Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 577: Star Vegeta, die!


Hearing Frieza's roar, the Qi limit in his body exploded, forming a huge wave of air blowing into the distance.

The next moment, Frieza's figure moved and rushed towards King Vegeta.

"Good coming! Drink!"

King Vegeta yelled when he saw this scene, and his figure flew out suddenly, rushing towards Frieza.

At this time, no amount of words are useful. Only fighting can prove who is the strongest king.

"Fight, the more intense the fight, the better!"

Lin Feng looked at the two people who collided in an instant, and said with a slight smile.

Although this battle is destined to end in Frieza's victory, the process must not be so easy, after all, the current King Vegeta is not what it used to be.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Above the sky, Frieza and King Vegeta collided in an instant, punching them continuously.

Each punch contains a huge amount of energy, and when they collide together, it produces a violent impact, which blooms like fireworks.

It's just that this evenly matched state didn't last long, and it quickly changed.

After King Vegeta felt Frieza's true strength, he no longer kept his hands, and the 800,000 combat power broke out, and Frieza flew out with one punch.

"Frieza, dare to be called the king of the universe with this strength? Take it to death!"

King Vegeta laughed wildly, and said, looking at Frieza, who was completely wounded.

Then King Vegeta folded his hands together, and a huge gas bullet was formed in his palm. With a light swing, the gas bullet flew towards Frieza.


Frieza looked at the air bullets flying with a sullen expression, secretly thinking in his heart.

At this time, without being in the second form, Frieza would not be able to defeat King Vegeta.

Originally, Frieza thought that even if King Vegeta's strength skyrocketed, he would not be as strong, but now Frieza knew that he had underestimated the Saiyans. As a result, Frieza had even more thoughts of destroying the Saiyans. Is firm.


With a roar, a huge gas bomb hit Frieza's body directly, and the violent energy spread, and even if it was above the sky, it also set off thick smoke.

"Haha, King Vegeta, it is your luck and misfortune for me to see this attitude."

In the thick smoke, only the sound of Frieza's chuckle came out again, and then Frieza, who changed his appearance, slowly stepped out and appeared in front of King Vegeta.

At this time, Frieza's appearance did not change much. The biggest change was her body shape. If it turned out to be a short, then Frieza is now a giant, and her height has more than doubled.

"What? You can transform too?"

King Vegeta looked at Frieza, whose appearance had changed, with a look of shock on his face.

At this moment, King Vegeta could fully feel that the combat power of Frieza was actually higher than his own.

"This transformation is really random!"

Lin Feng looked at the transformed Frieza, with a chuckle on his face.

In this state, Frieza's strength has at least doubled, but his appearance hasn't changed much in Lin Feng's eyes. Except for his height, it's almost exactly the same as if he hadn't transformed.


The transformed Frieza roared, and his figure instantly appeared in front of King Vegeta, leaving only an afterimage.

Seeing Frieza kicked it out, King Vegeta, who was still energetic just now, didn't have the ability to resist, and was kicked out instantly.

"King Vegeta, go on!"

Frieza looked at King Vegeta flying out and said lightly.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

In the next moment, Frieza's figure disappeared again, only to hear the sound of bang bang bang, King Vegeta's figure was like a ball, constantly flying in the air.


After a continuous attack, Frieza roared, raised his hand and pointed, a beam of light shot from the fingertips, directly shooting King Vegeta through a blood hole.

"Haha, let you watch your planet be destroyed! Starburst!"

Seeing King Vegeta floating in the air dying, Frieza said lightly.

Frieza turned to look at Vegeta Star, one hand was gently raised, the qi from his body gathered towards his fingertips, and an orange energy ball slowly expanded.


After the starburst was condensed, Frieza flicked it lightly, and the orange energy ball flew towards Vegeta.

"Do not!"

Badak looked at the oncoming starburst and roared in despair.

I saw Badak's figure moving and rushed directly towards the starburst. He used to transform into a Super Saiyan with the help of Lin Feng. Now he feels that Lin Feng will not die for him, but still Will help him.

Unfortunately, he was destined to be disappointed, and Lin Feng had lost interest in him.

The huge starburst hit directly on Badak's figure, without a trace of stay, Badak was directly obliterated under this huge energy.


In the next moment, the starburst hits Vegeta star directly, and a huge firework blooms in the universe.

The once glorious Star Vegeta, the residence of the fighting nation Saiyan, was wiped out at this moment.

"Hahaha, King Vegeta, is this firework beautiful?"

Looking at the star Vegeta that was exploded into powder, Frieza laughed wildly and said to King Vegeta.

But at this time, Frieza's face changed, because he discovered that there was another person who was under the explosion, still safe and sound.

"Huh? You are not dead?"

Frieza turned to look at Lin Feng in the distance, and said in a deep voice.

"Of course I won't die, you continue to do your business, don't worry about me."

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said softly.

Frieza's character is like this. He wants to tease King Vegeta, so he blows up Vegeta star first, making Vegeta watch his planet destroyed, but he can do nothing.

But now that Lin Feng appeared, Frieza felt a little bit bad.

"Huh, pretend to be a fool! Drink!"

Frieza looked at Lin Feng in the distance, shouted coldly, raised his hand and waved, an energy bomb flew out instantly and shot towards Lin Feng.

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