Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 652: Super 17

As time passed slowly, Dr. Miu and Dr. Gro walked out of **** with No. 17 and are now about to merge with No. 17 on Earth.


I saw on a ruin, two No. 17s slowly approached together, with this burst of bright light flashing, a brand new No. 17 appeared in front of people.

This size 17 is much larger than before, and his strength has been increased several times. Although he has not exploded out of his own anger now, there is still a strong sense of oppression from his body.

"What? I'm going to kill you!"

When Vegeta saw this scene, an angry look appeared on her face, and then she moved and rushed towards Super 17.



On the other side, Monkey King and Trunks also rushed towards Super 17 with a roar.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

I only saw where Super 17 stood motionless, letting Vegeta's attacks hit him, unmoved at all.

And the next scene is even more amazing, no matter how Vegeta and the others attack, they can't actually shake the Super 17 at all.


The next moment, I saw Super 17 slowly standing up straight, and with a wave of both fists, he instantly knocked Vegeta away. Faced with the sudden shot of Super No. 17, Vegeta and the others were knocked out without a trace of resistance. The strength of Super No. 17 was terrifying!

At this time, Monkey King who was in **** also returned to the earth with the help of Piccolo.

"Grandpa Lin Feng, you go! My grandpa has already fought with that number 17, let's go and take a look!"

On the other side, after Xiaofang turned around for a while, she returned to Lin Feng's side again, pulling Lin Feng's arm to walk outside.

Now Monkey King has been fighting with Super No.17, but because of the special nature of Super No.17, although Monkey King can suppress Super No.17, he cannot quickly defeat him.

Because Super 17 can absorb the attacks of others to strengthen itself, no matter how Sun Wukong attacks, Super 17 is not only unharmed, but getting stronger.

"What's the hurry? Sun Wukong doesn't think he has an opponent? It just happened to follow his wish!"

Lin Feng smiled faintly, and did not get up.

"Grandpa Lin Feng, you know my grandpa, he is so innocent, and now he is about to be defeated by that Super No.17, go and save him! I know that Grandpa Lin Feng loves me the most, please Up!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaofang hurriedly spoke. Xiaofang was also helpless regarding Monkey King's character.

There is no doubt that Sun Wukong is powerful, but it is this arrogant character that leads to Sun Wukong's obvious strength, but it always takes a hard fight before he can barely defeat his opponent.

"Okay, okay! Then I will go take a look!"

Facing Xiaofang’s acting like a baby, Lin Feng was helpless, and then saw Lin Feng gently grabbing Xiaofang’s hand, and as the energy fluctuated, the two of them were tied together and disappeared. When they appeared again, they had already arrived at Monkey King. And the battlefield of Super 17.

"Huh? Grandpa?"

As soon as Xiaofang appeared, he saw that Monkey King had transformed into a Super Saiyan IV form, but even so, Monkey King was lying on the ground with scars, as if he had lost his ability to move.

Xiaofang looked worried when she saw this scene. She didn't expect that her grandfather would actually lose to Super No. 17, and that she lost so quickly, she just went back and invited Lin Feng, and Sun Wukong was already lost. Action ability.

"Grandpa Lin Feng, please help my grandpa!"

Xiaofang then turned and took Lin Feng's hand and said aggrievedly.

"Don't worry! Monkey King is not so easy to die."

Lin Feng looked at Monkey King lying on the ground and said lightly.

Although Sun Wukong seemed to have lost his ability to act now, Lin Feng knew that his transformation state had not been lifted yet, so he still possessed a certain resistance ability.


Sure enough, as Lin Feng expected, the next moment, I saw Monkey King rise up, surging with energy, and rushed towards Super 17 again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Above the sky, Monkey King and Super No. 17 are fighting together again, but this time the outcome is faster. As a robot, Super No. 17 is unaware that he is tired, and because of Monkey King’s attack, his Qi is stronger.

After a fight, Monkey King was knocked down again. This time he was really knocked down, and even his transformation state could not be maintained.

"Haha! Go to hell!"

Above the sky, he saw Super 17 put his hands together, and a huge energy bomb was condensed in his palm. Just when Super 17 was about to eject the energy in his hand towards Monkey King, No. 18 appeared.

"Grandpa Lin Feng, please help my grandpa! Please!"

Xiaofang looked worried when she saw this scene, then turned to look at Lin Feng and said.

"Don't worry! Isn't the 18th coming? Let's watch!"

Lin Feng smiled slightly and didn't care.

After all, things are still developing according to the plot. The arrival of the 18th is the key to Monkey King's victory.

Although in theory, Sun Wukong should not have much energy, but now things are developing in that direction, so Lin Feng has no need to act.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Sure enough, as Lin Feng said, No.18 faced Super No.17 and used continuous Qigong shells to attack him. Super No.17 opened his arms and absorbed all the attacks of No.18.

"Well, that's it! Dragon Fist broke out!"

Monkey King apparently understood that if Super 17 wants to absorb the energy of others, he can only maintain this position, so he greets No. 18 to continue attacking, and he is just a figure moving, performing his own tricks like Super 17. With one hit, Super 17 should be finished! ..

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