Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 405: Fear of Lin Feng

"Well, what then?" Lin Feng ate something wildly.

"Then it's the ranking of the Fiore Kingdom Guild in these seven years!"

Makaou hadn't spoken yet, and a full-spirited male voice came from the door.

Everyone heard the sound and saw two groups standing at the door of Fairy Tail.

"Snake Ji's Scales and Cyan Pegasus!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Why are they here?" Elisa said.

"You really are still alive, you are still so young!"

Jura brought Leon and the others in, looked at a group of familiar faces before him, and finally fixed himself on the young man.

"Jura? Why are you here?"

Makarov got up and stood on the bar looking at Jura.

"Some things." Jura said with a light smile: "There is also something about this year's Great Demon Fight."

Although Jura is tall, he is an approachable person, and he does not have the pretense of being a holy ten wizard. He is a very easy-going person.

"It's so wonderful! It's filled with a cheerful fragrance again, which makes me addicted to it!"

There was also a night of Cyan Pegasus with Jura, I saw him walking to Elsa with a bright rose in his mouth, looking serious, and the affectionate one kneeled on one knee exaggeratingly admiring: "Elisa still Such a charming fragrance!"


"Who is this!"

"Drag it out!"

Gray yelled at the others, Elisa had already drawn her sword.

"If you have something to say, don't fart."

At this time, Lin Feng said faintly, his attention and vision were always on the food, and he didn't even glance at them.

Jiula took a deep look at Lin Feng, his heart pounding, he still couldn't forget what happened seven years ago.

"Oh! Fairy Tail President is as young and handsome as ever!"

Seeing Elisa drawing her sword all night, her eyelids and nostrils grew, she came to Lin Feng full of anger, and they went to "harass" Lucy Milaj and the others on Holy Eve and White Night.

"You come here and finish your sentence, don't disturb me eating." Lin Feng didn't look at it all night, afraid that he could not eat after vomiting.

"Well, you are all there, so I told you about this, don't blame me for being direct." Jura put a smile away, his face was serious.

Naz and the others were so embarrassed when they saw Jura.

"You are too weak now!" This was what Jura said.

"What! We are too weak!"

"Are you going to compete with me!" Naz's fists immediately lit up the flames.

"Hehe, I'm quite courageous!"

Lightning flashed around Laxus, his eyes squinted at Jura, and Gray was the same, his body filled with cold, and his mouth was grinning at his senior brother Leon.

For a time, magic particles gathered in the guild, and the atmosphere of flame, lightning, and ice filled the audience.

"No, they are right, you are too weak now! And too weak!"

Lin Feng stopped the movement of his hand and drank the last sip of the wine elegantly. The mellow aroma stayed in his mouth. Unlike before, Lin Feng gracefully picked up the napkin sent by Miraj and wiped the food residue and oil stains at the corner of his mouth.

As soon as Lin Feng uttered a sound, everyone's eyes gathered on Lin Feng.

"What? Are you very dissatisfied?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows lightly, raised his head and looked at Naz, Gray and Laxus playfully.

Among the group of people returning from Sirius Island, the three of them most dissatisfied with what Lin Feng said.

Being watched by Lin Feng, Nazgray and Laxus subconsciously averted their gazes, not daring to look at Lin Feng.

They didn't say anything, but their expressions were still very unconvincing and stubborn.

"Haha, do you really think that you are very strong when you fight with Akunorokia? Don't be afraid of hitting you. That kind of roar is only a small part of Akunorokia's power. Play with you, or Akunorokia can kill you in seconds from the beginning! Even the reappearance of the fairy ball will be difficult to resist!"

Lin Feng ruthlessly criticized the Nazgray trio, and showed no mercy in front of the scales of the snake girl and the cyan Tianma.

The Naz and the three were blushing at Lin Feng's criticism, but they dared not refute Lin Feng.

Lin Feng glanced at Naz, Gray and Laxus one by one, and then said: "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth. If Naz, you defeat Wabakan within three moves, I will take you to Iguni. Lu, how is it?"

"Really!" Naz opened his eyes wide.

"Do you think I can't do it?"

"OK, alright!"

All the people present watched Naz confidently and slowly walked out to see the guild, and said that he would fight outside. Everyone also followed out with the heart to watch the excitement.

"How can Lin Feng have confidence? Naz's opponent is Macao?"

Makarov scratched his head, very incomprehensible. You must know that Naz was able to defeat Wabaka with a single punch before. It takes two moves to underestimate the enemy. After all, the magic of extinguishing the dragon flame is not used for lighting. .

"Makarov, many things have happened in the past seven years. We are all improving, but you have stopped for seven years." Jura said, and went out with Makarov.

"I heard that Cyan Pegasus is now ranked second?"

"Yes, and the first guild called the Sabertooth Tiger."

Makarov frowned as soon as he heard it, very strange to the name.

"Seven years ago, they were just a small guild with no name, but afterwards they became stronger and stronger after changing the president!"

Jura said solemnly, apparently being very cautious with this saber-toothed tiger, and continued: "Look at it. You will know how much you are behind later."

"Haha, Uncle Wakaba, be careful! Haha!"

Naz laughed confidently, hands on hips and shoulders shaking with laughter, opening his mouth, he could still see the flames about to eject from his throat.

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