Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 656: If you don’t listen to Lin Feng’s words, you will suffer

"Let's go!"

Lin Feng smiled helplessly when he saw this scene, then turned and left.

The things here have been understood, the next step is to use Dragon Ball to restore the earth to its original state and at the same time bring the dead to life.

This time, the journey to find the dragon ball went smoothly. In just half a month, all the seven dragon **** on the earth had been found.

"Then, let's call Shenlong!"

"But why does Dragon Ball look different this time?"

"Right! There is a crack on the dragon ball?"

"Lin Feng, can you come and take a look, why is there a crack on the dragon ball?"

At this time, in Bulma's home, the seven dragon **** gathered again, and Monkey King and others surrounded the dragon balls, preparing to summon the dragon.

But at this time, a strange crack appeared on the Dragon Ball body, which made them feel very strange.

"I advise you to better not use dragon balls, because now dragon **** are different, and if you use them again, there will be serious consequences."

Lin Feng said softly when he saw this scene.

The current Dragon Ball has been full of negative energy because of repeated wishes, and has become an evil dragon, and will no longer help Monkey King and the others fulfill their wishes.

"How can it be done! How can those who died resurrect without Dragon Ball?"

After Sun Wukong heard Lin Feng's words, he spoke.

Because of Super 17, many people died on the earth. Without Dragon Ball, those people would not be able to resurrect.

"Yes! Grandpa Lin Feng, besides, no matter what happens, isn't you still there!"

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaofang came to Lin Feng's side with a smile on his face and said, hugging Lin Feng's arm.

In Xiaofang's eyes, Lin Feng is now omnipotent, and there is nothing that Lin Feng can't do.

"Well, now is not the time to talk about this. Let's summon the Shenlong first! Come out! Shenlong!"

After hearing Xiaofang's words, Monkey King turned his head and spoke the summoning spell to Dragon Ball.

"Oh, ignorance is terrible."

When Lin Feng saw this scene, he didn't bother to say anything. He smiled helplessly and ignored it.


Just after Monkey King finished the spell to summon the dragon, a burst of black energy rose from the dragon ball. Unlike the golden light that appeared when the dragon appeared before, this time black smoke full of evil appeared.

"Yell! The evil spirit is really heavy!"

Lin Feng looked at the huge black dragon that appeared in the air, with a look of surprise on his face.

The current Shenlong is indeed different, full of evil, or negative energy.

Although the Dragon Ball is very good, it is natural to pay a price to be able to accomplish those things that violate natural common sense.

Originally, the Dragon Ball possessed a certain degree of self-defense ability. If there was enough time, it would be able to resolve the negative energy caused by the wish.

It's just that Monkey King and the others use Dragon Ball too frequently, and they have exceeded the limit of Dragon Ball's ability to purify themselves, so they have allowed the negative energy to reach the extreme.

"Om! Whoosh! Whoosh!..."

As Lin Feng was pondering, the dragon on the Monkey King's side had already changed. With the sound of breaking through the air, the evil dragon sucked the dragon ball into his body, and then turned into seven dragon-shaped black energy and shot it in all directions.

"It turns out that because of us, Shenlong has become an evil dragon!"

At the same time, through the explanation of the world king gods, Sun Wukong and others already knew why the dragon became like this.

Although I regret not listening to Lin Feng's words, it is too late to say this now.

"Lin Feng, what are we going to do now?"

After listening to the words of the Realm King God, Monkey King turned to look at Lin Feng and asked.

Faced with this situation, Monkey King no longer knows what to do!

"Yes! Grandpa Lin Feng, what should I do now? Dragon Ball has become a bad guy."

Xiaofang also looked at Lin Feng with a confused expression, after all, Shenlong's changes were beyond their expectations.

"What else can I do? Go find it! Just get the Dragon Ball back and purify it!"

After Lin Feng gently stroked Xiaofang's head, he said.

"Presumably the Realm King God has already told you that the current Seven Dragon Balls have become seven-headed evil dragons. Only after they are defeated will they return to the form of Dragon Balls."

"Next, as long as you don't use dragon **** anymore, let the dragon **** purify them by yourself. So, don't waste time here, hurry up and find the dragon balls!"

After Lin Feng glanced at Monkey King, he spoke again.

In fact, the Realm King God had already told them very clearly, and with the appearance of the evil dragon, the entire earth was shrouded in a layer of evil.

Over time, the ecological environment on the earth will be greatly destroyed, and now only by quickly finding those evil dragons and knocking them down can the earth be restored to its original state.

"Yes! Lin Feng, would you like to go with us?"

After Sun Wukong heard this, he said to Lin Feng. Obviously, although Sun Wukong looked very naive, he was also aware of the seriousness of the incident and wanted to use Lin Feng's powerful help.

"Yes! Grandpa Lin Feng, you go with us! This is also faster!"

Xiaofang was already very smart. After hearing what Sun Wukong said, she understood his thoughts, and took Lin Feng's arm, and said a little bit coquettishly.

"Forget this kind of errands, you should do it yourself!"

After Lin Feng heard this, he looked helpless and said directly.

Lin Feng didn't have much interest in looking for evil dragons everywhere.

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