Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 486: It's time to visit the sword-biting tiger!

With a "bang", the palace in the distance felt a strong shock, causing everything in the palace to shatter to the ground, and the palace became chaotic for a while.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a deafening sound again, and King Fiore lost his balance by the strong shock and fell heavily to the ground.

"What the **** happened! The Knights go and see!"

King Fiore finally got up and stood up and said, he looked at the embarrassing palace around him with a look of surprise, and was very angry at the shock.

"Report to the king! This is a shock from the river bank outside the palace!"

A soldier hurriedly hurried over, walked up to King Fiore and helped him onto a chair and said.

"How can there be vibrations on the bank of the river outside the palace? What happened?" King Fiore asked curiously.

"King, someone is fighting over there."

The head of the Sakura Knights, Arcadeios, hurried to the dormitory of King Fiore, and before he could salute, he approached King Fiore and reported.

"Battle? Who is at war with whom?" King Fiore continued to ask.

"We haven't investigated who is fighting with whom for the time being, but what we can know is that the fighting place is very close to the hotel where Fairy Tail lives. It is estimated that Lin Feng was fighting with others."

Alcatelius reported to King Fiore in detail that the cold sweat kept flowing from his forehead after King Fiore heard it, thinking: "Does Lin Feng want to stop our eclipse plan tonight? Huh? Otherwise, why make such a big noise."

Suddenly a person appeared at the door of King Fiore's bedroom. This person was the princess of Fiore.

The emerald princess seemed to hear King Fiore and Alcateius at the door, and immediately interjected: "Father, don't worry, I guess Lin Feng is not coming to us this time."

King Fiore was a little ignorant, so he asked, "What do you say?"

"I stood on the window sill and watched when the shaking started. Although Lin Feng was not able to see who was fighting on the bank of the river, from the perspective of the magic of the battle, it was black thunder magic. It is probably Oru of the sword biting tiger. Ga."

The emerald princess continued to say with certainty: "So I am sure that Lin Feng is at war with Oruga, but we do not know why they are fighting together, but I believe that after the battle with Oruga, the sword bite tiger Lin Feng will definitely go to bite the tiger."


The strong tremor hit again. The difference from the previous one was that the tremor was very strong this time. It seemed that the ground was beginning to tear apart, causing everyone present to suddenly lose their balance and all of them fell to the ground for a while.

"Not good! Not good! A long pit appeared on the bank of the river."

A soldier came to the door of King Fiore’s dormitory out of breath, because the tremor was so strong that the soldier could not stand up at all, so he had to crawl at the door to report.

"Lin Feng! You good boy!"

King Fiore became very angry, he also fell to the ground, and the chair he had just sat on also fell off, and hit King Fiore.

After feeling the shock, Alcatelius hurriedly helped the king to sit on the chair again, and said, "I will send soldiers to catch Lin Feng!"

"Wait! Alcatel Osqin, you don't need to catch Lin Feng, but take Xue Nai of the sword biting tiger back to the palace."

The emerald princess hurriedly stopped Alcatel and began to explain: "There is a certain reason here."

"The eclipse plan requires the protoss keys of the twelve constellations, and Xue Nai happens to have the keys of Pisces and Libra. After Lin Feng is provoked by Oruga to fight, he will definitely go to the sword bite tiger to settle accounts."

"In order not to lose the initiative of the solar eclipse plan, we must take advantage of the chaos to bring Xue Nai into the palace when Lin Feng is making trouble with the sword bite tiger. This way we have at least two keys."

King Fiore hurriedly said as soon as he heard it: "Okay! This is a good way! If you tell me to go down, do what the princess wants!"

The emerald princess held up the skirt with both hands, and said after a small gift: "Thank you Father!"

Arcadeios saw the opportunity and said: "King, I will send soldiers to wait near the sword biting tiger, waiting for the appearance of Xue Na."

King Fiore shook his hands and said: "Okay, you go, and remember to clean up the river bank, this kind of vibration is probably destroyed by the forest wind and nothing is left."

"it is good!"

Alcatelius and the other knights of the Sakura Knights replied in unison, and led some palace guards and gendarmerie groups to set off.

At the fairy tail on the other river bank.

The shocks one after another, one stronger than one shock, could not interrupt the Fairy Tail celebration party.

Naz and Gray were still fighting and having fun together, Makolov was already drunk and unconscious, Mebis was already asleep, and could not feel the fluctuations outside.

At this moment, only Elisa noticed the abnormal vibration outside, and she deeply felt that this was the strength of President Lin Feng.

So Elisa put on her armor and walked out of the fairy tail hotel and walked in the direction of Lin Feng.

The riverbank battle.

It seems that because of the excessive energy impact brought by the palm of his hand, the water of Lin Feng's clothes was washed away together, and it was just as if Lin Feng had just taken a shower, his whole body was very refreshing.

Lin Feng glanced at the embarrassed look around, muttering to himself: "Who is that guy just now, I still don't remember, as if he only remembered that he was the wizard from the sword-biting tiger."

The thought that Lin Feng remembered the president of the sword-biting tiger Jerman, the old man with only anger in his eyes, made Lin Feng feel very upset.

"It's time to visit the sword-biting tiger."

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth curled slightly, revealing a subtle smile, which was full of cynical feelings, but also revealed a terrible breath.

With an "instigation", Lin Feng disappeared on the bank of the river. ..

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