Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 489: Runaway

Lin Feng's right hand slowly hit Jerman's abdomen. At this moment, due to the excessive energy impact, a light wave was generated on Lin Feng's right fist and blasted into Jerman's abdomen, even passing through Jerman's abdomen!

Excessive energy swept everything behind Germaine after passing through Germaine's abdomen, and made a deep dent on the ground.

The rubble was also rolled up, shrouded in this wave of light!

With a "boom", a big hole was once again made in the hotel lobby, even dividing the street in half!

At this moment, a terrifying cry for help was heard in this energy wave: "Help me! Sting!"

This is the call of Sting’s transcendence partner Recht!

When Sting heard it, he stood up and rushed to the light wave to see a black kitten figure, watching Sting stretch out his hand for help in pain.

When Sting saw this, he leaped forward and stretched out his right hand to rush into the light wave to rescue Reckett, but it was too late. After a light wave flashed, everything disappeared. .

Sting saw his most important partner Reckett disappear in front of him with his own eyes, and he knelt to the ground facing the figure of Reckett who was just still in pain.

Suddenly Sting got angry, and rushed to Lin Feng with tears and resentment on his face and shouted: "Lin Feng! I'm never ending with you!"

"Fist of the White Dragon!"

Sting's right hand was wrapped with a white halo, and he hit Lin Feng's abdomen.

Seeing Sting rushing over so desperately, Lin Feng stretched out his right fist and directly touched Sting's fist.

In an instant, the two fists collided violently!


A huge sound glowed in the air, and the white flash shining on the lobby of the hotel in an instant, only to see a white laser shot through the forest wind directly into the ground, and once again made a big hole in the floor.

Sting couldn't stand the blow of Lin Feng, and flew heavily to the ground, creating a pit around Sting.

Sting lay in the deepest part of the pit, spitting out a mouthful of blood, blood was constantly flowing out of his right hand, but Sting, whose eyes were covered in anger, still stood up with a heavy pain, and said: "Give me Reckett! You murderer who doesn't blink!"

Lin Feng came down from the air and looked at Sting blankly and said, "What are you talking about? I didn't kill your Reckett, and it's a cat..."

Sting's mouth was soaked in blood, even so he slightly cocked, and sneered: "Don't pretend to be garlic! I watched you kill Reckett with my own eyes!"

What Lin Feng had no choice but to do was that he did not kill Reckett. He ran a train full of mouth and said, "I have always been an upright person, and I will never let a bad person go, but I will never kill a good person!"

"You calm down, I really didn't kill your Reckett!"

Lin Feng accurately stated his justice and position, but Sting couldn't listen to him at all, and said: "Don't quibble me! Take it to death!"

"Since you are so obsessed with understanding, don't blame me for taking action."

Lin Feng looked at Sting and said, and Sting had concentrated his whole body power on his right fist like to the death, ready to strike the final blow.

On Sting’s right hand, which was constantly bleeding, a magic circle was formed in the injured right hand. This punch condenses all of Sting, and also contains all of Sting’s longing for Reckett and for himself. Cannot protect Reckett's anger.

Obviously, Sting intends to die with Lin Feng, but this is impossible. Sting himself also knows that he cannot bring any harm to Lin Feng, but he is very unconvinced with his weakness.

Sting has made all the preparations, even if he can't kill Lin Feng, he still has to get Lin Feng injured, regretting that he just killed Reckett!

After Lin Feng saw that Sting was ready to die, he felt helpless, but he couldn't hear his words, and he couldn't help Sting see himself clearly.

Lin Feng had to make a counterattack. I didn't do anything wrong myself. Why should I be beaten by you? Then I can only blame you for not listening well to the elders.

Sting rushed to Lin Feng again, and Lin Feng was also ready to give a powerful counterattack. When Sting turned into a white light, he was about to hit Lin Feng!

In such a short moment, just when Sting was about to hit Lin Feng with his own death punch, Lin Feng saw a black space ball shining in front of Sting, and a figure appeared at the same time. In front of Lin Feng.

"Space Guardian!"

Minerba suddenly appeared between Lin Feng and Sting, her right hand extended an absolute space to stop Sting's fist.

"Stop it! Sting!"

Minerba shouted to Sting: "President Lin Feng made no mistake. Your Reckett is not dead."

After Sting heard these words, he knelt down on the ground and cried, "Really? Is my Reckett really not dead? Where is it now?"

"When Reckett accidentally hit a light wave from Lin Feng, I saved it with space magic."

Minerba looked at Stingdao with indifferent eyes. At this time Minerba seemed to turn to Lin Feng with a thoughtful look, and said: "I am deeply sorry for the disrespect of our own guild members. I am here. I solemnly invite you."

After Lin Feng heard Minieba’s sentence, he laughed and said, "I didn’t expect that there is such a smart person as you in the Tiger Bite. I don’t care about the villain. Sting is just a child. This time I don't care about it."

When Minerba heard Lin Feng's answer so readily, a smile appeared on his mouth, a smile that looked very harmonious, but it made people feel like a knife hidden in the smile.

Although Lin Feng could see the intention behind Minerba's sudden stop of Sting's attack, he must also know the little abacus in Minerba's heart, but Lin Feng, who had a completely game mentality, didn't care.

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