Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 312: The power of spike

Lin Feng had closed his eyes and fell asleep, and didn't even hear Elisa calling at him.

Elisa smiled at this, and was not angry, she took out a wanted order and said: "Lin Feng, you have been wanted by the kingdom, let's catch it!"

"What? Lin Feng is wanted?" Hobby looked at the wanted order in Elisa's hand in surprise.

However, there are no photos of Lin Feng above, some are just text descriptions.

"Well, the transcendence?" Elisa only discovered Hubby and Xia Lulu at this time.

The people of Adras the Transcendant think they are angels because they can use magic freely.

Elisa looked at Xia Lulu and Hobby, knowing their mission, glanced at Wendy intentionally or unintentionally, and pulled out an inexplicable smile.

"and many more!"

A cold and strong voice came.

Everyone at the scene looked over, because the owner of the voice had to pay attention to him.

"Am I missing something?"

Lin Feng scratched his body, his eyes were still closed, but he floated in front of Elisa like a ghost.

Elisa looked at the sunny and delicate face. For some reason, her previous fighting spirit was suddenly extinguished by a basin of ice water, and she also found that she didn't even have the courage to look at Lin Feng!

Lin Feng's long eyelashes trembled, and slowly opened his wistful eyes, took a faint look at Elisa, and then snatched the wanted order from Elisa.

"What, let me see."

The old **** Lin Feng was there, like an old man, grabbing the wanted order and nodding while watching.

"What a shit!"

Suddenly, Lin Feng, who has a changeable temperament, yelled at the wanted order in his hand: "What shit! I'm only worth a few magic crystals! And why don't you want to put a handsome photo of Laozi up! No way, look at me! This violent temper won't cut him!"

Lin Feng pushed up the sleeves that didn't exist on both sides, gritted his teeth and tore the wanted order to pieces, and said angrily: "Moreover, the word written was printed by hand. It’s really ugly, like shit."

The people of Fairy Tail looked at Lin Feng.

"Is he angry at being wanted?" Mira tilted her head.

"I think he is sad and angry that he is wanted." The two old guys Macao and Minie said in unison.

"I think he should have opinions on the king's words" Gray said weakly, raising his hand.

"Have an opinion!"

Lucy gave three of them a punching bag fist, and said: "He is dissatisfied with the amount of his reward is too low! You fool!"

Macaomine and Gray raised a light bulb and nodded tremblingly in response: "Yes, yes!"

"Lin Feng is wanted?"

Naz, who did not know when he returned from the sky, said, the original hedgehog's head was blown back by the wind, revealing a shiny forehead.

Lin Feng on the other side was very upset, constantly cursing, or angry at Elsa, it looked like a commoner was framed by a corrupt official.

"Hey! What the **** is that stupid bounty, I'm just worth it!" Lin Feng pointed at Elisa and said unhappy: "You can find him, no! I'll find him, I want to talk to him life."

"Huh! You have been wanted. If you want to find our king, you can catch it with your hands."

Elisa smiled grimly, her face was fierce, thinking that the emotion just now was just an illusion.

"Oh? That shabi is your king."

Seeing Lin Feng stunned, Elisa thought Lin Feng was scared, and the Ten Commandments pointed directly at Lin Feng's throat and said sharply: "I heard that you killed the Fourth Demon War Troop in a flash. Let me teach and teach you today!"

Elisa's voice was loud, and Lucy and others on the ground also heard clearly.

"What! He really flew the Fourth Demon War Force?" Lucy's eyes widened.

"So what they said is true!" Zhu Bian was also shocked.

"No, it's the kid who beat Shugeboy?!"

Macao remembered that the craziest thing about drinking last night was Lin Feng, and he couldn't think of his thin body with such powerful power.

"You got it wrong, he beat the entire fourth team of the magic warfare." Miner corrected Macao.

At this moment, Lucy's eyes lit up and said to everyone: "Everyone is going back to the guild soon, Leibi charging is complete!"

"It's too late for you to escape now!"

Elisa sneered, and the Ten Commandments spear in her hand danced over her head to create a whirlwind, and ordered the soldiers around: "All the magic cannons will blast the fairy tail!"


Lucy looked at the muzzles and couldn't help feeling desperate.

The majestic magic power gave Lucy and the others an irresistible pressure.

Elisa looked at Lucy and their desperate eyes, feeling very relaxed, this feeling is her favorite.

She likes to enjoy other people's painful, helpless, desperate eyes, just like now.

"The Burst Gun of Ten Commandments!"

Elisa frantically mobilized the magic power of the Ten Commandments Spear, her eyes were solemn, and she looked at Lucy indifferently, with a smile on her mouth.

"No, let's just finish it like this." Elfman squatted on the ground and burst into tears.

Others watched as they burst through the air, flying in with a burst of destruction magic with huge explosive power, and accompanied by dozens of magic cannons!

Suddenly all of them were ashamed, and the joy just now was washed away. Only Lucy looked at Lin Feng hopingly.

Lin Feng said quietly: "Oh, did you forget something?"


"What!" For a moment, the shadow of the sword, light and sword, as the voice fell, Elisa suddenly changed, looking at Lin Feng in shock, her hand movement also stopped.

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