Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 649: Take one step and count me lose

Above the sky, just hearing Babe's roar, she abandoned Vegeta's body and turned into a liquid metal form again, and rushed towards the Monkey King along the beam of light shot by the Monkey King.

"Ah? This... what's going on?"

Monkey King looked at Babe who was attached to his body and flowing from his wound into his body with a look of horror.

He didn't expect that Babe would have this trick, and he didn't expect that the current Babe was so powerful that he could even be parasitic in his current Super Saiyan IV form.

"Huh? Babe can actually possess Monkey King?"

When Lin Feng saw this scene, an expression of interest also appeared on his face, which was obviously different from the history that Lin Feng knew.

"Haha! What a powerful force! It turns out that you haven't played your full strength yet! Good! Very good! With this power, I can kill him!"

And above the sky, the liquid metal that Babe had melted had completely penetrated into Monkey King's body. After a painful expression appeared on Monkey King's face, a frantic voice suddenly came out of his mouth.

"Grandpa? Grandpa Lin Feng, what's going on? Is my grandpa parasitized by Babe too?"

Xiaofang, who was standing next to Lin Feng, saw this scene with a worried expression on her face. She obviously did not expect this scene just like Lin Feng.

"Don't worry! Everything has me!"

Lin Feng gently stroked Xiaofang's head and said lightly, then his figure moved and slowly flew into the sky.

"Ha! How? I feel scared by my current power. I didn't expect Saiyans to transform into this form. This power is fascinating!"

Babe watched Lin Feng come in front of him with a roar, and the qi in his body broke out completely, and a violent flame wave rolled out, turning into a gust of wind blowing in all directions.

"I'll stand here and let you fight, as long as you can make me move a step, even if you win!"

Lin Feng looked at Monkey King with a wild face and said softly, but now it should be Baby.

"Oh? You said that! Ha!"

After Babe heard Lin Feng's words, a wicked smile appeared on her face, and then a roar, and the energy all over her body burst out instantly, rushing towards Lin Feng.

Obviously, after obtaining Monkey King's body, the swelling power made Babe's self-confidence soar to its peak state, and he actually forgot how he was beaten by Lin Feng not long ago.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

I saw Babe's whole body surging with energy, and his fists contained huge energy to hit Lin Feng.

But Babe's fist couldn't go any further in front of Lin Feng, as if a strong barrier was shrouded in Lin Feng, no matter how hard Babe tried, he couldn't break it.

"Parasitic on Monkey King, you only have this degree?"

Lin Feng looked at Babe, whose expression became increasingly anxious, and said lightly.

It was indeed unexpected that Babe was able to parasite Monkey King, but this might be a disaster for others, but for Lin Feng, it was not a problem at all.


The next moment, I saw Lin Feng move his feet and kick out. The scene not long ago reappeared. Facing Lin Feng's attack, Babe completely lost the ability to resist and was kicked out.

"I don't believe that you really have no limit! Come over, and I will pass on your energy to me!"

Babe rushed out from the ground, looked at Lin Feng above the sky, with a cruel expression on his face, and then turned to the Monkey King and the others.

"Yes! Master Babe!"

"Yes! Master Babe!"

On the other side, after hearing Babe's call, the Son Gohan and others below stood up and flew toward Babe.

Even Vegeta, who was still in the state of a great ape, flew towards the sky under the control of Babe's live egg.

"Pass all your anger to me!"

Babe watched the Monkey King and the others come to her, squinted at Lin Feng and said angrily.

"Yes! Ah! Ha!"



After Sun Wufan and the others heard Babe's words, they roared out loud, bright golden flames lit up all over, and they directly transformed into the strongest form of Super Saiyan they could reach.

The same is true for Vegeta. Although he is now a Super Saiyan, his aura is indeed the strongest. The golden flames all over his body are surging and rushing towards Babe's body.

"act recklessly!"

Lin Feng watched this scene and didn't stop them. After all, if Lin Feng made a move, Babe might not be able to withstand a single move.

And let Babe raise his strength to the strongest, wouldn't it be more interesting to kill him when he feels he must win?

Relatively speaking, Lin Feng is more benevolent, at least letting Babe have a huge power he has never had before, and it can be regarded as satisfying Babe's desire.


As time passed slowly, Sun Gohan and their qi had all entered Babe's body, and along with Babe's roar, an unprecedented sense of pressure appeared on Babe's body.

In Babe’s whole body, the air is oscillating slowly. This is a phenomenon caused by the inability of space to bear Babe’s qi. Now Babe has a feeling as if he could break the space with a light wave !

"Ha! How is it? Do you still think you will win this force?"

Babe felt the surging power in her body, and with a wave of her hand, a gust of wind rushed towards Lin Feng. This violent wind rushed in front of Lin Feng, and actually directly punched the earth into a bottomless ravine!

Just a light wave of his hand, clearly did not use Qi, but caused such a large amount of destructive power, Babe's current strength can be seen!

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