Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 162: I want to hit ten!

"is it?"

Lin Feng stood up and walked towards Hirako Mako.

Liuche Quanxi and the others tightened the Zanpaku Knife tightly. If Lin Feng had any action against Hirako Mako, they would immediately rush to kill Lin Feng.

Even Matsumoto Ranju and Banmu became serious, and they were ready to fight. The other party was someone who had been in the Reaper Division before and hadn’t seen each other for so long, maybe they too. What new tricks have been practiced.

"How about this, I will help you get rid of Aizen, and then..."

Lin Feng put his hand on Mako Hirako's shoulder, and whispered into his ear.

"Then... how about returning you to the Death Division?"

Hirako Mako's eyes froze for an instant, but Lin Feng unexpectedly offered such a condition.

They have been expelled from Jinglingting for so long. Although they have hated Jinglingting, it does not mean that they have no feelings for the Death Division, especially when they think of the partners who have worked with them before. Lost feelings were born in his heart immediately.

And Lin Feng actually said that he could bring them all back to Jingling Court. I have to say that this is really a very big temptation for Hirako Mako and the group of chaos.

"Why are you helping me like this?"

Hirako Mako asked, he and Lin Feng are not familiar with him at all. If Matsumoto Ranju came to say this to them, he would still be able to figure it out, but when it came out of Lin Feng’s mouth, it seemed to have become Like a conspiracy.

Especially Lin Feng's smiling face is even more incredible.

"Why help you?"

Lin Feng sneered and withdrew his hand.

"There is no free lunch in this world. If I helped you, you have to help me."

"Can I help you? What can I help you? Do you want me to teach you how to become a bad face?"

Mako Hirako asked, except that they can become shameless, they have no value at all. When Lin Feng asks them for help, what can they do?

"Well, I can't reveal it to you for the time being, I'll talk about it later."

Lin Feng laughed and looked at Hirako Mako.

"How is it, did you agree?"

Hirako Mako looked at Lin Feng, thinking about it in his heart. This guy just defeated Saru Shiri Shiri, and logically speaking, the two sides have become enemies.

But the conditions that Lin Feng put forward were really too tempting. If he didn't agree to it, I'm afraid I won't have this opportunity in the future.

"How is it? The conditions I gave should be rich enough, right?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, he wouldn't worry about Hirako Mako's answer. This is just a game. Even if Hirako Mako doesn't agree, it just makes the game a little boring.

"Want me to agree?"

Hirako Mako suddenly lowered his head and slowly drew out his Zanpaku Knife, wearing a skull mask on his face, and sneered at Lin Feng.

"If you want me to agree, then let me see your strength first!"

After all, a huge amount of spiritual pressure erupted from his body. In addition, Liucha Quanxi and You Zhaotian Boxi also shot out one after another, turning into a broken face, facing Lin Fenghe Matsumoto Ranju, a corner of the class three people rushed over.

Matsumoto Ranju played against Aikawa Rabu, and the corner of Banmu faced Fengqiao Lou Juro, but in front of Lin Feng, there stood three people: Hirako Mako, Liucha Kenshi and Akida Hachishi!

"Captain Lin Feng!"

Matsumoto Ranju gave a soft drink and looked at the three shameless faces standing in front of Lin Feng. Can he handle the three shameless faces alone? Even when she dealt with Aichuan Luowu alone, without lifting the restrictions, she felt strenuous, let alone Lin Feng!

"Huh? It's okay."

Lin Feng waved his hand at Matsumoto Ranju and laughed lightly.

"Just go and deal with other people. Leave these three people to me."

Seeing the three people in front of him, Lin Feng was not afraid at all. Instead, he rubbed his hands and did warm-up exercises at this time.

Don't say it is three people, all the face-offs will not be his opponents.


Hirako Mako sneered, whether this Lin Feng was really stupid or fake, if he were an enemy, I am afraid he would rush towards Lin Feng now and severely wound him.

"Captain Lin Feng, since you said you can help us kill Lan Ran, then the three of us will deal with you, so surely you can also stop it?"

"Oh, it's okay, it doesn't matter if you have more."

Lin Feng curled his mouth and said, beginning to massage his legs.

The look that didn't look at people in his eyes made Liucha Quan immediately angry, and said with a cold snort, "It's a big tone, just the three of us are enough to handle you."

Akita Hatani also nodded aside.

"Captain Lin Feng, sometimes don't talk too much, otherwise you will be easily hurt."

"is it?"

Lin Feng finished the warm-up action, beckoned to the three of Hirako Mako, his eyes became sharp.

"Then you guys have a try."

He just finished speaking, Hirako Mako and Liucha Quanxi immediately used a flash step to rush towards him, while Akita Hachimani stayed in place, using his own proud ghost way, using knot Jie shut Lin Feng inside!

"The dust will be wiped out! Broken ground wind!"

Liuchequan roared, and as soon as the Zhanpakukout was out, Han Guang flashed into Lin Feng's eyes.

At the next moment, the barrier that temporarily held Lin Feng was suddenly opened by Zhaotian Boxi. Liuche Quanxi took the opportunity to pierce Lin Feng's chest with the Zanpodao.

As for Lin Feng, he was still tapping on the barrier he was imprisoned, and said curiously: "This barrier is much stronger than the one that covered the house just now."

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