Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 646: Lin Feng slaps Babe

"Don't worry, it's not so easy to die, I'll help you again! Go!"

After hearing what Sun Wukong said, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly, thinking to himself that the plot was exactly the same and had not changed a little.

The current Monkey King definitely couldn't resist Babe, and it was precisely because of this that Monkey King was driven into an alien space, and it was precisely because of this that Monkey King went to the Old World King God.

But now, under Lin Feng's move, Monkey King was sent directly to the Old World King God.


Accompanied by a huge roar, Babe's huge gas bomb slammed down, directly hitting Monkey King into another space.

"Well, Monkey King has disappeared. Then you will be the next one."

After Monkey King disappeared, Babe turned to look at Lin Feng and said. In his eyes, the blow just now was enough to kill Monkey King.

"Come on, it just made me loose my bones, after all these days are too boring!"

Lin Feng turned to look at Babe above the sky, and said lightly.

Lin Feng is still very curious about the life form of Babe, after all, Babe can be regarded as having no fixed life form, can parasitize all life forms, and can fully absorb their qi.

That is to say, Babe didn't use this ability well, otherwise even if Monkey King is a hundred times stronger, it will be useless!


At this time, Babe had just gained Sun Gohan's anger and reached an unprecedented level of strength. It was the time when her confidence was bursting.

Although he didn't understand Lin Feng's strength, Babe now didn't think he would lose to Lin Feng. With a roar, Babe ignited a violent wave of flames, and his figure rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

I saw Babe's fists hit at an extremely fast speed, and every time he hits, there was a sonic boom in the air. But no matter how fast Babe punches, Lin Feng can avoid it in advance.

"Is this your current strength? It's just that!"

Lin Feng's figure swayed slightly, facing Babe's crazy attack, his expression relaxed and free.

"Hmph, can you only hide? There is a head-on confrontation with me!"

Babe couldn't attack for a long time, and his heart became more anxious, looking at Lin Feng who was clearly in front of him but couldn't touch, and roared angrily.

"In that case, please satisfy you! Ha!"

After Lin Feng heard Babe's words, a faint smile appeared on his face, thinking that Babe had even used the lowest level of radical technique, which seemed to be really anxious.

However, Lin Feng was willing to be fooled, and saw Lin Feng roar, and like Babe, there was a blazing flame.

The next moment, I saw Lin Feng kick out, and Babe's body flashing frantically was as if he had hit Lin Feng's feet, and was directly kicked out by Lin Feng.


Babe, who was kicked out by Lin Feng, flew upside down, smashing several peaks directly before stopping.

"How is it possible? Impossible! I am the strongest Saiyan now, how can I not beat you? This is impossible, I don't believe it! Ha!"

Babe got up from the gravel and looked at the forest wind above the sky with an incredible expression.

Babe didn't expect Lin Feng to be so strong. Now he has gathered the qi of all the Saiyans and has reached the form of the strongest Saiyan, so he can't stop Lin Feng from kicking.

At this point, Babe let out a roar, and the air in his body broke out again, and then his figure moved and rushed towards Lin Feng again.

"The brain is a good thing, but you don't have one."

Lin Feng looked at Babe who rushed towards him again, and shook his head slightly.

Afterwards, Lin Feng's figure moved and kicked out again!


Babe, who came in extremely fast, seemed to be hit by a big mountain, and his figure flew back at a faster speed!

"You have absorbed so much Saiyan anger, is it only this level?"

Lin Feng looked at Babe who was kicked out again by himself, and said lightly.

Then Lin Feng raised his right hand slightly, and several small rays of light shot from Lin Feng's fingertips!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The rays of light shot by Lin Feng hit around Babe’s body, like countless bombs soaring, setting off waves of violent charges.


And Babe's body was also under the shock wave, flying around like a ball!

This is why Lin Feng didn't aim at Babe's body, otherwise Babe has become a sieve. After all, the gap between the two is too great, and Lin Feng's goal is not to kill Babe, so there is no need to wait until now.

"How is it possible? How could he be so strong? In his current state, even if I want to possess him, it is impossible for him! No

There is no way but to leave first. Wait for the Monkey King and the others to recover before transferring some energy, ha! "

Babe looked at the forest wind in the sky through the dense smoke in front of her, and thought to herself that she thought that she was already strong enough.

Stronger, I didn't expect Lin Feng to be even stronger.

Thinking of this, Babe knew that he would have no chance of winning anymore. Then, under a roar, the energy in his body broke out in an instant, and a violent shock spread, making the already dense smoke and dust around him even more dense.

"Hmph, Lin Feng, wait, I will be back!"

Above the sky, Babe flew to the distance at an extremely fast speed, but still did not forget to speak harshly to Lin Feng.

"Is it gone? So afraid of death?"

Lin Feng was stunned when he saw this scene. Obviously Lin Feng didn't expect Babe to be so frightened.

Pick up and run away.

But it's normal to think about it. After all, Babe is a special life form, and everything is based on self-preservation.

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