Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 69: Grab someone!

"Kumura Left Front?"

Lin Feng remembered it, as if he was the most loyal person to the old man Yamamoto.

In addition, Lin Feng also saw Uozhihualie from the fourth division, and the others were deputy captains he didn't know.

The captain of the third division was sitting next to Ai Ran, looking at the students in front, but was talking to Kuchiki Byakuya who was sitting on the other side.

"Captain Kuchiki, the deputy captain of your squad, Asari Renji, was injured. What about today's selection of the preparatory **** of death? Did you go personally?"

Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes seemed to have no emotion, and he said lightly: "Following Captain Marugin is bothering, I brought the third seat of our sixth division team today."

Behind him, stood a strong man who looked about the size of the left front of Yumura, and saluted the captains and said: "Hello captains, I, Nanren Kinoshita, please give me your advice."

The faces of everyone became cold, and Byakuya Kuchiki is going to use a three-seat to fight the vice captain of their team? This is too despising.

"Lin Feng, you also come out to say hello." Broken Bee glanced at Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng felt that it didn't matter, so he stood up and shouted loudly, "Hello everyone, my name is Lin Feng, the fourth seat of the second division."

After shouting, he sat down next to the broken bee, playing with his Zanpaku.

This shout not only attracted all the eyes of the students on the grass, but even the face of each team leader became even more ugly.

"Damn it!"

Broken Bee cursed secretly. Her original intention was for Lin Feng to say hello to these captains. Who knew that he should introduce himself to the students, which really lost their face in the second division.

"Haha, Lin Feng's four seats are really joking."

Ai Ran pretended to smile and stood up, breaking the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Since everyone is here, then the selection of the preparation for the death god, let's officially start!"

Ai Ran nodded towards the several Grim Reapers who were in charge of the referee standing in the middle of the duel. The Grim Reapers knew everything, and immediately each jumped onto a duel arena and said loudly, "The duel has officially started. The person with the student number will come up!"


The students responded, and their voices resounded like thunder in the sky above the Jingling Court.

"Number one and number two, the first duel field!"

"Number two and number three, the second duel field!"

Those students who were named have jumped onto the stage and started a duel.

The main purpose of the duel is not to choose who is the champion, but to let the captain of the thirteenth division in the audience see each person's strength.

"Hey, I said Oh Maeda, we have selected excellent students, what about the eighth division and below?" Lin Feng asked when he looked at the students who were studying in front of him.

"Master Lin, don't worry." Oh Maeda explained to the side, "There will be other students coming to a duel tomorrow! It's not just these people."


Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully. It seems that there are really many students in the Mao Spiritual Academy.

Suddenly, a white light lit up in the duel arena.

"Eighth Broken Road: Hit!"

With a bang, a girl aged fifteen or sixteen in the fourth duel field knocked down a boy.

The referee raised his hand and announced: "Fourth arena, win on the 15th! Come up on the 21st and 22nd!"

Broken Bee squinted at the little girl, nodded his finger at Oh Maeda and said, "No. 15."


Oh Maeda immediately recorded the 15th in a small notebook.

Lin Feng looked around, and the deputy captains of each division were recording something. It seemed that after recording these outstanding gods of death, they would be selected one by one.

In the duel arena, students were constantly defeated, but there were also many outstanding figures, and some even attracted Lin Feng's attention. If this were to be cultivated again, it would definitely be another monster like Kuchiki Byakuya.

"The third duel field, victory on the 258th! The duel is over!" The referee bowed to the captains in the audience and said.

"Okay." Lan Ran stood up, looked at the surrounding team captains and smiled: "It seems that the captains already have their own hearts. Then hand over the recorded notebook to the referee!"


Several deputy captains responded, and handed over the notebook to the referee.

After a short while, the referee brought out all the people who were recorded in the notebook. Lin Feng can't estimate it, there are only about a dozen people.

"Okay, next is the time for us to select the preparatory gods of death. Every squad has the right to choose three of them as the preparations of the squad. Of course, as long as you can get it..."

There is something in Ai Ran's words, it is clear that each team must fight for it on their own to select those students who satisfy themselves.

"number twelve!"

Ai Ran screamed according to the book, and immediately a boy who looked a little fat came out.

"This student has the fourth division and fifth division. Let us fight for it."

Aizen smiled at the captain of the fourth division Uozhihua.

With a tenderness between Uozhihua's eyebrows, he sighed helplessly and said, "I didn't expect to have a duel with the fifth division... If that's the case, Tiger Toru, you go."


A girl with short light purple hair wearing red striped earrings walked out from Uozhihuareel, as if looking at the people around her, a little timid.

"Hehe, in that case, young Sentao, you go too." Lan Ran smiled.

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