Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 368: The whole world is looking for Lin Feng

"Hehe! The mere flame of the dragon is a waste fire in front of the Flame God!"

The golden exploded Zankeluo stared at his single eyelid and narrow eyes, looking at Naz's roar with excitement, arrogant and did not go away.


The fierce and violent roar of the dragon violently impacted the forest floor. The surrounding trees burned to ashes in an instant, and the stones exploded.


Suddenly in the blazing flames, Zankeluo's unbridled laughter came out.


"He's actually..."

Both Naz and Habi were shocked. In the air they saw Zankroh bathed in Naz's dragon-slaying flames, and they were also devouring Naz's flames!

"It's really a low-level flame, it's terrible!"

Like Naz, Zankruo gobbled up Naz's flames and then attacked Naz in the air.

"Give it back to you! The roar of the Flame God!"

Zankruo swallowed Naz's dragon-extinguishing flames, transformed it into his own magic power in his body, and then gathered in his lungs to release it.

The roar of the flame **** is very similar to the roar of the Naz fire dragon, one is the dragon-killing magic and the other is the god-killing magic.

"Can't get out of it!"

Hobbi took Naz nervously in the air, watching the black flame surging.

"Habi let me go!" Naz looked at the swift black flame with firm eyes.


"Let go of me!" Naz repeated again.

"Love! I know it!"

This time Habi decisively let go of Naz. He believed that Naz’s dragon-killing flame would not lose any god-killing flame!

Naz lost the drag of Hobbi, and fell to the flame of the flame **** below, his fists raised his own flame in the air, his eyes were flat.

"Huang Yan of the Fire Dragon!"

Naz spins in the air, the flames of the left and right fists merge together, and the magic power is constantly output. The flames in the fists accumulate more and more, and gradually form a huge fireball. The huge fireball is full of explosive power, as if Is an extremely suppressed active volcano

Throwing Huang Yan's roar at Yan Shen down.

Suddenly, Zankruo's flame **** Black Flame was smashed by Naz's Dragon Slayer Huangyan, and Naz rushed towards Zankruo with a big fireball.

"It's pretty good, the flame of extinguishing dragon."

Zankrow praised Naz, but his face was obviously sarcastically smiling.


Zankruo's fists lit up fire like Naz, but black flames.

"The fire of extinguishing dragons!"

Zankeluo jumped up and punched Huang Yan, who was exterminating the dragon, and the two kinds of flames and fire magic powers were constantly competing and intertwined.

"Go down!"

Naz clenched his teeth and did not dare to relax. The beige plaid scarf around his neck was flying in the flames, and Naz lit up the flames, and the pupils in his eyes stared at Zankeluo.

"It's just a low-level flame that extinguishes the dragon!" Zankroh sneered, and there was a wave of ripples in his eyes, and he said: "Dragon Slayer Nazdorragnier, I ask you, Where is your cowardly president?!"


At the same time when they were fighting with Naz, Elisa and Miraj rushed to other members to check the situation, and they also encountered the seven members of the Devil's Heart.

"Where's Wendy!"

Elsa looked at Azuma, who was walking through the trees in front of her, and asked sternly. At this time, she was fully armed, wearing a black feather armor.

"Are you the fairy queen?"

Azuma didn't answer Elsa, she moved back and forth in the woods on her own. When she heard Eliza's words, Azuma stopped and said: "You say that little girl and a cat, they have been killed by me. "

Azuma completely killed Wendy in a second, blasting her and Dolan Bart into a mess, Azuma thought, and then he came here and met Elisa who came to look for Wendy.


Elisa's pupils shrank violently, she was holding the one-handed sword tightly, and there was uncontrollable anger burning in her eyes.

"I want to ask, where is your president, that is, the young man named Lin Feng?"

Azuma asked lightly.


At the same time, not far from the base area, Milaj met Rusiros, one of the seven families of the devil, just as soon as he found Elfman and Aba Gelin.

"You are a member of the Devil's Heart Guild."

Miraj asked first, and there was a man with eyes in front of it.

His hair was combed back, unusually shiny, showing an expression of studying things.

"Fairy Tail Demon Miraj, right."

Russiro pushed his eyes and said seriously: "I hope you are as powerful as a rumor."

"It seems that your investigation is very clear. What is the purpose of your coming here?"

Miraj guarded Elfman and Aba Greene behind him, guarding Rusiros.

"Hehe, for a man, for a great time."

Rusilos' eyes were fiery, looking forward to the horizon.

"This is the holy place of our guild. There are only people from our guild, not the one you are looking for."

"No, he is on this island." Russiros shook his fingers and said firmly.

Elfman and Alba Grim behind Miraj looked at each other in a sense of touch, and they invariably thought of the strange man they met in the forest.

"Sister Mila, we seem to have seen that person." Elfman said.


Miraj was taken aback, and suddenly looked back at his brother.


Russiros heard it too, and the eyes under the glasses shone with a gleam.

"That man is weird. We would have died if it weren't for Lin Feng." Thinking of that moment, Elfman couldn't help but still have palpitations.

"Lin Feng is here too!"

The corners of Russiros' lips curled up, thinking that there is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes.

"Well, he took that man away!" Elba Greene also said.

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