Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 146: Destroy all people with spiritual pressure!

Inoue Orihime's fists were clenched, and if Urahara Kisuke hadn't arrived in time just now, she might have died in Grimjo's hands.

"Forget it, since the person I want to find isn't there, I'll just go somewhere else."

Grimjoo sneered and said, he doesn't know how powerful Urahara Kisuke is, and he came out this time not to come to him, but to come to Lin Feng. He didn't want to pick up sesame seeds. And lost the watermelon.

"Do you want to go?"

Urahara Kisuke's eyes looked at Grimjoo through his hat, and he immediately rushed forward with Shunbu.

With a "cang" sound, a small spark was wiped out between the two collisions of the Zhanpoku Dao, and the two separated again.

Suddenly a huge mouth appeared in the air, as if a gap between teeth was opened, and Grimjoo jumped in with the other who had been watching.

"Goodbye! Next time I meet you, it will be your mortal day!" Grimjoe raised his head and smiled coldly with Urahara Kisuke.

The gap between the teeth closed again, and Grimjoo and the other broken face disappeared into the sky.

On the other hand, the rest of the broken faces seemed to have received the news, and through the "black tone", they ended this meaningless battle and returned to the virtual circle.

"Finally... is it gone?"

Sifengyuan Ye Yi panted heavily, and blood flowed from her hands. Just now she was going to deal with three broken faces by herself. Although they were all low-level, they still caused a lot to her. s damage.

In addition to her, Ishida Uryu and others have also received various injuries of different severity. This face-off attack was too sudden. If it weren’t for the action of everyone in Urahara, I’m afraid Ishida Uryu and others. People will evaporate from the world.

Kurosaki Isshin also secretly shot, and when Kurosaki Ichigo was knocked out by the two chaos, he shot the two chaos back and carried Kurosaki Ichigo back home.

And Lin Feng, who was not interested in this matter, had already fallen asleep at Kurosaki Ichigo's house, and there was nothing that could disturb his sleep.

Everyone can't sleep this night.

In the imaginary circle, the palace of the night, Lan Ran high-end sitting on the throne with no emotion in his eyes, looking supremely at Grimjoe and others who are kneeling down.

"You mean, you didn't meet Lin Feng, so you came back?"

Ai Ran's voice sounded like it came from a machine. It was so cold that it made people chill, but it made people unable to give birth to a trace of defiance.

Grimjoo knelt down on one knee, his body as if being crawled by ants, making it unbearable to feel the itching, just thinking about it, he jumped up and shakes all the ants off.

"Yes, Aizen-sama."

Grimjoo replied respectfully, cold sweat shed from his head, Master Lan Ran asked this, what does it mean?

"Tōsen." Airan's eyes looked at Tōsen who was standing aside.

The hair that Dongxian wanted split into two halves, took a step forward and stood up.

"What's the matter? Aizen-sama."

"You said, I sent Grimjoo to this world, what on earth did I do?" Aizen said coldly.

"It's to eliminate all the people with Reiatsu in Kuza Town, and prepare for Wang Jian's affairs."

Grimjoo's eyes jumped, until now, he finally knew what Aizen wanted to say!

"Master Aizen, wait..."

Grimjoe stood up, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by one of Aizen raising his hand.

"Don't say anything, I haven't asked you something yet."

Ai Ran's words pierced Grimjoo's heart like a needle, making him unable to pull it out.


Grimjoo knelt down on one knee again, no one noticed that his fist had been clenched.

"Tōsen, they have not completed the task I confided, so please tell me what to do." Aizen wants to say to Tōsen again.

"Yes, I know what to do."

Although Dongxian’s eyes were invisible, it couldn’t stop him from pulling out the Zanpaku Sword. Between instantaneous moves, a few slashes took away those behind Grimjow who were excluded from the "Ten Blades". All are wiped out!

"Tongxian wants!"

Grimjoo turned his head angrily and looked at Dongxian Yao who used the Zanpaku Sword. His eyes kept beating, wishing to kill Dongxian Yao now.

Suddenly, he felt a chill after coming to him, and slowly turned his head back to take a look, Lan Ran was staring at him with squinting eyes, as if he would be wiped out by Ai Ran as long as he moved his hand!

"Grimjoe, are you trying to stop Dongsen from executing his sentence?"

"No... dare not!"

Grimjoe lowered his head, not daring to look up at Ai Ran again. He clenched his teeth, and under the pressure of Ai Ran, he dared not do anything.

"Thirty-one Broken Road, Red Cannon!"

An energy light wave blasted out from behind, Grimjoo’s left hand was directly blasted away by the trick that Dongxian wanted to use!


Grimjoo couldn't help it anymore, and immediately fell to his knees with his legs, exhaling in pain!

"Ulquiola, take Grimjo down." Aizen said, looking at Ulquiola who was standing aside.

In addition to the two of them, there are more than a dozen unpredictable figures in the Void Night Palace. Lan Ran has already created the "Ten Blades"!


Ulchiola's eyes were full of melancholy, and he kicked Grimjoo on the neck and immediately knocked him out.

"Then your subordinates, let Grimjoe go first."

Ulchiola saluted Aizen, pulled Grimjo up with one hand, and dragged him away from the meeting place.

"Neutra, you take a few face-offs to wipe out all the people with spiritual pressure in this world."

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