Ai Ran hasn't let you go yet, Lin Feng sits at four seats, why are you walking in such a hurry?"

"Are you really going to stop me?" Lin Feng asked.

"Why not?"

As if confronting Hissugaya just now, Ichimaru Gin only felt a rush of cold coming to his body, and couldn't help opening his light blue eyes, and glanced at Lin Fenggao.

"Captain Ichimaru Gin!"

Aizen said from behind, letting Ichimaru Gin come back to his senses.

"Let Lin Feng four go, our questioning is over."

Ichimaru Gin's body had a pause, but Ai Ran would say that.


Shimaruyin gave way and let Lin Feng walk over.

Lin Feng glanced at Shimarugin, the two looked at each other, sparks were rubbed in the air.

When Lin Feng left, Shimaru Yin walked to Lan Ran's side and asked, "Captain Lan Feng, who is the fourth seat of Lin Feng?"

"Don't worry about him for now, I have my way."

Ai Ran lowered his head, looking at the cracks on the ground, thinking about something in his heart.

If Lin Feng is so powerful, it seems that he has to send a higher-level virtual to deal with him...


Ichimaru Gin nodded, and followed Lan Ran's words, but a light flashed in his eyes. It could be seen that Ai Ran was very afraid of this Lin Feng Si Xi.

"Let's go!"

Lan Ran waved his sleeves and left here first. Now he was about to complete the face-off technique. With the appearance of Lin Feng, Lan Ran's heart was inexplicably vigilant, so he had to act quickly.

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