Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 344: A blow to gather the power of the world

"How should I say, what is this tattered made of, it breaks with a single touch."

Lin Feng waved his hand, scratching his head indifferently, looking at the Dragon Knight, but his eyes were looking at other places. The most important thing was that Lin Feng still showed embarrassed expression!

"Love! Lin Feng is actually embarrassed!"

"Is this an illusion!"

"Lucy, what are you doing, it hurts!"

"It's really not an illusion!"


Ufaster suddenly spit out old blood, if he beat Lin Feng, it is estimated that Ufaster would have rushed forward and tore Lin Feng.

"You vomited blood? As for, isn't it just a tattered one."

Lin Feng curled his lips, disdainfully, and muttered with a sideways face, "It's all old bones, it seems that ideology is very backward, isn't it just a tattered one."


Ufaster repeated these two words, and his voice popped from between his teeth, and the twisted veins on his head were about to burst; every sentence of Lin Feng was broken like a prickly needle. Into his heart, then unplug and plug, unplug and plug.

His pride was trampled on by Lin Feng mercilessly.

You know that Dragon Knight is his strongest hole card, not that there is one!

"Lin Feng! I want you to die!"

Ufast bit his lip, blood flowed out, and he drove the dragon knight desperately towards Lin Feng. His current reason was completely occupied by anger.

"If you can."

Lin Feng shrugged indifferently, and looked at the flying dragon knight lightly.

"go to hell!"

The dragon knight made a sensation with the long sword, and the huge power is very oppressive. If the strength is weak and the mental capacity is not enough, the person will definitely be restrained on the spot and unable to move.

"Don't show up with this kind of power."

Lin Feng put his hands in his trouser pockets, his clothes were blown by the airflow, and his whole body was as refreshing as clear water. Lin Feng's face was expressionless, facing the huge sword that was split, Lin Feng just raised his feet slightly.

"Go down!"

The giant sword struck, and Lin Feng flew it directly with one kick. The dragon knight seemed to have received an electric shock, and there was violent vibration and numbness in his right arm.

The arm was deformed!

Lin Feng’s legs and the dragon knight’s great sword violently collided. The moment of contact, the great sword splashed with sparks. Then Ufaster didn’t feel the cracks in the sword body, which spread to the entire mechanical dragon. arm.

Sit down!

Lin Feng withdrew the dragon knight with a powerful force, his eyes were as indifferent as before, and he calmly retracted his feet, looking down at the dragon knight's huge body falling.

"How could this be?!"

Ufaster in the cab couldn't believe the scene before him, but the pain from his body had to make him accept this cruel fact, and suddenly roared like a beast: "Impossible! The magic of the dragon knight." Enough, how can you not defeat a little human being?!"

"Besides, you have absorbed so much magic power. It should be impossible for you to have this kind of power! You must be the end of the battle now, as long as I..."


Ufaster hadn't finished speaking, but his response was a huge rock slammed down from above.

He also wanted to bear the stubborn resistance, and the carefully planned plan was not willing to fail.

"It's just driving a mechanical dragon. I really think I'm a god. Why don't you go to heaven if you are so awesome!"

Lin Feng was also falling rapidly, sneered at Ufaster's words, and sarcastically said.

That huge boulder was brought up by Lin Feng from the ground using space power.

"The Dragon Knight was beaten by Lin Feng!"

Almost everyone stared blankly at the two figures, one large and one small, which were rapidly descending.

Soon, the dragon knight's huge body smashed into the pile of rocks, the sound roared, and the rubble flew, causing a burst of smoke.

Lin Feng hovered over a hundred meters above the ground, looking at the cloud of smoke, he didn't mean to chase after victory, because he never needed it!

It has always been a chance for Lin Feng to give alms to the enemy to breathe!

"Are you capable of this? If that's the case, it would disappoint me too much."

Lin Feng shook his head, watching the smoke's wider and wider range, his eyes were really disappointed, the dragon knight's power seemed to have not met Lin Feng's expectations.

"It's not over yet!"

Ufaster’s screams came from the smoke, and what followed the sound was a thick beam of energy that shot through the smoke and hit the forest wind!

That light was full of violent destructive power, and it was not at the same level as the previous ones, probably no less than Dragon Lock Cannon.

"Lin Feng, I want you to die! Despair in front of the strongest destructive power!"

Ufaster in the cab was crazy, desperately outputting all the magic power of the dragon knight, and at the same time absorbing the magic power of Adras, the magic power alternated, and the dragon knight would soon be unable to bear it. .

"This attack has compressed all the magic power of Adras, you are dead!"

Ufaster grinned, then roared again and again. Two extreme emotions made Ufaster look hideous and terrifying.


Lin Feng faintly spit out two words, still calm, unmoved by the huge energy light of destruction as always, as if it was just a breeze in front of him, why should he be frightened?

"Why doesn't Lin Feng avoid it!?" Naz on the other side said anxiously for Lin Feng.

"Could it be that something accident happened? Lin Feng was imprisoned by the dragon knight with what power?"

Lucy speculated in a flustered manner, walking around unsteadily.

"Can Lucy stop walking around? We are all stunned by you."

Hobby was sticking out his tongue, and compared to the panic of the others, Hobby was not as worried as others, but still in the mood to tease Lucy.

Xia Lulu looked at the motionless Lin Feng in the sky, her brows locked tightly, she didn't know what she was thinking.

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