Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 386: Old fox

Lin Feng appeared in front of Hades again in an instant, and Hades immediately covered his face with lingering fears, not to mention how fast it was.

It seems that he was beaten by Lin Feng to a deep shadow.


Lin Feng sneered, raised his leg in one go and kicked Hades away, and a dog came to gnaw the grass.


The huge impact of the abdomen made Hades hunched over, looking like a well-cooked Pippi shrimp, Hades coughed up blood, and the facial features were exaggeratedly twisted.

Hades flew out again.


Hades stood up tenaciously again, even though the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

He was clutching his abdomen, there was a shoe print there, barring his teeth, wanting to come to Lin Feng's foot made him very uncomfortable.

At this moment, he suddenly realized an important problem.

"Why do you still have magic power!?"

Hades looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

"Why can't I have magic?"

Lin Feng asked Hades in a daunting manner.

"That's because the Sirius Tree...recovered!"

Hades said, slowly looking at the Sirius Tree, but when he saw the Sirius Tree, he almost freaked out of his soul. Only the soaring Sirius Tree was still standing there, like It's as quiet as nothing happened.

"What happened? Obviously it collapsed just now!?"

Hades hissed and yelled, he thought he had been cheated.

Lin Feng looked at Hades, who had a tendency to go crazy, stretched out his right hand, his hair flew, his clothes stirred, and a strange force radiated from Lin Feng's body and controlled Hades.

"What happened again? Why do I feel that something around me is controlling me!?"

Hades' expression suddenly frightened.

No matter how hard he struggles, the power seems to put him in the water, but at this time he has cramps in his hands and feet, and can only sink into the water weakly.

In the next second, Hades felt that his neck was tightly clamped by a thin hand, and the weakness of suffocation disappeared, and he came to the real suffocation.

Lin Feng led Hades, then held Hades by the neck in one hand, flew up, and lifted him in the air.

"The magic of the devil's heart is no big deal."

Lin Feng shook his head disappointedly and looked at Hades who was pinched by himself.

" can you have such a powerful force! Ahem..."

Hades pointed at Lin Feng with trembling fingers, and Lin Feng suddenly strengthened.

"You are not the Black Sorcerer...and...nor the Dragon Slayer Sorcerer. There is no power comparable to black magic in the world. You..."

Hades said very hard, his neck was pinched by Lin Feng and his breathing was not smooth, and his eyeballs protruded.

Lin Feng faintly looked at Hades, who was getting more and more painful, and he would suffocate to death if he continued.

"Bah! Ignorance!"

Lin Feng's eyes condensed, his sword eyebrows and star eyes dazzling like a sun, he aimed at the airship below and threw it down.

Under the influence of gravitational acceleration, Hades's body directly smashed through the airship, and finally he fell into the core of the airship, panting next to the demon's heart.

A cool sea breeze blew in, and the refreshing feeling made Lin Feng breathe out gently.


Hades leaned on the wall, gasping for breath and coughing up blood. His face was also pale and terrible, without any blood, his old wrinkled and dark skin had no luster, and his dying white hair was like a withered grass. This is what an old man who has been over a hundred years old should look like.

"Seven family members of Purgatory cough... how's it going?"

Hades raised his head with difficulty, swallowing back the blood in his throat, the muscles of the lower jawbone of his face were tight, looking very strenuous.

"They? They are weaker than you. They don't fight."

Lin Feng waved his hands in the air and continued, "Two arms were broken, and one was accidentally killed."

Lin Feng was smiling when he said that, no matter who saw it, he would feel chilly and creepy. That was the fear that directly pierced the depths of his soul.

"……No wonder."

Hades was silent for a few seconds before slowly exhaling these three words.

He was struggling to support the wall, his eyelids were deaf, and he had to walk cautiously. Makarov didn't know what else he could do?

"Makarov, Fairy Tail is really powerful now!"

Hades smiled bitterly and dragged his own body towards Makarov, while Makarov stood still, even trying to get closer to Hades.

Lin Feng looked at Hades indifferently in the air, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"That's the strength of Lin Feng alone."

Makarov glanced at the forest wind in the sky before looking at Hades, his thoughts flowed, Makarov remembered the scene where Hades handed the fairy tail into his hands.

"Yes, Lin Feng, the new president is very powerful, so... you go to die!"

Hades shook his head miserably, looking sad for his own ignorance just now, but then, Hades soon showed his guilty fangs.

"Eyes of the Devil, Power of the Abyss!"

Hades approached Makarov, and the dark light in his right eye suddenly became louder, which was comparable to the law of the devil.

"It's not over yet! Quack!"

Accompanied by Hades's unpleasant laughter, I saw him cast some kind of magic: "Heaven's executioner is punished, the devil creates magic!"

Makarov was shocked, shocked by the vast black magic power in front of him, and couldn't help taking a step back.

Hades body is full of black magic surging, like a cloud, very evil, once it is contaminated, it may not be eliminated for a lifetime, and it will leave the root of disease for the future road of the wizard!

Gradually, those black magic powers condensed into individual individuals, and then they began to wriggle like evolution, and soon they began to form, growing fangs and sharp horns.


Makarov was startled by the sight in front of him in a cold sweat.

With the appearance of the first demon, soon more demons appeared.

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