Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 696: Mysterious flash time

"What the **** are you talking nonsense."

Xiangpa couldn't help but sternly shouted: "People on earth, didn't you promise me to teach the transformation method of the sixth universe super Saiyan?"

"Yes, I promised you."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "But the weak is just a game of life in the hands of the strong, isn't this right? God of destruction!"

"Trash, shame?"

Gabe was stunned. He looked up at Lin Feng and said angrily: "You actually treat life as a game?"

An angry roar came from Gabe's mouth, his hands and five fingers were suddenly clenched, and a golden wave of air burst out from his body.

"It's a Super Saiyan."

Seeing Gabe's blond hair rising to the sky, Bados raised his brow.

"You dare to despise your life and play around with other people's lives, I will kill you!"

Gabe shouted angrily, and the golden waves all over his body directly detonated towards Lin Feng.

"I have fulfilled my promise, Saiyan will only transform through anger."

Lin Feng looked at Gabe who was violently plundering, and looked at Vegeta calmly: "It's over."


The blue light detonated instantly on Vegeta's body, and disappeared directly into the ring at the moment the air wave swept.


Vegeta appeared in front of Gabe like a ghost, his right fist pierced the air like an angry dragon, and hit him hard in the abdomen.

Gabe's eyes were round, his face was full of disbelief, and his whole body instantly softened and passed out completely.

"The breath of God!"

Xiangpa was taken aback and roared hysterically: "Why are the gods of the seventh universe so worthless? Could it be that we can't win one?"

"Master Xiangpa, no wonder Master Birus took the initiative to offer a contest, it seems that this is his hole card!"

Bados lowered his voice and said, "But don't forget, Master Xiangpa, we still have the strongest Hitt, who can definitely sweep the Seventh Universe by virtue of his flash power."


Xiangpa looked at Hitt with a calm face, and his irritation calmed down a little bit and hurriedly said: "I don't want Hitt to lose again in the next battle. You can play.

Hit didn't speak, he stood up and landed on the ring, his eyes fixed on Vegeta in the field.

"It seems that there is finally an opponent who can be seen."

Vegeta showed a playful smile, the super blue aura exuding from her body had not disappeared yet, with an expression of invitation to fight.

"Vegeta, let me go up quickly, I've been waiting for a long time." Monkey King yelled in a hurry.

"Sun Wukong, you should watch it on the sidelines, Vegeta will lose." Lin Feng said lightly.

At this moment, the quiet voice swept the audience like a hurricane, and even Hitt turned his attention to Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, what are you talking about, Vegeta has a super-blue realm, and as long as we defeat the last player in the sixth universe, we will win a big victory." Birus couldn't help but asked anxiously. Tao.

"Shan Shi Gong." Lin Feng looked at Hitt and his eyes intersected, Hitt moved instantly.

Vegeta's nerves tightened suddenly, and the ultra-blue aura that enveloped her body was driven to the extreme. Seeing Hit who was walking slowly, she quickly swept his fist and hit Hit's cheek quickly.

"Have you seen Lin Feng? My Vegeta shot, how could it be worse than this kind of walking guy." Bulma couldn't help screaming.

The moment the voice fell, a figure flew out.


Hit was still standing on the spot, Vegeta only felt a pain in his abdomen and the whole person flew out like sandbags.

"Impossible! I can't see his attack!?"

Vegeta yelled anxiously, resisting the pain from her abdomen, and detonating her super blue aura, barely balancing her body and falling to the ground.

"Haha, I finally saw the abuse of Universe Seven."

Xiangpa laughed happily and said: "Don't worry, I won't tell you what flash time is, you just live in despair, Hitt is the strongest of the sixth universe, and the player just now is just to pave the way. His appearance!"

"The flash power is mysterious and unpredictable, you can't guess it at all!"

"Three thirds."

Lin Feng's voice resounded abruptly and said, "He stopped the time for 0.3 seconds and then attacked. Am I right?"


Looking at Lin Feng with a calm look like Paqi, he felt a little bit of irony for the first time.

"Ahem, everyone, please concentrate on watching the game."

Weiss coughed dryly, and when he thought that Hitt, who was placed high in the hopes of Xiangpa, would not escape defeat, his heart was full of bitterness.

But Lin Feng couldn't even fight against him and Lord Billus. This fight has been a personal game from the beginning, and the only thing he can do now is to pray that Universe Six will not lose too shame.

"Three thirds?"

Vegeta was dumbfounded, and the first time he heard this approach, he looked at Hit with a hint of anger.

As the prince of Saiyans, he has his own dignity. The previous battle was still a KO. It would be a shame if he was almost knocked out by the opponent now.

"Since a small-scale attack doesn't work, then use a large-scale attack." Vegeta roared, his hands folded and powerful Qi gathered in her palm.

"Big Bang Attack!"

A blue beam of light spurted out frantically in Vegeta's hand. With the continuous shooting of both palms, the billowing energy impact, like a frenzy, brought huge waves to cover Hitt's ring side.


A ghostly figure suddenly appeared behind Vegeta. For a killer proficient in assassination, it would not be difficult to appear behind the enemy without knowing it.

In addition, Hitt also possesses flash power, and the assassination methods he possesses are super godlike.

"Vegeta is about to lose." Lin Feng shook his head and said.

Bulma was taken aback, and the next moment he saw Hitt just standing behind Vegeta.

But Vegeta, who attacked with all his strength, flew out all over, and a mouthful of blood was splashed in the void! ..

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