Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 759: You are the weakest

"Thank you for your strength."

The 17th rushed out of Anilaza's body, losing the power support of the energy furnace, the huge body exuded a dazzling light, and Dr. Paparo and others directly disintegrated the real body.

On the 17th, they did not give them a chance to breathe, and the energy wave with their right hand sent them out of the ring directly.

"All the soldiers in the third universe have been eliminated, and they will be eliminated immediately." The great priest said coldly.

Al was stunned, and looked up at the expressionless great priest. This was completely different from the gentle smile on his face at the beginning of the cooperation, as if he was telling them that the useless chess pieces were not worthy of nostalgia.

"Clear!" the two kings said in unison.

The Realm King God of the Third Universe had not had time to speak, and the blur in front of him disappeared directly into the ring.

"Jie Jie, this cyborg’s assassin is really powerful, so I’m not merciful, and immediately knocked them all away."

Frieza gave a weird laugh, and the golden light on his body lit up like a dazzling sun.

With the astonishing breath exuding, the gesture of Golden Frieza appeared in front of everyone.

Witnessing this scene, Vegeta secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Is Frieza the means by which you hide? Or are you planning to let me buy time for you to lock in your breath and bring your combat power to 100%, but I I won't promise you to help."

"Hey, you are too arrogant, don't you put our Second Universe in your eyes at all?" Librian couldn't help but shout.

Heles, the **** of destruction on the Second Universe Stand, couldn't hold back his breath and shouted anxiously: "Kakunsha, don't keep your hands. Give me a shot and knock them into the air immediately. Don't let them have any time for trickery. "

"Master Hayles, we know."

Librian responded in a hurry, and at the same time, his breath exploded, and he took the remaining companions directly to Frieza.

Looking at the opponent who was attacking in the sky, Frieza gave a strange smile and said, "Vegeta, I advise you to leave quickly, or you will die."

The joking words sounded abruptly, and then a chill swelled in the entire Wuzhijie, and the white princesses swept around like a frenzy, covering the entire ring in the blink of an eye.

ice crystals!

Looking across the ring, there are frozen rocky mountains everywhere, and the earth is no exception.

The warriors in the eleventh universe a little farther away, with the help of powerful aura and support in time, resisted the frozen air, and when they came back, they already saw the battlefield that originally belonged to the second universe. , All the soldiers were covered by ice crystals.

"Frieza, are you planning to kill me?!"

Vegeta's body is covered with an energy membrane, which is a trick she learned when dealing with Majin Buu.

At the moment just now, Vegeta felt the smell of death, and it was too late to think about immediately covering his body with power to resist the freezing power.

"Hehe, I reminded you that if you really die, it's because of your lack of strength." Frieza said with a strange smile.

"You!" Vegeta froze.


The cracking sound of the ice crystal sounded abruptly, and three tender shouts came from the Second Universe.

"Smash the evil universe!"

Librian's voice came, and three figures shot out from within the ice crystal, and the pink power gathered and turned into streamers to rush towards Vegeta.

"Librian's choice of attack target is very correct, Vegeta should be considered the worst among the four." Helles couldn't help but said.

The weakest one?

Upon hearing this, Frieza and others changed their expressions slightly, and immediately looked at Vegeta.

They often talk about the position of the fourth-year-old, but now they are broken by one word, which is 10,000 points of harm to Vegeta.

"You, what are you talking about?!"

Vegeta's face became gloomy to the extreme, and she raised her head to look at the three of Librian.

Hayles sneered and said, "We mean you are the weakest one!"


As soon as the voice fell, a powerful aura instantly detonated in Vegeta's body, and then swept around like a frenzy.

"It's Super Saiyan Four!"

Monkey King exclaimed and watched Vegeta rush towards Ribrian like a meteor, the next moment the blue light was detonated like a volcano.

A series of mysterious patterns spread rapidly on Vegeta's body, and in a blink of an eye the whole body was covered, and the crackling electric arc spread around Vegeta's body, and then even the void seemed to have a twisted posture. Shocking.


Vegeta appeared in front of Librian like a ghost, and the five fingers of his right hand were suddenly clenched, the red and blue lights gathered together, without any fancy, hitting Librian hard.

The space where the fist passed by seemed to be overwhelmed with energy distortion!


The expressions of the three of Librian changed drastically. They just came out of the ice crystals. They wanted to pick up the soft persimmons to pinch them. They didn’t expect Vegeta’s instant explosive power to be so violent. Faced with a frontal attacking fist, The three of Librian could only raise their hands in a hurry to block.

"Absolutely zero!"

Frieza gave a weird laugh, and the icy breath swept away towards Librian and others like the breath of a dragon.

Originally, there was still cold air in the three of them. Under the interference of Frieza, the speed of the counterattack immediately stopped.

In an absolute master confrontation, this kind of stagnation is often a fatal blow, and the only thing that can be done is to watch Vegeta's powerful blow down!


The power that madly gathered on Vegeta's fist suddenly poured down Librian's body like a frenzy.

Accompanied by the sound of a shocking explosion, the three strongest elites representing the second universe were instantly knocked off and fell directly out of the ring!


The six figures on the second universe stand appeared like ghosts, and Hayles, who had witnessed this scene, fell into a loss and sat on the ground. ..

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