Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 174: Earth-shattering!

Seeing Jianba even more excited, Lin Feng casually said: "Yes, it's amazing, let's go, I'm too lazy to know how to do it."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Gengmu Jianba's face immediately turned greenish. He thought that when he released all his power, Lin Feng would look at him squarely, but it doesn't look like that now.

"Very well, then I will let you taste the worst pain in the world, and send you to hell!"

After all, Gengmu Jianba's instant step flashed, and he appeared in front of Lin Feng, stabbing him in the stomach with a knife.

There was no expression on Lin Feng’s face, and no one noticed. His speed was much faster than that of Jianba. Before the Zan Po Dao stabbed, Lin Feng’s hand was already pressed. It's in the hand of Gengmujianba holding a sword!

With a wave of Lin Feng's other hand, the evil spirit of Zan Po Dao slashed across Geng Mu Jianba's body, and a blood stain splashed out!

"I should have sent you to hell."

Lin Feng's voice rang next to Geng Mu Jianba's ears, and before he could react, Lin Feng flew again and kicked him out.

With this kick, several tall buildings collapsed!


Gengmu Kenpachi rushed out of the stone that buried him, and flew into the sky.

Suffering losses in Lin Feng's hands one after another has turned him into a frenzied state, regardless of whether there is anyone around, he held his Zanpo Dao in both hands, concentrated all his strength and swung towards Lin Feng. , A golden spiritual pressure converged into a giant slash, magnifying it in Kazamachi!

"Sword...Two breaks!"

Gengmu Jianba drank with this sound, and the golden giant cut went down, wherever it went, the air became very hot. When it came across this giant cut, it was either annihilated or split in two. half!

"This sword pressure..."

Seeing the sword pressure made by Mengmu Jianhachi, Ichimaru Gin's heart jumped unconsciously. Even he was so far away, he could feel the heat of this sword pressure, as if from Like the magma rising in hell, if an ordinary person touches it, their fingers will be burned directly.

"It seems that this Lin Feng doesn't need us to act."

Ichimaru Gin murmured to himself that Lin Feng was under the sword pressure from Gengmu Swordsman, but he didn't seem to have the idea of ​​running away, as if he wanted to press the sword on his own.

In the eyes of Ichimaru Gin, even if Aizen was hit by a sword, he would become disabled, not to mention Lin Feng. With this sword, Lin Feng would immediately disappear in this world!

But when he was thinking about this, he didn't notice the Lin Feng below, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A white light flashed, and Kuza-cho lit up a big lamp, and the dark sky instantly became brighter!

However, this brightness was only maintained for a while. The next moment, from the explosive storm centered on Kenhachi and Rinfeng, it swept across the entire Karaza-cho, spreading hundreds of meters. The energy to continue the impact is gone.

In some places close, the entire roof, billboards, and even the big tree rooted on the ground blew up, driving towards the distance. Some people in the distance saw only a fiery red mushroom cloud charging. After getting up high in the sky, a deafening explosion sounded after a while!

The entire Kuza Town was in chaos. A large number of police cars and fire engines appeared. Everyone hid in some safe places in the corner. When the people are in panic, the world is ruined!

"damn it!"

Kisuke Urahara cursed secretly, and his steps to rush to Lin Feng stopped. It was still important to temporarily stabilize the situation in Kuzacho. He didn't have time to take care of Lin Feng and the others.

"You guys don't cause me any big trouble..."

Kisuke Urahara took a deep look at Lin Feng's direction, then used a flash step to rush to the place where the crowd was rioting.

At the same time when Kuraza Town became turbulent, the battlefield of Lin Feng and Kendaki Kenpachi had directly turned into a clearing area, exposing the dark brown ground under the floor, spreading out from the center point, with a diameter of 100 Mi's place was completely wiped out by Gengmu Jianba and turned into ashes, which shows how powerful this move is!

Ichimaru Gin and Zomali Lulu also reappeared on the ground. If they didn't hide, they would have been destroyed like those tall buildings.

"This trick... really powerful!"

Shimaruyin looked at the land, filled with a breath of silence. Except for Gengmu Jianba, there was no other living thing, let alone Lin Feng, who had completely disappeared.

"Huh, did you finally kill him?"

Gengmu Jianba looked around and didn't find Lin Feng's figure. He breathed a sigh of relief, and put the Zan Po Dao on his shoulder.

If it wasn't for Lin Feng's ignorance and didn't avoid his sword pressure, I am afraid that he would be killed now. Now he has no power to bind a chicken. As long as Ichimaru Yin does his hands, he can immediately make others head to the ground.

"It's really a good trick."

Suddenly Lin Feng's voice came out faintly, and even Mu Jianba was shocked.


Gengmu Jianba reacted quickly, thinking about turning around to deal with Lin Feng, but a Zanpaku knife had passed through his body silently, and emerged from his stomach!


Lin Feng's Zhanpei Dao twisted, and Mu Jianba immediately spit out blood from his mouth, which was also mixed with a lot of internal organs.

"how is this possible!"

Zomali Lulu was also taken aback, but he didn't expect Lin Feng to be wiped out!

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