Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 601: Frieza's Psychological Shadow

"What? Kinho actually... actually exploded directly? How strong is he!"

When Vegeta saw this scene, her face was horrified, and at the same time she looked at Lin Feng's eyes with fear.

Although he knew that Lin Feng was very strong, Vegeta never thought that Lin Feng would be so strong that Frieza's number one thug was actually killed easily by Lin Feng!

"I still want to do two tricks with him!"

Monkey King looked at this scene and was not surprised. It seemed that Lin Feng was able to do this kind of thing for granted, but because of his inherently aggressive personality, he still couldn't help but complain.

"Don't stay here, go find Dragon Ball."

Lin Feng smiled faintly, then turned around and flew away with Monkey King and Klin.

Kinu is not a master, even if it is Monkey King's current strength, it won't take much effort to deal with Jinyu, it's just that the skills exchanged are more disgusting.

However, his ability is also useful for people with little difference in strength, such as Frieza or Lin Feng, before Jinyu could use this ability, he killed Jinyu.


Watching Lin Feng and the others go away, Monkey King stopped lingering, raised his head to look at Vegeta, the two nodded to each other, then soared into the air and flew in the direction of Dragon Ball.

Time flies, when Lin Feng and others came to Bulma's hiding place, they didn't find Bulma, so they could only turn around and turn to Monkey King.

At this time, Monkey King and others have also found Dragon Ball, Dandy also rushed from the Great Elder at this time, and everyone started to make a wish to deal with Frieza.

"I must have a wish. Frieza's strength is not what you can imagine. Only when I gain an immortal life can I defeat Frieza."

In order to obtain an immortal life, Vegeta fought hard according to reason. In the end, Monkey King and the others compromised with each other and decided that Monkey King and others would make two wishes first, and leave the last wish to Vegeta.

However, although there have been some small changes due to Lin Feng’s joining, the result has not changed after all. When Vegeta was about to start making a wish, the great elder of Namek had died, and Dragon Ball was also because of the great elder Died and turned into stone.

"How is it possible? How could you die at this time?!"

Seeing that the immortal life was about to be obtained, but now there was no hope. Infinite anger filled Vegeta's heart, and she couldn't help but roar up to the sky.

After all, in Vegeta's eyes, Frieza's strength is too strong. If there is no immortal life, after Frieza comes, everyone here may not be able to live.


Just when Vegeta roared at Monkey King and their anger, a huge aura instantly appeared in their perception, and then only saw a figure that made Vegeta terrified, breaking through the air from a distance.




Vegeta, Monkey King, Klin and others, looking at the figure falling from the sky, the expressions on their faces were different, some were solemn, some were scared.

After all, the aura from Frieza alone made them feel extremely depressed!

People like Klin and others have never felt such a powerful aura before, and the powerful aura is depressing to make people unable to breathe.


Frieza smiled faintly, looked around, and watched Vegeta and the others speak, but before they could finish speaking, a stalwart figure entered Frieza's eyes.

"Wait! Are you...? How could it be? How could you be here?!"

Frieza, who was still in the air just now, had an expression of horror on his face.

No matter how many years have passed, Frieza will never forget that figure. It is the eternal pain in Frieza's heart. Once upon a time, Frieza often wakes up from dreams of this man!

Now that I saw that man again, Frieza was not shocked.

"I come as I want, and leave as I want, can you manage it? Or...what? What do you want to do with me?"

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and said lightly.

The reason why Frieza was able to escape from Lin Feng's hands was because Lin Feng had no intention to kill, or because of Lin Feng's strength, even if Frieza ran fast, she would definitely die.

"No, no. I'm just a little surprised! Do you want to protect them?"

When Frieza heard this, his face was instantly covered with cold sweat.

Although several years have passed, what happened outside Vegeta seems to have happened yesterday. Facing this seemingly ordinary man, Frieza can no longer hold up a trace of fighting spirit.

"I don't care what you do, just don't disturb me."

Lin Feng gently stroked the head of the Monkey King and said lightly.

If Lin Feng is willing to take action against Frieza, things are naturally simple, but Frieza is an opportunity for Monkey King to transform into a super Saiyan.

And Lin Feng didn't want to help them, after all, the battle between Monkey King and Frieza was very exciting, and it could not be an exaggeration to call it a classic battle.

"Haha, it turns out that this is the case, then it will be easier. Vegeta, it seems that you will die today!"

After Frieza heard Lin Feng's words, a smile appeared on his face again. As long as Lin Feng didn't make a move, Frieza believed that among so many people present, none of them was his opponent.

"Ah, just right, I also want to try Frieza's strength."

When Monkey King heard that Lin Feng would not help them, he didn't feel disappointed, but he was eager to try.

After all, Monkey King is a fighting madman. Facing a strong man like Frieza at the pinnacle of the universe, he naturally didn't want to let it go.

"Huh? Humph, I also want to see Frieza's true strength."

Seeing Monkey King's reaction on the side, Vegeta calmed down with a shocked expression on her face. After a cold smile, she looked at Frieza and said.

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