Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 703: Kidnapping the King (please subscribe automatically!)

"No, I haven't lost yet!" Xiangpa pushed Birus away and roared anxiously.

It's just that the scene into the goal made him inexplicably stunned, Lin Fengzheng in the void quietly raised his head and looked at the Super Dragon Ball not far away.

"Lin Feng! We have not yet divided the outcome, do you want to swallow the Super Dragon Ball?"

Xiangpa roared anxiously, and Birus, who was standing by, also had a headache.

In the face of Lin Feng’s existence, even if Par and Bados join forces, the final result will be the same as them. Billus sighed and said: "Lin Feng, for my sake, please don’t Fight with elephants."

"For your sake? Forget it, this farce is no longer interested in going on!"

Lin Feng looked back at Birus and said, "Do you want to meet the great King in your mind from high above the ground?"


Birus was stunned and immediately followed Lin Feng's gaze, his eyes widened instantly.

"Master Quan."

Angels and gods such as Weiss and Bados also reacted instantly, watching the whole king's expression on the super dragon ball changed dramatically, they flew directly, except for the two angels, the rest of them all brushed up. Kneeling on the ground.

"Master Quan, I don't know if you are coming here." Weiss spoke first.


The king replied softly and turned his gaze to Lin Feng and said, "You guys are playing such a fun game here privately...It doesn't seem to work."

The expressions of Birus and Xiangpa changed in an instant. These are the strongest gods that dominate the life and death of the twelve universes, and a single thought can eliminate the universe, even their former gods of destruction.

If the entire king was angered by the private fight just now, resulting in the elimination of the sixth and seventh universes, this is not what Birus and Xiangpa wanted to see.

"Hehe, Lord Quan, Weis and I have already persuaded Birus and Master Xiangpa not to hold this kind of competition, which hurts the harmony between the universe." Bados half-covered his mouth and laughed dryly. .

"you guys……!"

Birus and Xiangpa's eyes widened, but for the two named masters of Bados and Weiss, they did not dare to make mistakes. The only thing they could do was to cast a pitiful look at the king.

I hope the whole king can easily let them go.

"Quan King, this game is my proposal." Lin Feng's voice suddenly sounded.

Seeing Lin Feng walking slowly across the crowd towards the king, the expressions of Birus and Xiangpa changed instantly.

Do not!

It should be said that all the gods and angels present can't hold back their breath. The strength that Lin Feng showed in the previous moment was far beyond their imagination.

"Lin Feng stop! Don't move on, or you will get into trouble!"

Billus exclaimed, still sweating on his forehead.

"You stop! You can't move on, otherwise we will use force to drive away!"

The two guards merged directly into the ground, and once again appeared in front of Lin Feng.

It is not difficult to stop Lin Feng in their eyes.

"You can't stop me, I am here."

The voice floated from the back, and the nerves of the two guards suddenly tightened, and their faces changed greatly as they watched the figure in front of them dissipated like an afterimage.

"This is a flash time skill!"

Hitt's face changed, and in his eyes Lin Feng's flashing power was stronger than him.

Is it 0.5 seconds, or 0.8 seconds?

This unexpected display method, even Hitt did not have the first time to react.

"Asshole, you are looking for death!"

The two guards screamed and their anger exploded in an instant, and Huo Ran turned around to pursue Lin Feng.

The King looked up at Lin Feng, his right hand also slightly lifted, and a strange wave of power filled him.

"I said you want to have fun with me?"

Lin Feng smiled and spoke, as if he hadn't cared about the attack in front of him.

"Arrogant! Dare to provoke Lord Quan?!"

The two guards appeared behind Lin Feng with gloomy faces like ghosts, looking at Lin Feng, who was close at hand but without defensive consciousness, they were confident that they would kill him with a single blow.

This is the price of offending the king!

"Is it fun?" Quan Wang's immature voice suddenly sounded.

The fists thrown by the two guards suddenly stopped in the air, and watching the curious King Quan couldn't react.

"Of course it's fun. Among the twelve universes, the strengths are too uneven, and some universes are not enterprising and have no value in existence. We can use this to propose a universe conference, who loses and controls the universe. Will be annihilated!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

However, this smile on the face of the gods is simply a nightmare.

"Lin Feng, what are you talking nonsense?! Lord Quan Wang will never agree!"

Xiangpa screamed, and as soon as he spoke, he met Lin Feng's cold gaze, and asked him to swallow the last words to his mouth.

This look seemed to be telling, as long as he interrupted, death would be incurred.

"It sounds like a lot of fun, let me think about it, is your name Lin Feng?"

After hesitating for a moment, the king finally spoke.

Lin Feng didn't feel surprised. His proposal was to advance the plot. Seeing Quan Wang's dull face, he reached out his hand and gently rubbed his head, and said, "Then I will wait for your good news. , I will call you Xiaoquan, and I will bring you a friend next time I meet."

"Lin Feng, what are you doing, Master Quan will..."

The gods and angels stared, and even the two guards trembled.

In their eyes, Lin Feng's move is undoubtedly seeking his own way of death, and it will be implicated on them if he is not careful.

"Well, we are friends. This is my contact information, as long as you press I will appear." Quan Wang responded with a juggling sound and added an extra button.

Lin Feng accepted the button without pretense, and said with a smile: "I will find you to play more, goodbye."

"Well, let's go."

The whole king responded, and was taken away under the stunned eyes of the two guards. ..

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