Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 607: Strange super saiyan

"Gohan? What is going on?"

"Gohan? What's wrong?"

Just after Monkey King defeated King Kari II, two figures flew from a distance, and it was Pic and Klin who felt the breath of Monkey King.

"Huh? Uncle Bick and Uncle Klin! Why are you here?"

Son Gohan said in surprise when he saw Piccolo and Klin.

"What's happening here?"

Piccolo looked at King Kari II who fell on the ground and asked faintly, then Monkey King explained the situation to the two.

This made the two of them feel very shocked at the strength of Monkey King. Unexpectedly, Monkey King had grown to this level, after which the three rescued God from the seal.

After all this was done, Piccolo and Klin left, facing the increase in Sun Gohan's strength, they felt tremendous pressure.

As the elders, they had to go back to practice as soon as possible. After all, if a child had been allowed to save them, it would be unacceptable for Piccolo.

"Uncle, I have done what you said, I really have become so strong!"

Sun Wufan returned to his home, he came to Lin Feng with a look of joy and said to him.

"Haha, yes, but you can't be proud. Remember, pride will stop your strength."

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said softly.

Saiyan's blood is still very strong, and Monkey King's understanding is also very good, even stronger than Monkey King. It is expected that he can achieve this kind of strength.

At this moment, Lin Feng's eyelids twitched, and a picture from space appeared in Lin Feng's mind.

It was a huge spaceship, and it was Frieza and his father who rode in the spaceship.

Frieza is very strong. Although he was cut into pieces by Monkey King on Namek, he was not dead yet. Later, his father retrieved his body and used powerful technology to make Frieza live. Come here.

"Huh, it came very fast, but it's just a delivery of food. Trunks seems to have arrived on Earth, let him solve it!"

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said softly.

I saw a faint energy radiating, flying directly to Trunks, who had just arrived on Earth from the future.

"Huh? What is this?"

Trunks, hiding in a mountain deep in the earth, looked at the handwriting that suddenly appeared in front of him, with a vigilant expression on his face.

Trunks came here to seek help from Monkey King, but he hasn't felt Monkey King's aura yet, and now he is very alert when he looks at the handwriting that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Frieza and his father have come to the outer space of the earth, go to kill them, find Vegeta, you can find Monkey King."

The handwriting that appeared in front of Trunks was very simple, with only a few crosses, but it had already explained Trunks's purpose on earth.

Seeing the handwriting suddenly appeared in front of him, Trunks was lost in thought. He never thought that someone on the earth already knew that he had come and knew his purpose.

"Although I don't want to meet my father, I haven't felt Monkey King's anger since I have been on Earth for so long. It seems that I must meet my father now. Okay! Just follow the instructions on the message and kill Fu Father and son Lisa!"

Trunks looked at the handwriting before him, lost in thought.

It's been a while since Trunks came to Earth, but he has never felt the energy of Monkey King. Now it is the time to struggle, and this information has just solved Trunks' doubts.

At this point, Trunks no longer hesitated, and instantly rose into the air, flying towards the sky.

Saiyans cannot survive in space, but after opening the Qi barrier, they can stay in space for a short time.

But Trunks didn't plan to go to space, as long as the Frieza and his sons entered the atmosphere after they were destroyed.

"Counting the time, Sharu has also come here from the future, but now it has become a pupa, has not hatched yet, it is a good show!"

Watching Trunks fly out towards the atmosphere, Lin Feng smiled faintly and said softly.

Both Trunks and Sharu came to the present by taking a time machine from the future. Because the timeline is different, what happens in the two universes is different.

At this time Vegeta was resting at Bulma's house. After all, on earth, no one dared to take him in except Bulma, who had a good impression of Vegeta.

Just as Vegeta closed his eyes to rest his mind, he suddenly felt a strong qi flying towards him.

"Huh? This is? Is it Kakarot?"

Vegeta stood up abruptly, with a solemn face, such a powerful aura that he had only felt in Monkey King.

Just as Vegeta was waiting for her, a figure carrying a long sword fell from the sky and appeared in front of Vegeta.

"Is Mr. Monkey King here?"

Trunks looked at Vegeta in front of him, with a trace of unnaturalness on his face, after all, this was his own father!

"You are not Kakarot, who are you? How can you be so strong?"

Vegeta's eyes flicked and asked angrily.

The boy who seemed to be only a teenager had such a strong aura, which made Vegeta very angry. It was not that he was strong, but that he was not strong enough.

I thought that only Monkey King surpassed himself, but now there is another person who surpassed himself, and he is still so young.

"Sorry, I can't answer your question, I just want to know where is Monkey King!"

Trunks frowned and said lightly.

Trunks understood Vegeta's anger at the first thought. His father was good at everything, but he was too strong and arrogant, and he was not reconciled to anyone surpassing him.

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