Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 307: I am your president

"It's so long-winded, I feel so hot when I see you!"

Zhu Bi'an roared with anger on his cold face, and looked at Gray who was wearing a ball with disgust and shouted: "Stay away from my mother!"

"But, but!"

Gray was anxious with tears in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid of the cold. You can catch a cold without wearing clothes. Zhu Bian, you wear too little."

Gray lowered his head, a little shy, not daring to look at Zhu Bi'an, while Zhu Bi'an was black and kicked Gray into the air.

Naz and Hobbi, who surreptitiously hid under a table, looked at Gray with incredible expressions.

"That's... Hubby, are we wrong?" Naz said with a little uncertainty.

"No, we are not mistaken, he is Gray!" Hobby rubbed his face vigorously, he didn't believe it either!


Wendy saw this scene too, but she saw it from the doorway.

"How did Big Brother Gray become like this?" Wendy turned to look at the others, and suddenly saw Lin Feng having a drink with Macao.

"Macao's drink volume has increased a lot."

"Hehe, it's okay, young man, your drinking is not bad."

Macao's speech was already vague, and a mouthful of wine spewed out, his eyes blurred, and the bone head was softened into a spring.

The two of them kept toasting like a year-long acquaintance, and even Macao discovered how suddenly there was a young man he had never seen before.

"He...hehe, President Lin Feng can really go down anywhere."

Wendy looked at the feeling that the two met and hated it late, and she was already unable to complain.

"How fresh is the air today."

Kana wears a white hat and a pure white pleated floor-to-ceiling skirt, which looks very quiet and graceful, as peaceful as a white lotus flower quietly developed.

The sitting posture is dignified, the speech is elegant, and the little white hands are holding a small cup of black tea and smiling faintly, she is like a lady: "Everyone must get along well."

"Card... card..."

"Love! It's Karna!"

Naz couldn't utter the word Na for a long time, like a fishbone stuck in his throat. It was difficult to enter and retreat. Hobbit's Tang Monk spoke out from behind.

"What's the matter with them, why are their characters completely opposite?" Naz asked Hobby next to him in sweat.

"I don't know."

Hobby shook his body, their changes made him feel horrified and strange.

At this time, a familiar and beautiful face blocked the sight of Naz and Hobby, but this face was full of vigilance at this time.

"Who are you guys? How come you are here!" Lucy looked down at Naz and Hobbit hiding under the table with a vigilant face.

"Yes! Who are you?"

Macao's eyes widened, and his head immediately refreshed a lot, only then did he realize that the person sitting in front of him drinking with him was a completely strange young man.

Lin Feng's pure eyes rolled and said, "I am your president."

With his pipe in his mouth, Makaou didn't believe Lin Feng's words and said sternly: "Quickly tell! Who are you, aren't they from the king's army?"

"What! King's army, immediately kill!"

"First move the place, Leibi!"

"Wait, aren't you Naz!? Why are you here?" Someone recognized Naz.

"Yeah, look at her like Wendy when she was a child?!" Migne suddenly saw Wendy and pointed to Wendy with a surprised expression.

"They are... Transcenders!"

"No, how come there is a transcendence here!?"

As soon as the king's army said the three words, the scene seemed to be fried, and at the same time they saw the strange Naz and Wendy, and then Xia Lulu and Hobbit were discovered later.

"What about Naz?" Hubby looked at Naz and asked.

"What about Lin Feng?" Naz asked when he looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng glanced at Naz and Hobby for a few seconds, then turned his head and looked at Wendy with bright eyes and asked: "What about Wendy?"

Wendy was taken aback, she also wanted to ask Lin Feng what to do, but now Lin Feng asked her first; seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face Wendy suddenly understood that Lin Feng was playing again.

"President Lin Feng, why are you still teasing me? What should you do now?"

Wendy stomped her feet, her face puffed up in anger.

"Oh." Seeing that he had no time to play, Lin Feng stopped teasing Wendy, and said to the air: "Shut up!"

The sound is like the volume of a normal conversation, but there seems to be a strange power that makes everyone around you quietly shut up. Even those who are flushed from panic, their mouths are glued like a big bottle of super glue. Live can't make a sound.

"Naz, tell them the ins and outs of the matter."

Lin Feng graciously drank the beer in the huge beer glass in his hand, picked up a bottle of wine and poured another glass.

And the people in the Fairy Tail Guild of Adras looked at Lin Feng with horror, unable to speak, and unable to move their bodies, as if they did not belong to them except the head!


Naz responded and cleared his throat in a demonstrative manner and began to say: "Everyone, first of all, we start when we return from the battle of Nirvana..."


Speaking of Naz with a scream, a beer glass flew to the center of Naz's head.

"Stick to the point!"

Lin Feng said uncomfortably, without a beer glass, Lin Feng directly picked up a whole bottle of wine and started blowing.

"Oh, we actually came here to rescue our partner, and we are also members of the Fairy Tail Guild from Islandon..."

Naz began to talk seriously about a series of events, including Islandon who passed through the space rift and parallel world, and the tragedy that happened when the Fourth Demon Army of the Kingdom Army encountered Lin Feng after coming here.

After they expressed their understanding, Lin Feng unlocked that power.

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