Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 378: Unstoppable footsteps

Everyone watched this scene blankly, feeling too horrified.

Before the power of the super-gravity ball burst out, it was squeezed by Lin Feng abruptly, and the super-gravity ball is not something anyone can touch. Except Brunot, it will be instantly crushed into meat sauce when touched by others. of!

"Yan Shen's dinner!"

Zankeluo was the first to react and saw the forest breeze coming slowly, and Zankeluo immediately spewed a large cloud of black inflammation, forming a fireball to block the forest breeze.

"Go away!"

But Lin Feng didn't move at all, he said two words softly, his eyes opened slightly, and the next moment those black flame fireballs all evaporated strangely and disappeared.

Lin Feng did not stop and continued to move forward.

"Really, you guys don't seem to play anymore, so go to Hades."

Lin Feng indifferently scanned the five of the seven family members who were still able to fight, and the vice president Brunot, Lin Feng didn't want to consume them anymore.

"Burst catch!"

Azuma rushed to Lin Feng first, clutching her hands into claws, and her claws could explode when fighting with people.

"A boring trick."

Lin Feng said lightly, indifferently in his eyes, waving his hand gently as if driving a fly.


Azuma was slapped by Lin Feng, flew from here to the other, and finally fainted.

The seven dependents of Purgatory, apart from Caprico being released by Leo, Kain Shikalu and Azuma have lost their fighting ability!

Who would have thought that the seemingly weak and weak wave of his hand with no strength contained such a terrifying force!


After seeing Azuma being slapped and slapped, Russius instantly encroached on his brain, his body trembled slightly, his emotions were a little out of control, and his initial calmness was lost.

Rusilos' facial features were slightly distorted, and there was an ahhhh sound in his mouth.

"Russius, calm down!"

Urrutia scolded Rusiros, but it was useless.


Suddenly a large magic circle appeared in front of Rusiros, and skeletons climbed up from the ground.

"Britia's, undead!"

Melty looked at the skeletons that climbed up from the ground, one by one filled with death.

"This is manifested by Rusiros' fear."

Urrutia watched the undead crawl out one by one, rushing towards Lin Feng with a goal.


Lin Feng sneered and kicked a small gravel under his feet vigorously.


As a result, the stone smaller than Lin Feng's fist, with a fierce wind blew all the undead to death, bringing up huge smoke and dust!

Lin Feng slowly walked through the smoke and dust, approaching the remaining few people.

"Damn it! How can your magic be comparable to my god-destroying magic! Kagutu of the God of Flame!"

Zankeluo was forced to panic, he rushed up, his hands opened, and a condensed fireball slowly enlarged in the middle. Unfortunately, he had not yet condensed a complete Kagutu fireball, and the warmth of his lower abdomen was felt. Let him slowly lose consciousness.

"how come……"

Zankeluo's throat was sweet, a mouthful of blood poured out, and he weakly lowered his head to see that thin hand inserted into his body.


Lin Feng took out his hand, glanced at the red hand, and rubbed Zancro's clothes with disgust, and said indifferently, "With this kind of power, you still want to kill the gods? Boy, stop dreaming. , Wash and sleep."

Lin Feng crossed Zankeluo, Zankeluo slowly raised his head, his pupils widened, his eyes were getting more and more empty when he looked at the sky, blood was constantly flowing out of his lower abdomen, and he was scattered all over the place, looking very much under the dazzling sunlight. Obviously, he finally lost his focus and his breath of life.

"Russius, how about my trick?"

Lin Feng smiled and approached Rusiros step by step, the red hand still dripping with blood.


Melty suffocated, seeing the scarlet dazzling blood felt dreamy.

"Don't come near me!"

Lusiros looked at Lin Feng and kept backing away. His nerves had collapsed. Finally, he turned and used the wings of Pegasus to quickly escape from here.

He is leaving Sirius Island!

"This can't work!"

The next moment Lin Feng appeared in front of him, put a hand on his shoulder, with a gentle smile on his face.

"So fast!" Melty exclaimed

"Lin Feng's speed is so fast!"

After Brunot got down from the air, he was stunned by the death of Zancromet.

"Russius, leave Lin Feng!"

Urrutia sensed something and shouted, but it was too late.

I saw Lin Feng's hand on his shoulder gently raised, taking away Lusiros's arm, and a warm liquid splashed out.

The ground was stained with blood again.


Rusilos stepped back a few steps, he stumbled across his feet in a panic, clutching his broken arm and twitching like a shrimp on the ground. His face seemed to be out of control, and his saliva was dripping, bloodshot. Eyeballs are raised, and the shiny back head is now messy.

Like a lunatic!

"Ha ha."

Lin Feng chuckled, and Feng Qingyun turned around and said, "Urutia, Brunot, Melty, now you are left. If you are small, you will get old."

Urrutia felt scared, and once again experienced the kind of helpless despair, his body was a little weak, but fortunately Melty was held back.

Melty supported Urutia and said to Lin Feng: "We won't stop you, and we don't want to kill you anymore, can you let us go?"


Lin Feng directly refused.

"Damn it!!"

Brunot was mad, completely ignored, all his magic power was exerted on Lin Feng's body.

"Gravity! Gravity! Gravity!"

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth was slightly raised, and he walked slowly, sinking heavily in the ground around him, but Lin Feng had no effect, and Brunot was even more crazy to output magic when he saw it.

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