Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 810: Things are as good as God (please subscribe automatically!)

Lin Feng said in a low voice to Di Lu Muduo.

"Come on, let's play a scene together, you will say that you are broken in love later, you are very depressed, bring some affection..."

"Ah, it's like the princess who asked you to elope her complaining about you because she couldn't afford to eat and drink, and finally abandoned you, and your lord has abandoned you again. Let's take your place."

Without changing his face, Lin Feng chose the fastest way to bring him into his emotions based on Dilumudo's life experience, but this made Dilumudo fearful.

His master actually knew about his betrayal of the lord during his lifetime!

Where did the master know? Is it a dream... But why is it so detailed? !

After thinking about it, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Master, that is the past, now I am the only lord who is loyal to you. Please believe in my sincere heart."

Di Lu Muduo hurriedly expressed his thoughts, and Lin Feng couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"I knew how you were before, but I'm not interested in pursuing it, so why explain?"

Lin Feng knew Di Lu Muduo's past, and knew if he hadn't intervened. What a miserable experience Dilumudo will suffer.

But he was not the magician he killed. There was neither a favorite woman in this world, nor was he interested in worrying about when Di Lumuto would betray him.

In the final analysis, what Dilumudo was afraid of was not what Lin Feng cared about.

Anyway, if you don’t obey, just kill it?

Lin Feng's thinking has always been very direct, and he can definitely do it anyway, and he doesn't worry about making any mistakes.

Di Lu Muduo was still in panic before, but now seeing Lin Feng's attitude as if he didn't care about his past at all, he finally felt relieved.

He let out a sigh of relief, and once again moved towards Lin Feng's jaw.

"I understand, then I will try my best to respond to your expectations!...offended, master!"

Di Lumuduo's eyes rolled, and he immediately showed a very entertaining attitude.

He didn't differ from what Lin Feng thought, he used a bit of a decadent tone in his pain, and straddled Lin Feng's shoulders, and started crying sadly.

"Why!? She was the one who asked me to take her away in the first place, but now she is throwing me away and looking for someone else! Is our old love so cheap?"

Di Lu Muduo's voice was very steady, perfectly interpreting the state that a confused and broken-hearted person should have, and Alice Phil, who was passing by, was shocked and felt a little bit like it.

She turned her head and looked over, but she could only see Di Lu Muduo's back on Lin Feng's shoulders.

Lin Feng naturally understood that Alice Phil's attention had been attracted, and everything was proceeding according to the line of the script he had expected.

He swept over Di Lumut's shoulders in a comforting expression, and said warmly, "Don't be sad, my dear brother, what's that emotional confusion! Go, drink, and you will forget these things after drinking. "

"Take wine to pour your sorrows? It's okay, after drinking the wine and sleeping, all your worries are gone!"

Di Lu Muduo's words clearly stopped.

"Where to go?"

"The new bar in the street next door."

After saying these words, Lin Feng calmly glanced at the hidden dark place of Yanfeng Qili, and then acted as "good brother", and took Di Lumutuo to a farther place.

And after Alice Phil watched the two "passers-by" leave, she also really began to think about the words of the two. She rarely went to a normal society, and this was the first time she went out alone.

"After drinking and sleeping, will you forget everything?"

Alice Phil was indeed extremely troubled by the incident about Eimiya Kirishu, and felt at a loss for it.

She was originally worried about how she should get along between Eimiya Kiritugu and Saber, but now when she hears places like bars mentioned by passers-by, she inevitably becomes interested.

"Maybe drinking is also a way?"

So driven by curiosity, Alice Phil followed the instructions of the "passerby" and went to another street to herself to try to find the bar.

After Alice Phil went out, Lin Feng, who teleported back immediately after leaving, led Di Lu Muduo out of the alley, and the latter looked at Lin Feng in amazement.

"Master, you really know everything, she actually went! How did you know?"

Ordinary people don't know that Alice Phil was only born a few years ago, but Lin Feng knows very well, is it not good for a child with a mind like a child to deceive?

Lin Feng was dissatisfied with Di Lu Muduo's exclamation, only looking at a certain corner, he raised his voice slightly.

"Still hiding?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you."

Di Lu Muduo's horrified gaze was a little more confused, he stared at the Yanfeng Qili who came out of the dark, and he felt extremely shocked, but he did not notice that there was someone hiding there!

How did Lin Feng know that Yanfeng Qili was there?

"This is the best way. I laid it out for you at the beginning. Let me see your greatest sincerity."

When he was in a good mood, Lin Feng didn't mind giving a little help to Yanfeng Qili so that he could lead a good drama, so Yanfeng Qili bowed gratefully and left after receiving the help.

Lin Feng pulled Di Lu Mu Duo close behind.


"Beauty, how about drinking alone?"

Alice Phil suddenly heard the sound coming from her ear. She was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head and saw a few wretched men who were smiling very badly.

She couldn't help but frown. She used to live in a castle, and how did she know how dangerous it is to drink alone in a bar, but now she sees it and finds it strange.

"This seems to have nothing to do with you, right?"

"How could it be okay?"

Several wretched men looked at each other and smiled, and they even got closer to Alice Phil.

Seeing that they were about to move their hands, just when she was at a loss, a low anger suddenly came from behind her. ..

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