Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 434: Dragons are extinct!

"It doesn't matter whether a pumpkin is a pumpkin or not. It doesn't matter anymore. The focus now is that you, a large group of people surrounded me. What do you mean? Do you want to bully more?"

Lin Feng waved his hand boredly, a little impatient.

"Huh! What do you mean!?"

The king immediately hummed, cleverly resolved the embarrassment, and got rid of Dolan Barthe's interrogation. The eyes that looked at Lin Feng now turned ill.

On one side, Dolan Barthe reacted a step slowly, watching Lin Feng's expression slowly change, and his nerves were slowly tightening.

Lin Feng even dare to slaughter the new Dean of the Magic Council. Is there anything in this world that he dares not dare to?

"Lin Feng, you deliberately damaged the public property and injured the inspectors for no reason. You must be deprived of your qualifications!" King Fiore said firmly.

"Deprived of my qualifications!?"

When Lin Feng heard King Fiore's words, he didn't seem to be annoyed at all. He raised his brows slightly, and watched King Fiore repeat his words with a smile without a smile. His eyes condensed and disappeared in the next second. .


Dolan Bart's expression immediately became tense, his heart raised his throat, and he kept turning around and looking around, trying to catch Lin Feng's figure.

While Dolan Balt hurriedly searched for Lin Feng, Lin Feng had already arrived in front of King Fiore.

"Lin Feng!!"

King Fiore was startled by the sudden appearance of Lin Feng, and took a step back in astonishment.

Dolan Bart heard the voice of King Fiore and hurriedly turned his head to look around, and saw Lin Feng as expected.

It's just that Lin Feng's face was expressionless at this time, and his smile was reduced, which made Dolan Barthes more afraid.

"Lin Feng, don't..."

"To shut up!"

Lin Feng didn't even look at Dolan Bart, but only highlighted two extremely cold words. Those indifferent eyes were looking at King Fiore, step by step.

Dolan Bart's heart burst, and he yelled badly. He had already used a begging gesture to talk to Lin Feng, but Lin Feng did not appreciate it.

When Dolan Bart still had to speak, Dolan Bart suddenly felt his neck very cold, and he stretched out his hand strangely.


Seeing the blood on his hand, Dolan Bart suddenly felt his scalp numb, and his face instantly turned pale, even faster than a chameleon.

A bloodstain that was as thin as long hair appeared on Dolan Bart's neck at some point, but the skin of his neck was cut and a little blood flowed out, and there was no danger to life.

But all this is enough to make Dolan Barth shut up. This is Lin Feng's warning to him. If he is troubled, the next second is to move his head.

"You... what do you want to do? Did you know who I am!?"

King Fiore slowly stepped back, leaving a few drops of sweat on his face. The elite guard soldiers behind him immediately surrounded King Fiore with their spear pointed at Lin Feng, but Lin Feng’s silent pressure was too strong. , A large group of them are slowly backing away!

"To be honest, if it wasn't for the fun of the Dragon King Sacrifice, with my temper, I would have levelled the entire Fiore Emperor!"

Lin Feng said cruelly: "And your smart daughter, if it weren't for you to have some value, the world would not need you for a long time!"

"You! You actually!"

King Fiore's body shook, his expression changed, his voice became trembling, and he pointed his finger at Lin Feng inconceivably and said, "You know the Dragon King Sacrifice!?"

"Oh! Smart, foolish, ignorant man!"

Lin Feng mocked the wind, his eyes suddenly radiated light, and King Fiore's eyes suddenly became sluggish when looking at Lin Feng, and he recovered after a while.

It was just that he seemed to see something frightening, his eyes became apathetic, and Lin Feng awakened in the end.

"The dragon... is ravaging the city!"

"You see, this world is not only known to you, don't take yourself too seriously!"

Lin Feng looked down at King Fiore, his eyes were indifferent and terrifying, as if a sharp sword flew into King Fiore’s eyes, and then said: "So do your job well, if I am in a good mood, maybe July On the seventh day, I will help you, otherwise the humanity of this world will be completely destroyed."

Lin Feng said very lightly, like a breeze whispering, Lin Feng passed by the dull-looking King Fiore, and the soldiers did not dare to stop him.

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Feng said coldly, and indifferently swept the mandatory detention troops of the Magic Council.

The people in the forced detention unit looked at Lin Feng, and a fear arose in everyone's heart.

Obviously only a good-looking young man was watching them, but they felt that the young man in front of them was very dangerous.

Unconsciously, they were afraid of Lin Feng, obediently giving way, this invisible and silent sense of oppression made them dare not put a fart.

Dolan Bart's heart beat violently, and he was also suffocated by Lin Feng's pressure. It was not until Lin Feng left that he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Keep yourself safe, don't overdo it!"

Suddenly a voice that was as cold as the cold snow of the twelfth lunar month rang in his head, and his body was suddenly cold, his eyes were stubbornly widened, King Fiore looked at Lin Feng's leaving back in horror, and Lin Feng showed him July Seven days in the future.

In the future, there will be dragons raging wildly in the city of Fiore, causing countless deaths and injuries. All the excellent wizards of Fiore will be defeated and eaten by dragons, and humans will become food for dragons!

That horrible sight made King Fiore's whole person bad, his clothes were soaked in an instant, dense beads of sweat continued to emerge, and then condensed into beads of sweat and slipped down.

"Who is he... pumpkin..."

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