Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 585: Longed-for goal

"That's the truth!"

Lin Feng looked at Monkey King who once again transformed into a great ape form, smiled faintly, and said softly.

The Saiyan's great ape form can make the strength soar tenfold, although it will lose his mind, but in this state, defeating the Great Demon King Piccolo is only a matter of minutes.


With a roar, Sun Wukong, who transformed into a great ape, stretched out his huge arm and directly slapped Big Demon King Piccolo floating in the air.

"No, it's impossible, how can I fail here!"

Big Devil Piccolo looked at the huge fist coming in the air and roared angrily.

In the face of such absolute suppression, even if the strength of the Great Demon King Piccolo soars, he is still not an opponent, and can only dodge the attacks of Monkey King.


Big Demon King Piccolo roared, raised his hand and waved, a huge gas bullet flew out and shot at Monkey King.


Hearing a bang, the gas bomb hit Monkey King, causing a violent explosion, but after the smoke cleared, Monkey King was actually intact.


Big Devil Piccolo looked at this scene and roared in horror.

Monkey King's huge body could not evade the attack, but the attack of Big Demon King Piccolo had no effect on Monkey King.


With a roar, Monkey King waved his fists again, and slapped the Demon King Piccolo.

Although Monkey King lost his consciousness, his fighting talent was greatly improved. After taking a blow from the Great Demon King Piccolo, the speed at which Monkey King wielded his fists suddenly increased. The King Piccolo couldn't dodge and was directly hit.


With a loud roar, Big Demon King Piccolo was shot like a fly, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Just hit Piccolo like this? It seems that Monkey King's strength has indeed improved a lot."

Lin Feng looked at this scene, smiled faintly, and said softly.

After taking a blow from Monkey King, Bick had lost his fighting ability, and all that was left was to wait for death.

The combat effectiveness of Monkey King this time is much higher than Lin Feng expected, which shows that Monkey King's strength has improved a lot.

"Haha, do you think it's over if you kill me? The demons will never fail! Oh!"

The Great Demon King Piccolo who was lying on the ground let out a roar, and then the Monkey King, who became a great ape, waved his fists again and rushed towards him.

Knowing that his life was not long before the Demon King Piccolo did not beg for mercy, a huge egg spurted from his mouth and flew out toward the sky under a wild laugh.

"The second generation of magic? This is the future Piccolo!"

Lin Feng looked at the egg flying out of Big Devil King Piccolo's mouth, a faint smile appeared on his face.

The demise of the Demon King Piccolo marks the end of this journey of the Earth Dragon Ball, and at the same time a new journey is about to begin.


Below, the Monkey King, who turned into a great ape, still reluctantly moved towards the place where Piccolo fell, constantly shaking his fists, and the desire to destroy after the transformation still dominated Monkey King.

"Okay, you can stop."

The next moment Lin Feng's figure appeared in front of Sun Wukong, one arm was raised, directly resisting Sun Wukong's attack.

"Pick is dead, do you still want to fight? But it will be too cheap for you to change you back into this way!"

Lin Feng looked at the huge Monkey King in front of him, and said lightly.

Then Lin Feng flicked his fingers, and Monkey King's huge body flew up in the sky, flying nearly a hundred meters away before falling to the ground!

I saw that Monkey King's huge body was also slowly shrinking at this time, returning to his original appearance.

"Ah? It's you? Why are you here? Where's Big Devil Piccolo?"

The Monkey King, who had recovered his human appearance, woke up leisurely, but the injuries on his body made him unable to move. Looking at Lin Feng in front of him, Monkey King said in shock.

A long time ago, Monkey King had seen Lin Feng, watching Lin Feng fly away in the sky, and vowed in his heart to become a strong man like Lin Feng.

Now that Lin Feng appeared again, Monkey King couldn't help feeling very shocked.

"The Demon King Piccolo has been killed by you. You successfully saved the earth!"

Lin Feng said with a faint smile after listening to Monkey King's words.

Monkey King was really cute when he was a child, and he was born with a simple heart, without any scheming, and was very attractive.

"Is the Demon King Piccolo dead? That's great, I finally avenged Grandpa Turtle Immortal and Klin!"

Sun Wukong sighed softly and said with a smile.

The current Monkey King didn't care about his injuries, but instead cared about the life and death of Big Devil Piccolo.

"Little guy, I'm optimistic about you, try to practice hard. Only by becoming stronger can you do what you want to do."

Lin Feng slowly walked to Monkey King's side, patted Monkey King on the shoulder, and then his figure slowly disappeared.

"Ah? Gone? Where have you been? Hello? Can you disappear out of thin air? Is this the legendary teleportation? I must reach this level in the future!"

Looking at the place where Lin Feng disappeared out of thin air, he said with envy.

In Sun Wukong's eyes, there is basically nothing else, except fighting, which is cultivation, and constantly enhancing one's strength, whether it is the original or the present.

It's just that the appearance of Lin Feng further stimulated Monkey King's fighting spirit and made Monkey King even more eager for the increase in strength.

Soon after, Tianjin Fan and others came over and picked up Monkey King.

The following time passed quickly. Monkey King even climbed to the Kelly Tower and performed inhuman practice. During this time, Monkey King grew up from a child to an adult, reaching the fighting power of a Saiyan. The period of fastest growth.

Time flies, and several years have passed in a blink of an eye, and another world's number one martial arts club has finally arrived.

After arduous practice, Monkey King, Yamucha, Tianjin Fan and Kelin gathered together again to compete for the championship of the world's number one martial arts club.

This time, the world's No. 1 martial arts club, which seemed unremarkable, ushered in a new battle. They met a god! ..

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