Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 156: Cut the adult stick! (For automatic subscription~)

As everyone knows, while Matsumoto Ranju was worried about Lin Feng, Lin Feng himself did not feel any pressure. Seeing that the virtual flash on the tip of Neutra's tongue became more and more condensed, he even teased.

"Wow, the flicker on the tip of the tongue, unfortunately it doesn't suit me."

Neutra's angry eyes widened, and immediately sent this virtual flash toward Lin Feng.

In the distance, Matsumoto Ranju and others, only saw that on Lin Feng's side, a yellow energy rushed forward in a straight line, and then the fire flashed, and a huge explosion sounded!

The entire Kaza Town became dim due to this energy, and then everyone heard the explosion like thunder, and the people on the street immediately became crazy!

The power of this virtual flash is so powerful that it completely destroys the entire street behind Lin Feng. The houses on both sides of the street have been bombarded in half, and they are still braving the raging flames. The police sirens immediately sounded, and police cars and fire engines all rushed to this place in Lin Feng.

Looking at the position where Lin Feng stood just now, there is nothing more, it seems that the virtual flash that Neutra made just now has wiped out Lin Feng's whole person.

"Haha, what a shit, Lin Feng, didn't die in my hands in the end! I'm the first of the ten blades!"

Neutra laughed frantically, wiped his tongue with his hand, and put it back.

Unexpectedly, this Lin Feng couldn't bear his own virtual flash. Lord Lan Ran told him all nonsense before, this Lin Feng was not enough to make him jealous.

"Who died in your hands?"

The sound of footsteps came out from behind Neutra, and he was taken aback. Neutra slowly looked back and saw a figure that looked like Lin Feng, walking away from him. , And he also put away his blood-stained Zanpaku knife.


Seeing the blood on Lin Feng's Zhanpaku Knife, Neutra suddenly woke up and looked down at every part of her body, as if there were no traces of being chopped off, even he did not feel any pain.

"Are you thinking why it doesn't hurt?"

Lin Feng turned his head and smiled at Neutra. In Neutra's eyes, this was more scary than Master Aizen's smile.

"Don't pretend to be there anymore!"

Neutra bit the bullet and said, although he could feel that something bad was attacking him, but he couldn't tell where he was injured, or that Lin Feng was just lying to him. That's it, there is no injury at all on his body.

"is it?"

Lin Feng smiled coldly and raised his right hand.

"Then let me tell you where you got hurt."

Lin Feng's right hand snapped his fingers, and suddenly a strange feeling spread into Neutra's heart.

This feeling was as if a needle had been inserted in his heart. The deeper he inserted it, the more painful he felt. In the end, he finally couldn't stand it and shouted.


There was a faintly perceptible sound from Neutra’s hand. He looked down and saw that his hand did not know when a horizontal line was added, and then a whole section from this horizontal line went down. The arm actually fell to the ground, and blood spurted out!

Not only that, but even on his remaining five arms, this horizontal line also appeared, and the five arms also detached from his body.

I don't know when it started, Lin Feng unexpectedly chopped off all his six arms!

Six double-edged sickles fell to the ground at the same time, making a loud noise.

"How about, I didn't lie to you?"

Lin Feng smiled at Neutra. When the virtual flash came over just now, he had already flashed and came to Neutra's side. The Zanpaku knife in his hand was waved, just before he hadn't noticed it. Under the circumstances, he chopped off all six of his hands, and then appeared behind him.

It didn’t go beyond a second, if he wanted to, the cut just now could make Neutra’s head fall to the ground, but he wanted to play with Neutra more, so he kept it. He lives.

"Sure enough... it's still amazing..."

Neutra lowered his head halfway to prevent people from seeing his facial movements clearly. His body began to twitch from a slight twitch to a violent shaking. Then he suddenly raised his head and laughed out loud.

"Lin Feng, you really deserve to let me fight to the death!"

Neutra is not afraid of physical pain at all. Compared to pain, he pursues pleasure, the kind of blood spurting from the wound, the incomparable pleasure!

"Speeding regeneration!"

Seeing that Neutra finished shouting, his six arms immediately began to grow back quickly from the place where they were cut off, picking up the six double-edged sickles on the ground and turning them into a six. Arm mantis!

"Haha, Lin Feng, just wait to die."

Neutra's eyes were full of madness, even full of scarlet bloodshot eyes. He hadn't been able to fight so happily for a long time. Even if he might die here, he didn't have any fear!

Neutra's footsteps changed from slow to faster, and at the end, there was even a sound of wind blowing in front of Lin Feng. Six sickles, like an old man hoeing the ground, slashed towards Lin Feng quickly.

The simultaneous chopping of six sickles is not something ordinary people can follow. Of course, this ordinary person does not include Lin Feng.

I saw Lin Feng pulling out his Zan Poknife again, quickly blocking all the slashes of the six sickles at an incredible speed.

Not only that, even Lin Feng's whole person looks like a man with ease.

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