Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 170: The murderer is exposed!

"What are you thinking about?"

Before the corner of Madarame could react, Lin Feng's hand was already on his shoulder, and the corner of Madarame became anxious, and immediately hit Lin Feng's stomach with a heavy fist.

Before his fist touched Lin Feng, Lin Feng flew over and kicked the corner of Madarame a few meters away. Then, before he could react, he suddenly appeared above his head.

"Since you have no other tricks, go down and accompany Nieyinmeng."

Lin Feng's cold voice came into Madara's ears, and it was like a ghost that could not dissipate.

The next moment, Lin Feng's right foot bends suddenly, revealing his knees, like a missile spewing out at a speeding speed, towards the top of Madara's head.

At this point, a corner of Madarame's body immediately buried most of it!

Blood came out of his nose and ears. Lin Feng's hit on the top of his knees directly shattered the bones in his head. His brain shook, and the corner of Madaramu lost his life in an instant, turning like a dead fish. He rolled his eyes and his body softened.

Under the torrential rain, the blood from the corner of Madarame also slowly flowed along the water, and the whole person became pale, looking like a dead body soaked in the water for several days.

"Is anyone here again?"

Lin Feng's eyes looked forward to the left. A few hundred meters away there was a figure rushing over quickly.

"Forget it, let him collect the corpses for these two people."

After all, Lin Feng's figure flashed and disappeared in this deadly place.

At the same time, Matsumoto Ranju rushed over.


From just now, she felt that the aura at the corner of Madarame had become extremely unstable, from the initial hugeness to the final disappearance, it lasted only a few minutes in total.

The disappearance of Reiatsu can only prove one thing, and that is that Madarame has died in battle.

Although Matsumoto Ranju didn't want this to happen in her heart, she turned her gaze and found a corner of Madame who was half of her body buried on the ground.


Matsumoto Ranju covered her mouth hard, not knowing whether it was tears or rain, which kept streaming down her face.


The next day, in the first high school in Kanzacho.

"Why did Matsumoto and the others go back again?"

Kurosaki Ichigo glanced at the desks around him. Except for Lin Feng, the other gods of death did not come.

"Hey! Lin Feng, where did Matsumoto and the others go?" Kurosaki Ichigo asked.

Lin Feng lay on the table without even lifting his head and said to Kurosaki Ichigo, "How do I know?"

At this time, Lin Feng's command magic machine in the desk suddenly rang.

This command divine machine was brought by Nieyinmeng after he became the captain of the 12th division, but he had never followed the information sent by this command divine machine.

"Notice: The Deputy Captain of the 12th Division Niyinmeng and the third seat of the 11th Division Madarame have died in the line of duty. I hope that all members of the Reaper Division will come back to participate in the funeral ceremony!"

"Team funeral ceremony?"

Lin Feng sneered, and threw the magic command machine back into the desk, ignoring the notice above.

At the same time, in the corpse soul world quiet spirit garden, under the raging fire, the corpses of Niiyinmeng and Madarame were burned.

The captains and deputy captains of the squadrons stayed where they were, and did not disperse for a long time.


Ayasegawa Yumi hit the ground with a fist, and covered his head with his hand, so that no one would notice that his tears were falling.

"Who is it that killed Madarame and Niyin!"

Matsumoto Ranju looked at Yuki from the side and sighed quietly.

"I don't know who did it. By the time I arrive, both of them have already..."

At this moment, a voice came from behind.

"I know who did it!"

When everyone looked back, it turned out that it was Young Sentao's raised hand.

"Deputy Captain Hinamori, do you really know who did it?"

Kuchaki Byakuya looked over coldly, as if asking Hina Mori Tao.

Young Sentao put her hand down and said hesitantly.

"Who did it?" Matsumoto Ranju asked.

"Captain Lin Feng did it!"

As soon as Young Sentao said these words, the faces of everyone present immediately turned pale.

"Young Sen, you can't talk nonsense about this!"

"How could Captain Lin Feng do such a thing!"

Hearing everyone's voices, Hina Sentao bit her head and retorted.

"I didn't talk nonsense! Deputy Captain Nieyin just wanted to go to Captain Lin Feng to ask about Captain Neyuli in this world, so he couldn't come back. Who else could be beside him!"

Everyone's body halted, but the voice that was originally prepared to refute Hina Mori Tao did not say anything.

"You mean, not only the corner of Nieyinmeng and Madarame, but also Captain Nieyuli died in Lin Feng's hands."

Matsumoto Ranju's eyes were full of shock. She and Lin Feng have been together for so long and there has been no entanglement, but now, everything points to Lin Feng alone, and she has to believe it.

"Yes, except for the two of them, the disappearance of the other captains has nothing to do with Captain Lin Feng!"


For a while, everyone became panicked, and everyone did not expect Lin Feng to be such a person.

"Captain Hisugaya used the Hell Butterfly to send me news that Captain Lin Feng and Captain Aizen had an affair..."

"No wonder... I feel weird!"

Ayasegawa Yum stood up, and drew out his Zanpaku Sword.

"I'll go find him now!"

"I am coming too!"

"Never let this Lin Feng go!"

All of a sudden, everyone wanted to come to this world, to arrest Lin Feng and ask the crime.

"Everyone, stop for me!"

Suddenly a deafening sound rang out.

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