Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 100: The captain is missing again!


"If you don't kill them, it will be us who will die."

Ai Ran smiled without emotion, turned her head, glanced at Ichimaru Gin, her eyes sharpened.

"Or, do you want to choose to die?"

Ichimaru Gin's body froze, and his steps stopped, as if the surroundings were getting colder and colder under the moonlight.

"Hehe, who would choose to die, Captain Aizen, you really love to joke." Ichimaru Silver smiled stiffly.

At that moment, he had already felt the horror of Aizen, a feeling that he had never experienced in his life!

"Really?" Airan's cold face suddenly changed into a smile, and looked at Ichimaru Gin with a smile, "Then, then, I will also hand over the matter of the leader and Captain Lin Feng leading Rukia Kuchiki to the execution site. Here you are."

"It's so annoying, I didn't expect to be with that person."

Ichimaru silver smiled faintly, in fact, a cold sweat had already emerged from his back.

"Just take out the collapsed jade from Kuchaki Rukia's body, and then you will no longer have troubles."

Ai Ran turned around and walked back to the captain's office of the third division.

Ichimaru Gin followed him, with a hint of worry in his eyes and fear of Aizen.


Three days later, the sky in the Jingling Garden has become blue. The death gods of the various teams have already assembled. Today is an important day. The third seat of the 13th team, Rukia Kuchiki, will be executed today. death penalty.

With the travel accident invasion of the last time, the entire Jingling Garden has increased a lot of vigilance, and according to others, the leader of the 11th Division Kenhachi Kenhachi, and the 6th Division's Asari Renji , They all escaped with the arrested travel accident, and for a while the whole Jingling Court was even more troublesome.

"Damn it!" Hitsugaya Toushiro hit the wall with a fist, frowning, "Where did the band leader and Ukitake go? Today is an important day!"

Nie Yuli and Yucun Zuo Zhen have been determined to have been killed. Their deputy captain is temporarily responsible for the management of the squad. Now even Ukitake Shiro and Kyōraku Chunsui don’t know where to go. The squad under their management is even more chaotic. A set.

"Captain, I think you have to be careful too!"

Beside Hisugaya Toshiro, a woman with long wavy hair leaned back against the wall, and a large piece of spring light leaked from the chest of the death-tyrant outfit she was wearing, making her next to her stand on standby. The death gods couldn't help but glanced at them.

This person is exactly the deputy captain of the juvenile team, Matsumoto Ranju.

Matsumoto Ranju looked at Hisugaya Toushiro and said leisurely: "If you disappear, Jufan will be my world!"

Hisugaya Toshiro said with a serious face: "I won't be as stupid as those captains!"

Neyinmeng was standing next to Hisugaya Toshiro and Matsumoto Ranju. Hearing them discussing the affairs of Kyōraku Chunshui and Ukitake Shiro, his head fell involuntarily.

She remembered that after Jingle Chunshui and Fuzhu Shirang went to the world to drink celebration wine, they never appeared in the Jingling Garden again. Could it be... this matter is still related to Lin Feng?

"Nie Yin, what's wrong with you?"

Matsumoto Ranju asked curiously when he saw Niemeng's frowning face.

Nieyinmeng returned to his senses and immediately replied: "No, nothing."

Regarding her suspicion of Lin Feng, she can't let others know, otherwise it would be bad if it caused Hisugaya's misunderstanding.

With his personality, he would definitely rush to confront Lin Feng immediately.

Tosushiro Hisugaya glanced at Neyomume and snorted: "It's the captain of their squad who is relaxed. Just take care of Oshiraki, and we have to be on guard."

Except for the third division and the twelfth division, the people from the other divisions have been scattered in every place of Jinglingting. As long as there is something around, someone will immediately rush to take care of it.

Suddenly, there was a "boom", and the sound of explosion came from the southeast!

Then, a burst of blue smoke drifted into the eyes of Hissugaya and others following the wind.

"Southeast direction! I'll go first, Luanju, you are in charge of the team!"

After all, Hisugaya Toushiro directly resorted to instant steps and rushed in the direction of the explosion.

Before Matsumoto Ranju had time to stop Hisugaya, he let him escape. He couldn't help but patted his forehead reluctantly, and said to the members of his team behind him: "You also follow me!"


The Reaper members heard the order, and a group of people rushed to the southeast.


The Palace of Confession, located in the center of the Lingting Court, on a high ground south of the 13th Squadron of Huting, is a place where serious criminals are imprisoned. The depth of digital numbering.

Lin Feng came here today to be responsible for keeping Rukia Rukia, who is in the four-deep jail, through the rope bridge on the other side of the white pagoda, and escorting her to the double death platform responsible for execution. ..

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