Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 273: Lin Feng personally led the team

"What? But... But we still have injuries on our bodies, how can we go out and perform tasks!"

After hearing what Lin Feng said, Makarov said anxiously, at this time, he also sent people from the guild out, wasn't it just for the death of General Six Devil?

"Don't worry, there is only one person in the Demon Cat Inn. You have me with you, so you need to worry about these things."

Lin Feng said with a sneer, he could handle things like Generals of the Six Demons alone.

"You... want to go too?"

Makarov asked suspiciously. He didn't expect that Lin Feng, as the president, would actually go to battle himself.

"What's the matter? Can't you trust me?"

Lin Feng asked, but Makarov recovered.

"No... Since you led the team, that's fine."

Makarov whispered, although the strength of the six demon generals is indeed not small, but Lin Feng is the man who defeated their entire fairy tail wizard, except for Kildas and Mistgang!

If he were allowed to go, even the General of the Six Devils would probably be no match for his edge.

"If that's the case, that's fine."

After all, Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Elisa and others.

"Elusa, Naz, Gray and that Lucy, you will go with me to destroy the General of the Six Demons."


Elisa and the others heard Lin Feng's order and almost slapped up at the table, but before they stood up, a biting chill had already spread into their bodies.

"Why? You don't want to go out with me?"

Lin Feng's tone suddenly became cold, as if as long as Elisa and the others dared to say a "no", he could raise his hand to wipe them out at any time.

"No, they will!"

Seeing Lin Feng as if about to make a move, Makarov said quickly, glaring at Elisa and the others.

"Elusa, have you heard that, go with President Lin Feng to destroy the Six Demon Generals!"


Elsa and the others' expressions tightened, but Makarov would actually let them accompany Lin Feng on the mission.

"Nothing! Just do as I say!"

Makarov snorted coldly and said that the reason why he roared out was for the good of Elisa and the others. If Lin Feng was anxious, they might be killed.


Due to Makarov's order, Elisa and others nodded and agreed.

As soon as they finished speaking, they felt that all the chill surrounding them had disappeared.

"Since you all agreed, pack your bags today and set off tomorrow."

Lin Feng said coldly, lay back on the couch and closed his eyes.

If Elisa and the others didn't agree just now, he would never leave them in the fairy tail again, but would let them all stay in hell!


Seeing that Lin Feng didn't see them in his eyes, Elisa gave a cold snort and turned her head and walked out of the guild.

The rest of the people were the same, and went to pack their luggage separately.

Makarov looked at Elsa and others who had left, then looked at Lin Feng, and sighed sadly again.

"Damn it! This Lin Feng!"

As soon as Naz stepped out of the guild's gate, he immediately roared, and a flame burst out of his mouth, which burned all the weeds in front of the guild's gate.

"Okay, Naz, don't get angry."

Lucy sighed and said, she didn't expect that not long after she entered Fairy Tail, this guild was completely changed, and she had known that she would not have entered this guild.

"How can I not be angry, but Lin Feng, the guy who snatched the president of the old man and did it!"

Naz said with a flushed face, as if his head was about to burst into flames.

"Naz, Gray!"

Suddenly behind Naz and others, Elisa's voice came.

"Elisa, haven't you gone back yet?"

Lucy turned her head to see Elisa, she was also stunned for a moment. It was obvious that Elisa had left the guild earlier than them, but why did she show up behind them? Could she have been waiting for them?

"We will set off tonight to deal with Generals of the Six Devils."

Elisa said calmly, but Naz and the others were shocked.

"What? Elisa, don't we wait for Lin Feng?" Lucy asked.

"Why are you waiting for him? Only with a few of us can deal with the Generals of the Six Demons, or do you want to go with Lin Feng?"

"This is also..."

Lucy didn't speak any more. Elisa was right. No one wanted to walk with Lin Feng.

"Yes, as long as a few of us are able to deal with the Generals of the Six Devils! No need for Lin Feng!"

"Well, we will gather tonight!"

Elisa saw that everyone had agreed, she also nodded, and immediately ran back to the place she rented. The others also moved to rush back to pack their own things.

But Lin Feng, who was concealed by them, was still lying on the recliner, with a smile on his mouth.


It was night, the moon was dark and the wind was high, quiet and cold.

In front of the gate of the Fairy Tail Guild, a carriage was parked. The two horses **** in front of the carriage spewed heat from their noses, snoring, and a little bit in this silent night. Ripples.

"Have you not come yet?"

On the side of the carriage, still relying on Elsa's figure, she looked at the empty streets on both sides, there was no one.


It didn't take long for Elisa to finish her words. From the street in front of her, several figures of Naz ran up. Everyone had bandages on their bodies, but their spirits still looked very good.

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