Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 894: New Year's Wishes for Two Ceremonies

Regardless of the time, place, or the suspicious Tai Chi pattern on the wall, the two rituals have to believe that everything is their own.

That is definitely the person who killed himself.

The hands of the two ceremonies trembled a little, and she heard relevant news reports on the television about the five recent victims.

She dropped the TV set blankly, and instinctively wanted to escape information about the serial murder.

At this time, the two ceremonies thought of Lin Feng instead.

If it were that man, would he care about himself, would he care about the fact that his former apprentice killed someone?

In the quiet environment, the two rituals started to think about it. Just as she thought further, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind. She looked back and found that it was her brother.



The two ceremonies were a little surprised, but pulled back to reality by this voice, she quietly looked at her brother.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, do you want to go to the New Year together this year?"

"Happy New Year?"

The **** murder scene is still in my mind. Where can I still think about New Year's greetings during the two ceremonies?

She shook her head absent-mindedly, and refused directly.

"I don't want to go."

Leaving only the words of incomparable indifference, the two rituals turned around and walked back to their room. On the way back, Liang Yizhi, who had been silent, spoke.

[Really rare, Shi! Even if something like that happened, you wouldn't necessarily reject him directly, right? If it was the past...Isn't it my task to refuse? 】

(Weaving, don't say extra words.)

The two rituals also realized something, she frowned and stopped in her heart.

But how can the Liangyizhi weaving who have seen everything so easy to stop?

[You are a liar, Shi~ No one knows your character better than I do. You are someone who wants to make a wish together and will reject his brother, right? 】

This remark of Liang Yizhi can be said to have broken the girl's mind. She has always been unusually slow in this regard, and she has no idea about it.

If it weren't for Liang Yizhi's words, the two rituals might not be able to wake up from this.

Was it someone who wanted to make a wish together?

The two rituals were a little startled, but in the process of waking up, the first figure that emerged in her mind turned out to be Lin Feng, who hadn't seen a figure for a long time.

What's the matter? If it's Lin Feng, how can this situation be realized?

The two rituals were quite clear about Lin Feng's urinary nature, which was absurd and unobtainable, so when Liang Yizhi was about to guess further, he hurriedly interrupted him.

【why are you not speaking? If it is you, it should be I want to be with Lin Feng...]

(No! Don’t guess! I just don’t want to go to the shrine this year.)

After hurriedly denying the two rituals, she lay down on the bed and even rarely lifted the quilt directly over the top of her head-she had never done this in the past, and the practice of sleeping directly with her head covered was quite uncommon for her before. accustomed.

However, in the two rituals, I feel that my cheeks are really hot and I don't want to be seen. I can only use this self-deception method to directly cover them, close my eyes and sleep.

Who knows, when the consciousness of the two rituals and Liang Yizhi fell into a deep sleep at the same time, her body, who was sleeping with her head covered, woke up.

That is the physical personality itself, the "two rituals" connecting the vortex of the root!

She slowly opened the quilt and sat up, looking at the palm of her hand and sighed.

"Obviously you already know what you want, why not do it? Really, since you can't do it, let me do it for a while."

The "two rituals" originally didn't want to care about too many things, but Lin Feng was really interesting.

She also cares very much if the two rituals also go to play with him, whether she can also understand what happiness is from this, so as to understand the joy of being in this world.

Therefore, the "two ceremonies" became willing to personally do such trivial things as finding people.


"So you came?"

Lin Feng still kept the posture of opening the door. He watched the "two rituals" wearing a gorgeous plain kimono at his door.

She just stood in the snow in the sky, no different from when she met for the first time for the first time-if she had to say it, this time the "two rituals" put on the horns that Lin Feng gave her. Button the coat.

"Of course, it's Shi Na child's wish after all! Although she has been trying to ignore this emotion, I really can't stand it anymore."

"Two Ceremonies" smiled slightly.

"Come in first, but I didn't expect you to put on that dress too. Well, it really fits."

Lin Feng stepped aside and invited the two ceremonies in. She obediently walked into the warm room and glanced at Di Lu Muduo not being there.

"Because Shishi quite likes this dress, I even posted it for a few days! Oh... your servant is not there. You asked him to leave, do you want other people to disturb us?"

"Two rituals" asked, it was a little ridiculous, and Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

"Who said no? But he just happened to have something to do."

Lin Feng's magnanimousness made the "two rituals" experience some uncomfortable emotions.

She has never had any emotions because of her omniscience and omnipotence. Now, after facing the same existence similar to herself, she has become a little bit like she is also an ordinary person.

"Let's talk, you must have something important this time?"

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