Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 472: I'm afraid I can't help but hit you

"Which question should I start to answer you?"

Lin Feng pretended to be thinking, shaking his head and shaking his head, his lips curled, and he fell into contemplation.

"Are you still at the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts Field just the first ten minutes?"

The emerald princess had a sullen face and maintained a high level of vigilance. This vigilance was external, unlike the previous one that faced Geral.

"Yes." Lin Feng said of course.

"Then why are you here? The fastest way from the palace to the Fula bird performance venue is at least 30 minutes."

"The world is still big."

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth turned evilly, and his eyes looked particularly bright in the dark room.


The emerald princess stepped back in disbelief, her face was full of shock, she knew who Geral was talking about!

This young man in front of me!

"Does it need to be so surprised?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows, turned his head back to the magic crystal, watched the video on the magic crystal, and continued: "Look up and look at the sky more. Only then did you know that you are actually very small, because the world is big and people are There are many, so don’t think what you’re doing is awesome. People who are better than you have not yet come down from the sky."

Lin Feng's expression was faint, speaking as if he was ridiculing the emerald princess, or as if warning her of something, Lin Feng looked at the live broadcast of the big magic battle on the magic crystal without facing the emerald princess behind him.

"You knew already!"

Princess Emerald's face became paler and paler, she was really frightened by Lin Feng.

"To be honest, I am looking forward to the eclipse plan, so I will not stop you, you can rest assured."

Lin Feng shrugged his back to the emerald princess, and said with a slight smile.


The emerald princess took a deep breath. When Lin Feng said the four words of the eclipse plan, she had already determined that Lin Feng must have known what would happen on July 7.

"Well, second question, who are you?"

The emerald princess's heart beat very fast, maybe it was too nervous, or it might be that Lin Feng's words were too amazing.

"A lot of people have asked this question recently."

Lin Feng drew his ears and said, "I am me, contemporary Lin Leifeng."

"The third question, since you are not here to stop the eclipse plan, what is your purpose today?"

"Come to play." Lin Feng said.

The big magic battle performance on the magic crystal has already entered the personal pk competition. Although it is fierce, in Lin Feng's eyes, it is a level of playing mud, which is too boring.

"Don't be stunned, go, and look at the Eclipse Gate."

Lin Fengzhen got up and directly passed the emerald princess who couldn't keep up with the brain circuit, and walked to the door first.

On the spot, Princess Emerald widened her eyes and couldn't believe Lin Feng's words. Infiltrating the palace would take a life imprisonment, and deprive her of the wizard's identity, but at the same time, she would be sentenced to death!

And he actually came in just to play! ?


It was just that Lin Feng had just walked to the pile of rubble at the door, and accompanied by the sound of iron armor hitting the ground, a large group of iron armored soldiers surrounded the city, as if thousands of troops were besieging the city to attack Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, it really is you!"

King Fiore, who was inexplicably short, walked out of the soldiers, and the soldiers immediately gave up a path neatly.

Lin Feng, who was pointed at by several spears, was very calm, glanced at King Fiore disgustingly from the corner of his eye, and said nothing.

"Why are you here!"

King Fiore walked up to three meters in front of Lin Feng, saw the emerald princess inside, and hurriedly asked, "Emerald, are you hurt?"


After the emerald princess said that there was nothing serious, King Fiore looked serious and even looked at Lin Feng who was looking at the beautiful scenery of the palace with a sullen expression, and said in a deep voice, "Lin Feng, why don't you speak."

"I know this is your home, but can you stop talking like this? You look at what it is."

Lin Feng said, motioned King Fiore to look at his hands,

Lin Feng was squeezing his right hand with his left hand at this time, as if both hands had independent soul thinking.

"Your hand, what do you want to express?"

"Yeah, my hand, my left hand is trying to suppress my right hand, I'm afraid I can't help but hit you."

Lin Feng said in a helpless tone, in order to be more realistic, the blue veins on Lin Feng's right hand burst out.


King Fiore took a sudden step back. Although he didn't know Lin Feng very well, from the perspective of Lin Feng's behavior in the extended game, this guy can be very casual!

"Don't be afraid, it's too boring, so just come and see the Eclipse Gate."

Lin Feng smiled relaxedly, then turned his head and said to the emerald princess: "Let's go."

The emerald princess looked at her father, and after King Fiore nodded, she walked behind Lin Feng, and of course King Fiore would also follow.

"What's wrong? Don't you go?"

Lin Feng stopped, and Princess Jade asked suspiciously behind her.

King Fiore also looked at Lin Feng, rather than standing behind the emerald princess and Lin Feng watching Lin Feng's every move.

"The eclipse gate is right below here, you can go straight down."

Lin Feng murmured, No matter the three seven twenty one, he directly raised his foot and stepped on the ground.


The seemingly effortless kick instantly broke the hard edge of the talc under his foot, and then continued to sink downward.

Lin Feng, Princess Emerald, and King Fiore stood on the same stone slab in a rapid free fall.

"This is too messy!"

Princess Emerald is not a powerful person. The strong imbalance made her squat down unsteadily. King Fiore has a natural advantage and stood steadily, but his face looked very bad.

Only Lin Feng stood alone on the stone slab, with large and small broken stones falling along with him.

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