Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 373: There is a power called overwhelming power

Overwhelming Elisa in an instant, Brunot didn't feel any happiness. His expression became colder and colder. He expanded his magic power and planned to crush the forest here!

Elisa couldn't move, she could only look at Brunot with her eyes wide open.

"Go to hell, Fairy Tail!"

Gravity rushed like a pouring rain, and gravity was several times heavier than before. By this time, Elsa and the others would surely become meatloaf.

"Split Magic!"

Suddenly a beam of light shot from the horizon, hitting Brunot.


Brunot looked at the beam of light, and it hit him like this, causing an explosion.

As soon as Elisa and others relaxed, the gravity magic was eliminated, but after Elsa stood up, the others could barely stay awake.

"Just now, split magic! It's Kildas!"

Elisa was overjoyed, followed the voice just now, and she saw three figures flying slowly.

"Lin Feng!"

Elisa saw the slender figure in the middle.

"Split magic? It is also ancient super magic, say, who are you?"

The smoke on Brunott's body disappeared, he stared, looking at the person who attacked him with interest, while Lin Feng and Godzilla were directly omitted by him.

"Sorcerer of Fairy Tail."

Kildas also looked at Brunot coldly, saw the unrecognizable base area, and then looked at the other people who fell to the ground with bruises and bruises. He couldn't wait to go up and tear Brunot and quickly fell to the ground to check Gray and others' How is the injury?

"Elusa, where is Naz?"

Lin Feng didn't look at Brunot, but looked around.

"That idiot... ahem... went to find their president."

Lucy raised her head, squinted one eye, and looked very painful, as if she was in pain.


Lin Feng understood and nodded gently.

"who are you?"

Brunot could not help asking when seeing the other people looking at the young man with awe.


Lin Fengxi smiled and said, "Didn't you look for me, now I am here."

"You are Lin Feng. As expected, I told Urrutia that I was very young and I heard that it was very strong!"

Knowing that the young man in front of him was Lin Feng, Brunott looked at Lin Feng fiercely, and smiled cruelly.

"Do you want to challenge me?" Lin Feng glanced at Brunot with disdain.

"Not challenging you."

Brute stretched out his hand, his eyes opened wide, and exclaimed, "I want to kill you!"

"Godzilla, fan him!"


As Brunott finished speaking, he hadn't used his magic power yet, he only heard what Lin Feng said, and then a stubby grabbing shot came on him.

In an instant, Brunot flew upside down like a kite with a broken line, blowing a cloud of dust along the way, and stopped after hitting several trees in a row.

The image is very embarrassing.

"Unbelievable...believe it! The beast beside Lin Feng is so powerful!"

Kildas, who was standing next to Lin Feng, looked at Godzilla sluggishly. As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Feng simply and rudely let Godzilla hit someone!

It was too rough, Kildas thought, and couldn't help but shrank his neck. You must know that Brunot had blocked his crushing magic just now, and he was definitely not a strong one to lose himself!

Lin Feng's expression was faint, it seemed that this ending was something unexpected, and there was no need to make a fuss.

"How powerful is Lin Feng's pet?"

Elisa also found it incredible.

"Lin Feng!"


Brunott yelled and twitched his facial muscles, crushing all the surrounding trees into dregs, and then rushed over.

He felt that Lin Feng was playing tricks on him, and it was too despicable to send a pet to attack him while he was talking!

Fortunately, Brunot said these words silently in his heart, otherwise Lin Fengtie would slap him back into his mother's womb.

"Bah! What a trouble."

Lin Feng glanced disgustingly at Brunot who was rushing forward, raised his hand calmly, and... and then calmly manicured his nails!

"Black hole, supergravity ball!"

A dark magic ball condensed in Brunott's hand, and the surrounding air was sucked in.

This is Brunot's killer trick, even Hades has to face it carefully.

"Lin Feng, go to hell!"

Brunot smiled frantically, and the supergravity ball on his palm flew towards Lin Feng.

Kildas looked at the super-gravity ball, his face became dignified, he could see that the ball definitely contained terrifying power!

But Lin Feng is still calm and calm.

"Does he want to catch that ball!?" Kildas thought.


Lin Feng yawned and Brunotte had already arrived in front of Lin Feng.


Lin Feng's expression changed abruptly, and he raised his palm and slammed Brunot's head.


The palm of his hand directly brushed Brunott's head, and the whirlwind he brought up scattered his hair, and he stopped moving dullly.


Lin Feng carried a certain power in his hands, like launching a kind of energy beam, an incomparably huge beam of light blasted across a large forest in an instant, and there was no tendency to stop, it was still destroying it forward.

The beam of light was very dazzling, illuminating the horrified faces of everyone here.


After the last roar, Kildas Elisa and those guild members who were still sober saw a scene that they would never forget in their lives.


"Sirius Island... has been penetrated!"

"Hello! Really?"

The corner of Kildas's mouth twitched. This power was terrifying. In front of them, a semi-cylindrical trace with a straight diameter of 100 meters wide and a beam of light penetrated Sirius Island!

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