Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 391: Did something that shouldn't be done

"It's Dolan Bart, he was sent by the Magic Council to find an opportunity to eradicate our undercover."

Naz said.

Lin Feng's hearing is very developed. Hearing their conversation, after knowing that it was the Magic Council, there was a rare flash of anger in his eyes.

"It looks like I'm going to kill the chickens!"

Lin Feng said sharply to himself.

"Bang" stepped on the space under his feet, and the air burst out.

Looking at Lin Feng again, he had seized his body and flew away, facing the shock wave of the super-large magic beam.

Lin Feng's body glowed, and a circle of light surrounded him.

It rushed out at extreme speed, like a bullet, directly penetrating the magic light from the middle to produce a shock wave, and it kept penetrating.

"Report that the magic beam was blocked by an unknown object!"

A soldier is reporting to the commander.

"What is it that can break the magic beam?"

The commander squeezed his chin and pondered, then turned his head and said to the other person: "Did you see what the behemoth is?"

"No, the distance is still too far. According to known records, there is no record of this behemoth in the heart of the devil."

Several people in white Phnom Penh research uniforms are using some telescope to lock Akunorokia.

"What's going on? Why are there so many unrecorded things all at once?"

When the commander was in distress, the frowning eyebrows of Dolan Barthe next to him suddenly spread, his pupils dilated, and he thought of someone.

"Lin Feng! That giant beast must have something to do with Lin Feng!"

According to Dolan Bart's understanding, Lin Feng is a mysterious person, and any bizarre things that happen to him can become logical.

Thinking about it, he thought of what Lin Feng said to him last time.

"Commander! See clearly!"

Just after Dolan Bart's words, the few researchers who looked like people immediately exclaimed.

A few people saw Akunolokia, backed up a few steps, their legs were soft, all of them turned pale, and their lips were purple, as if they were shocked.

"What's wrong with you!? What do you see?"

The commander immediately ran to the group leader who helped them and asked quickly.

The few researchers who looked like slumped on the ground. They saw Akunorokia, and they could feel the oppression of Akunorokia from so far away.

"What do you see? Why are you so scared!"

"We...we saw..."

The assembler is an old man over half a hundred years old, wearing a pair of black glasses, and looks knowledgeable.

He stammered, he couldn't stand the excitement when he was old, maybe it was the first time he saw a legendary creature and was excited.

The old team leader ventilated smoothly and said, "It's a dragon!"


The commander repeated, his body stiffened for a few seconds, and he looked at the old team leader and said, "You are not mistaken, Dragon? How is that possible!"

Dolan Bart also didn't believe it, frowning and looking at the old team leader.

You know that dragons are legendary creatures, and no one has ever discovered them. Although some people claim to have seen them, there are also lost magic dragons.

But those may be imaginary creatures fabricated by the ancients to satisfy their illusions or beliefs.

"You can see clearly, it's a dragon, a creature you've never seen before."

Dolan Bart also happened to say.

The soldiers around didn't believe it either, it was too mysterious.

"It can't be wrong!"

The old team leader saw that everyone didn't believe in himself, and said excitedly, even the glasses fell off.

"Our team leader made no mistake!"

At this time, his students one by one said to Dolan Bart and the commander as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, "That is a huge black dragon. It is a hundred feet tall, and its wings spread out to hide from the sky. , There is always a breath of death pervading his body, sending out a strong pressure!"

Thinking back to the scene they saw just now, their lips began to turn purple again, and their bodies trembled, as if they had been admitted into the abyss of death.

"They were right!"

Suddenly, an abrupt voice sounded, and the sound came from above their heads, and they immediately followed the sound.

"Lin Feng!"

Dolan Barth looked at the thin figure.

Tap your toes lightly on the highest point of the boat, and the air above it constantly blows Lin Feng's clothes, and his black hair moves with the wind.

Vaguely you can see the perfect curve and lean muscles of Lin Feng's upper body, which is even more perfect than a woman, and has delicate and fair skin.

The evil charm and handsome facial features are not as usual, and now they are all indifferent.

"Is he Lin Feng, so young?"

The commander saw Lin Feng for the first time, and only knew that a young man named Lin Feng became the new president of Fairy Tail.

"Dolan Barth, remember what I said?"

Lin Feng's expression suddenly changed, and the evil smile replaced the indifferent Toshihiko.

Lin Feng looked at Dolan Barth, eyes flashed with attractive streamers, and the corners of his slightly raised mouth added that evil intention.

Dolan Bart was stared at by Lin Feng, those eyes seemed to be able to penetrate anything, see through all of him, even the thoughts in his brain were seen through by Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, now is not the time for you and me to fight, the Magic Council orders you to fight with us against the heart of one of the demon of the Baram League!"

Dolan Bart bit his scalp, tried not to look at Lin Feng, and suppressed Lin Feng with the order of the Magic Council.

"You and me fighting? An order from the Council?"

Lin Feng looked at the corner of his mouth and repeated these sensitive keywords, and then smiled: "Haha! I have never seen such a funny person."

"What's so funny about this."

Dolan Bart said in a deep voice, his face gloomy.

"Why not funny?"

Lin Feng asked, with a mocking look on his face, and continued: "What qualifications do you have to compare with me? What ability does the old bones of the Magic Council have to order me?"

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