Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 643: Better to dance than to dance


At this moment, the spacecraft suddenly heard a roar, and then the entire hull shook violently. Through the windows, it could be seen that a propeller had disintegrated outside the spacecraft.

"Huh? What is going on?"

Monkey King looked at Trunks with astonishment and they asked, in Monkey King's eyes there was only fighting, and he didn't care about these things, but he still keenly felt something was wrong.

"Ah? Our spaceship is broken? How could this be?"

Trunks was driving the spaceship with an anxious look to stabilize the hull, but the spaceship was shaking too much, and it was completely unable to stabilize.

"You have to ask Xiaofang about this." Lin Feng said softly with a faint smile.



Monkey King and Trunks looked at Xiaofang in surprise and asked.

"Oh! I just kicked it lightly, so how can I know it's so unbeatable! What should I do now?"

Xiaofang looked at Lin Feng with a look of embarrassment, and she didn't expect her kick to kick such a big thing.

"Let's land the nearest spaceship! Supply it by the way!"

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said softly.

Although Lin Feng was able to repair the spaceship in an instant, Lin Feng knew that on a planet not far away, there was a very interesting robot waiting for Monkey King and the others.


With the trembling of the spacecraft, Trunks barely landed on a strange planet in the spacecraft.

"Well, you guys buy spare parts for the spaceship. I'll be watching the spaceship right here, so go and get back."

Standing on the spaceship, Lin Feng looked at Monkey King and Xiaofang and said softly.

"Hey, Lin Feng, don't you go and take a look? This is a strange planet? Maybe there is something interesting!"

Monkey King heard Lin Feng say that he would stay behind the spaceship, and asked aloud.

"I won't go, pay attention to your own safety!"

Lin Feng gently waved his hand and said, then turned and walked into the spaceship.

Soon after Monkey King and the others left, a small figure sneaked out of the spaceship.

"What are you doing here, little guy?"

Lin Feng's figure suddenly appeared outside, looking at this sneaky figure and said. Lin Feng naturally recognized that this was Giroud. The reason why Lin Feng stayed with the spacecraft was waiting for him.

"Ah! Giroud... Giroud!"

I saw that this little robot was like a person who had done a bad thing and was discovered, panicked, and actually wanted to find a place to hide.

"Little thing! Come on!"

Lin Feng stretched out his hand to pick up Giroud, and his figure appeared in the spaceship as soon as he moved. This little thing accounts for a very large proportion in the subsequent plots.

"This is what you want? Eat it!"

Inside the spacecraft, Lin Feng took out the Dragon Ball Radar and handed it to Giroud.

"Giroud! Giroud!"

Giroud was overjoyed and swallowed it while holding the Dragon Ball Radar.

"Haha!" Lin Feng smiled slightly as he looked at Ji Lu who was delighted.

As time passed slowly, in a blink of an eye, a few days passed.

"Grandpa Lin Feng, we are back!"

Xiaofang shouted into the spaceship with a look of excitement, obviously this journey of lying on a strange planet made her very happy.

"Back? By the way, Dragon Ball Radar was eaten by this little thing."

Lin Feng smiled softly and lifted Giroud up.


"Isn't it? Dragon Ball Radar was actually eaten by him? Then how do we look for Dragon Ball?"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the three Monkey Kings looked horrified. They still don't know the role of Giroud. They only thought that the Dragon Ball Radar would not exist after being eaten, and there was no way to find the Dragon Ball.

"Don't worry! After this little guy has eaten Dragon Ball Radar, he also has the function of Dragon Ball Radar. It is no problem to use it as Dragon Ball Radar."

Lin Feng smiled softly and explained.

Afterwards, Monkey King and the others finally took a sigh of relief, so that they could continue their journey to find the Dragon Ball, and the earth would not be destroyed because of their mistakes.

"Go! Go to the planet of the first Dragon Ball."

On the spaceship, Xiaofang shouted with excitement. Now the spaceship has been repaired, and the Dragon Ball radar is also available, and they continue to embark on the journey to find the Dragon Ball.

The process of finding the first dragon ball went smoothly. There were no strong enemies on this planet. Monkey King and the others got the first black star dragon ball four-star dragon ball with a gentle gift. On the way to find the second dragon ball, Monkey King and the others were indeed in danger.

"Huh? Are you guys who stole our Dragon Ball?"

At this time, in a crypt, Xiaofang pointed to the three of Pombala and said. It turned out that Xiaofang and the others had found the second dragon ball, the six-star dragon ball, but it was snatched by Pembala and the others.

"I heard that you still have a dragon ball in your hand? Hand it over!"

Pembala looked at the Monkey King and asked with disdain.

"Humph! You still want our Dragon Balls. You should return our Dragon Balls to us!"

When Xiaofang heard this, with an angry expression on her face, she pointed to Pembala and said.

"Do any of you like to dance?"

At this moment, Lin Feng looked at Xiaofang and the others with a smirk.

"In that case, it's time for me to perform!"

After hearing Xiaofang's words, the three Pembala looked disdainful, and then jumped forward, and the three of them even released three speakers, and then began to dance to the music.

"Ah? What's wrong with me?"

"What's the matter? The body doesn't listen?"

"Huh? Giroud, Giroud, mechanical failure, mechanical failure!"

Under the music of Pembala, the Monkey Kings couldn't control their bodies, and they danced involuntarily.

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