Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 109: Run away quickly!

There was a bright red on her lips, but there was still tenderness in her eyes.

"In this world, there is no one who can hide from me." Lin Feng turned to look at the woman next to him, and raised his head slightly, "Am I right, Soma Yoshino?"

Lin Feng had noticed when they came out of the Jinglingi Garden together, and Soma Yoshino was nearby. After that, they went to Kanzacho No. 1 High School together. Lin Feng also noticed that Soma Yoshino was following him. Behind.

Taking advantage of no one now, Lin Feng called out Soma Yoshino.

"Hehe," Soma Yoshino smiled, and rolled up the hair beside his ear, "I know you are great, so I didn't intend to avoid you from the beginning, but... you are with those gods of death. What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I just came to perform the task." Lin Feng said.

The weather began to darken, the clouds in the sky blocked the sun, and the cold wind was blowing a little bit louder. It seemed that it was about to rain.

"Do a mission? What mission?" Soma Yoshino asked.

Lin Feng looked at Xiangma beside him, his eyes suddenly sharpened: "I said it was to eliminate Bavente, do you believe it?"

Soma Yoshino was stunned, then his head lowered, "Lin Feng, would you please promise me? If the Kashigami and the others don't come to you, don't you just leave them alone?"

Lin Feng looked at the darkened sky, smiled lightly and said, "I'm afraid this is impossible."

As soon as he finished speaking, a black tornado swept toward the park, mixed with thunder and lightning, like a **** descending into the world.

"Soma!" A roar came out from the tornado.

Lin Feng sneered, and said to Xiang Ma Fangye: "Look, I can say no?"

The tornado suddenly disappeared in place, revealing two people.

A headset was hung around his neck, he was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt, and he had a beard. And the other one was someone Lin Feng had known for a long time—Karishi God.

"Kariya God! And Koga Go?"

Soma Yoshino saw the two of Kariya God and stood up from the bench in a panic.

She is not worrying about herself, but worrying about Sashigami. If he provokes Lin Feng, I am afraid it will be a disaster!

"Hurry up and run away!"

"Let me go? Impossible!" Kariya God and Koga just fell to the ground, looking at Lin Feng's eyes with madness.

"Unexpectedly... I came to bring Soma Yoshino back, and by the way, even you were found, Lin Feng..."

Looking at Lin Feng, Sarishi God suddenly glared, and shouted: "Do you know how long I have been looking for you!"

Last time he was easily defeated by Lin Feng, Kashigami couldn't swallow this breath, but he has not been able to find Lin Feng, but he did not expect to find Lin Feng while looking for Soma Yoshino today.

Lin Feng glanced at him and said coldly: "How long have you been looking for me? What's my business?"

Kamiya God's face changed, and he became even more angry: "Today I must kill you!"

After all, there was a sudden gust of wind on both sides of his body, and the doll Meisha appeared beside him.


Koga suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped Karishi, and the surrounding wind stopped immediately.

"What are you going to do? Koga Go!" Kayajin asked angrily.

"Shou, wait a minute, I still have something to ask this person."

Koga stopped Sarishijin and looked at Lin Feng.

"Are you the one who killed Yuwen and the others?"

So many Bawents disappeared in the organization, and Koga Gang, who was an accomplice, also got a lot of anger.

Lin Feng glanced at him, then put his feet on the bench, "Yes, I did it."

"is it?"

Koga Gang paused, then an iron ball appeared in his hand.

Koga just threw the iron ball into the air, and immediately turned into an iron man in the shape of a spider.

"Kari, this kid, let's solve it together..." said Koga Go and Kaya God.

"it is good!"

Although Kariya God didn't know what Lin Feng angered Koga Go, he still agreed.


Koga Go’s doll Darku sneered and said, "I am enough for this kind of person."

"Don't be capricious, Dalku!" Koga Go and Dalku said, "You should cooperate with the doll of Kaya God!"

Since Lin Feng was able to kill a few Bawents, it proved that he was also capable. Unlike the madness of Kari, Koga has just lived for so many years. He has to appear calmer and know how to deal with Lin Feng. .

As soon as the figure of the doll of Kariya God, Meisha moved, a small tornado immediately appeared in the park.


The doll Darku reluctantly responded and floated into the tornado created by Meisha.

The tornado was mixed with "crackling" thunder and lightning, and it swept towards Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng!"

Soma Yoshino looked at Lin Feng and stepped back a little worriedly.


Lin Feng sat up straight on the bench, slowly revealing a set of death-tyrant outfits on his body, and slowly pulled out the evil spirit of Zanpai Knife from his waist.

"Hahaha!" Darku's sharp laughter came out from the tornado, "Lin Feng, you just wait to die!"

With a "shoo", Dalku flew out of the tornado, hitting Lin Feng like a cannonball, with several lightning bolts attached to his body, and a spark was wiped out in the air.

Darku's body is full of lightning injected by the doll Meisha, even if Lin Feng can escape its attack, he will definitely not escape the sneak attack of the lightning!

"Hahaha! Me alone is enough!"

Darku rushed in front of Lin Feng, and used its long pointed tentacles to pierce Lin Feng's neck!

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