Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 628: You let me down

"Oh roar!"

With a soft roar, the pink mist floating in the sky instantly condensed together, and a fat pink-skinned weird figure appeared in front of everyone. This weird figure was Majin Buu.

"Impossible? This... how is this possible? Majin Buu is resurrected!"

The East Realm King God looked at the Demon Buu in front of him with a look of horror on his face.

In the memory of the kings of the East, the demon Buu is a symbol of evil and power. In the world long ago, there was a lot of chaos. The kings and gods paid a great price to make He was sealed.

But now, Majin Buu is resurrected again!

"What? He is Majin Buu? But that's right, so powerful, I am afraid that only Majin Buu can have it."

Monkey King looked at the Eastern Realm King God, then looked at Buu, and said solemnly.

Although he had never seen Majin Buu, Son Gohan felt a strong aura from the pink monster in front of him.

"Come on, Majin Buu has been resurrected. We are not his opponents, go find your father."

The East World King God yelled at Monkey King in horror, the former Demon Buu left too much fear in the East World King God's mind.


Sun Wufan wanted to say something more, but looking at the solemn expression of the Eastern King God, Sun Wufan knew that he should listen to the Eastern King God. The qi erupted in his body instantly, grabbing the arm of the East Realm King God, and flying towards the sky.

"Sun Wufan? That's how I taught you? Retreat without a fight. Is there a Saiyan appearance?"

Lin Feng on the side saw this scene, hummed softly, and said directly.

"Huh? Uncle Lin Feng? Are you here too?"

After Sun Wufan heard Lin Feng's words, the figure had a meal, looked in the direction of the sound, and then slowly fell.

"Uncle Lin Feng, Demon Buu is too strong."

Looking at Lin Feng, Monkey King said with a dignified expression on his face.

"Gohan? This is?"

The East Realm King God looked at Lin Feng's question, because there was no information about Lin Feng in his knowledge base.

"This is Uncle Lin Feng, he is very strong!"

Monkey King opened his mouth and explained to the Eastern World King God.

"How do you know you will lose if you haven't played before? It seems that without me by your side in the past few years, your skill has not increased, but has dropped a lot!"

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said lightly.

Lin Feng knew that Sun Wufan's strength hadn't improved much, but he didn't expect that even his courage would have been consumed so much, which made Lin Feng a little disappointed. Because even Sun Wufan can play the strength of fighting against Sharu, he can fight against Buu.

"Uh! Hey! Don't worry, uncle, I was frightened just now, this time I won't run away again."

After Sun Wufan heard Lin Feng's words, his face was embarrassed. Obviously Lin Feng said that he was right. In these years, he did not practice much at all, and he did not fight against any strong people. Not only did his strength not increase, but also a lot of decline. .

"Go! Release your potential, I am very optimistic about you!"

Lin Feng looked at Sun Wufan who had admitted wrong, smiled faintly, and said softly.

"No, you have never felt the power of Majin Buu. Gohan is definitely not his opponent. Doing so is just going to die for nothing."

At this moment, the East Realm King God suddenly stopped by Sun Wufan and said angrily.

"For the sake of your kindness, I won't kill you. Get out!"

Lin Feng frowned, and said somewhat displeased.

Then I saw a wave of air spread instantly, and the Eastern Realm King God only felt a strong pressure on his body instantly, his body couldn't move instantly, and he was blown away directly!

"Uncle Lin Feng, don't be angry. The Realm King God is also for our good. Look, Uncle Lin Feng, I will definitely give full play to my strength."

Seeing this scene, Sun Wufan hurriedly came to Lin Feng and said.

Lin Feng's strength, Sun Wufan, is very clear. If he wanted to kill the Realm King God, it would be very simple.

After a word fell, Sun Gohan rose into the sky and flew towards Demon Buu. In fact, he originally wanted to fight Demon Buu. It was because of the Eastern Kingdom King God that he escaped. Now he is back to Sun Gohan. The original idea.

"Huh? Roar!"

Buu looked at the Monkey King who was flying towards him, with a smile on his face. After being sealed, Buu wanted to find someone to have fun. Now Monkey King is the best choice.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Devil Buu and Monkey King collided in an instant, but the scene that happened in the next moment made Lin Feng a little unbearable to look directly.

Even though Sun Gohan turned into a Super Saiyan, he was completely suppressed and beaten by the devil Buu.

I saw Buu's fist constantly hitting Sun Wufan's body, and Sun Wufan was flying in the air like a ball. In just one minute, he was covered with scars.

"Hmph, do you take my words as deaf ears? You should suffer more!"

Lin Feng looked at the scene in the sky, hummed softly, and said lightly.


When Lin Feng's voice fell, a figure in the distance quickly approached.

It was Vegeta who was fighting Sun Wukong just now. After feeling the anger of Majin Buu, Vegeta knew that he had made a big mistake, so he attacked Monkey King and knocked him out and took away the fairy beans.

Vegeta thought that the birth of Majin Buu was his fault, so he wanted to solve Majin Buu alone.


Vegeta came quickly without any hesitation. As soon as he saw Majin Buu, he lifted his qi to the limit. Then he roared and knocked Buu away with a punch, and Sun Gohan also did it. And saved.

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