Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 605: Frieza, die!

At this time, Monkey King was surrounded by golden flames, his hair turned golden, his aura was amazing.

The most important thing is that Monkey King's current qi has soared to an unspeakable level, which is a terrifyingly powerful.

"Impossible, have you really become a Super Saiyan?"

Frieza looked at the shining golden Sun Wukong with a frightened expression.

The reason Frieza will destroy Vegeta is because of his fear of Super Saiyan.

A long time ago, Frieza's father had warned Frieza that if he encountered a Saiyan who was shining with golden light, he must be cautious, and if he could leave, he should not go head-on.

Sun Wukong was shining with a dazzling golden light. At this time, his face was flat and unusually calm. It can be seen that the flashing golden light all over his body calmed down Sun Wukong.

"Frieza, die!"

Looking at Frieza who was shocked, Monkey King rushed out after a roar.

"What if you become a Super Saiyan? It's still impossible to beat me! Ah!"

Frieza let out a roar, and the violent air in his body climbed again, reaching the limit.

This is the unique ability of the Frieza race. In order to deal with unknown dangers, they have the ability to transform themselves in desperate situations.


Above Namek, as Monkey King and Frieza collided again, various natural disasters continued to erupt under the impact of the energies that the two raised to the extreme.

Even if it was a planet, it couldn't bear such a huge burst of energy from these two people.

"Shenlong, come out! Come fulfill my wish!"

At this time on the earth, Monkey King and Dandy flew at full speed and finally gathered the Dragon Balls. Monkey King shouted a spell against the Dragon Balls.

"A collection of special energy?"

Lin Feng watched the dragon on the earth appear in a golden light, narrowed his eyes, and said lightly.

Dragon Ball can realize people's wishes, which may be magical in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is nothing in Lin Feng's eyes. After all, with Lin Feng's strength, any wish can also be realized.

Dragon Ball just possesses strong energy, and can do things that people can't do.

In order to prevent the people still living on Namek from being affected by the battle between Monkey King and Frieza, the first wish of Monkey King and the others was to let the people of Namek come to earth.

As a burst of light flashed, people including Bulma and others all returned to the earth in an instant.

"Dandy, let's look for Dragon Ball again to revive Uncle Klin and Vegeta!"

Watching the Dragon Ball spread out again and flew towards the distance, Monkey King didn't stop, and directly pulled Dandy and flew away again.

The dragon ball on earth is different from that of Namek. The dragon ball on earth can only make one wish at a time.

"How can I lose? I am the strongest in the universe!"

And on Namek Star, after Sun Wukong turned into a Super Saiyan, his strength was too strong, even Frieza, who broke out with all his strength, was not an opponent. After a fierce fight, he was finally defeated.

"Hmph, people like you, even if I don't defeat you today, someone will defeat you sooner or later! From the beginning, you are doomed to fail."

Monkey King looked at Frieza, who could not accept his fate of failure, and said lightly.

Looking at Frieza who had lost his fighting spirit, Monkey King had no intention of killing him. After a faint smile, Monkey King wanted to turn around and leave.

"No, I will not fail! Qi Yuan cut!"

Frieza suddenly raised his head and looked at Monkey King's back. The little energy left on his body suddenly condensed together. Then several discs of light flew out and shot towards Monkey King. This was Klin. The created Qi Yuan cut.

"Huh? Really unrepentant!"

With a thought of Sun Wukong, he had already discovered Frieza's movements, and with a cold drink, he directly avoided Qi Yuanzhan's attack.

Then Monkey King's figure moved, and the Qi in his body burst out instantly, a burst of Qi gushing out, and the Qi Yuan directly bounced back.


Suddenly Frieza lost the ability to resist. Faced with Qi Yuan Slash that was bounced back by Monkey King, he couldn't dodge, and his body was once cut open.


At this moment, Namek finally couldn't hold on, and a violent explosion occurred, and the whole planet turned into a huge firework, blooming in the universe.

"Namek star exploded?"

On Earth, Lin Feng looked at the exploded Namek Star and said lightly.


"Has Namek exploded?"

"Is it impossible? That's a planet!"

"What about my father?"

"Is Frieza dead?"

The Monkey King and the others, who stood not far from Lin Feng, exclaimed after hearing this.

In their eyes, Namek is a planet, and it should not be so easy to be destroyed, but now a good planet actually exploded in the battle between two people, which shocked them.

"Uncle, where's my father? Can you show me something?"

Sun Wufan, who had just returned from searching for Dragon Ball, heard this and ran to Lin Feng's side, pulled Lin Feng's clothes, and cried.

"Of course, don't cry, your father is fine."

Lin Feng looked at the sad Monkey King and said softly.

Seeing Sun Wufan's sad expression in front of him, Lin Feng raised his hand and pointed, a faint light circle appeared out of thin air in the void, and then the scene on the star of Mick appeared in it.

In the aperture, a huge planet was burning with a huge flame, and the entire planet slowly split in the flame, like a huge firework, blooming in the universe.

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