Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 903: The root of death (please subscribe automatically!)

Everything was developing as Lin Feng knew, so he only glanced at the piece of information paper that Cangqi Orange handed over, but did not take it.

"I know, you should keep this for yourself."

"You really don't want to owe me a little bit of favor~"

Cangqi Orange said half-jokingly, but Lin Feng, who had originally walked out, had a stop but turned back.

He leaned closer to the orange, until he was embarrassed to stare at him, and then laughed.

"What do you think I will pay back after I owe you a favor?... With a personal promise, you are not looking forward to this kind of drama?"

Lin Feng was clearly joking, but when he whispered in Cangqi Orange's ear, she was in a daze. For a moment, she took the words seriously, and suddenly her cheeks became unnaturally light pink.

"What are you talking nonsense about you?"

With Lin Feng's nonchalant molesting before, Cangqi Orange's response is also rare with a bit of anger.

Her red eyes glared at Lin Feng, and couldn't help but complain.

"Hurry up to see your apprentice? It seems that she is not doing well."

"Since you said that, then I will go, don't be jealous."

"Stop joking? Who is jealous! Go!"

Cangqi Orange gave Lin Feng a white look, turned around and closed the door, but after that, he leaned against the door and exhaled to cover up his extremely fast heartbeat.

She patted her chest, rubbing her forehead and sighing.

"This Lin Feng...Although he hasn't tried it, he has been joking, why do I always take it seriously?"


When the two rituals regained self-awareness, she was in the dark space, reaching out her hand, but couldn't touch anything.

As if it no longer existed in the outer world, she could only see the red and blue light from far, far away, and she floated up and down in between.

"Where is this? Weaving? Are you there?"

The two rituals tried to speak in the heart, but no one responded.

In this chaotic space that was almost dark, there was no other person, as if this was the place of death itself.

However, no matter what, there used to be the voice of Ryogisori's response, but now the Ryoki ceremonies cannot be heard.

The two rituals want to find, but they can only follow the power in this space and follow the current.

She kept staring at the red and blue light, as if she understood something, but she didn't seem to understand anything.

The strange light was seen in the eyes of the two rituals, and she was floating in the chaos, which vaguely felt that there was nothing in this space, but instinctively contained everything.

Obviously contradictory, here! what's going on……

Didn't I want to die, so I accidentally ran into a vehicle while escaping?

Trying to recall, the two rituals still remember that she was hit by a roadside vehicle before she lost consciousness. She was relieved. If she died, she would not have to worry painfully that she would grow to kill Lin one day. It's windy.

Because I cared too much about Lin Feng and was too afraid of losing the two rituals, I directly chose to end up myself, but I didn't expect to wake up in this place again.

No one responds, no one exists, there are only two ceremonies and one person.

Just before the two rituals began to generate suspicion, something was not far away, and her heart moved and floated towards the place where she felt that way.

Just before arriving at that place, the two rituals saw that place suddenly shine.

She moved for a while, her eyes widened in disbelief, she looked at the figure emerging from that place.

"Lin Feng?!"

How could Lin Feng appear in such a place! ?

When the two ceremonies screamed out, she discovered that she had only spoken in her heart so far, and she really opened her mouth.

Her voice even trembled to the extreme, and the overwhelming surprise appeared in the voice.

Lin Feng, who appeared suddenly, smiled. Like a okay person, he did not float like the two rituals. He stretched out his hand and the two rituals stopped in place.

I don't know why, the anxiety and slight fear of the two rituals in this space, all these emotions disappeared the moment they saw Lin Feng.

"You look pretty good."

"Where is this? Why are you here?"

The two rituals once again asked the question he cared about, but Lin Feng just reached out and touched the head of the two rituals.

At that moment, the eyes of the two rituals suddenly widened, and she actually felt Lin Feng!

"Why? Why can I touch you?"

The two rituals were filled with doubts. After all, she had just tried to touch herself and felt nothingness, but now she seemed to actually exist in this space, actually touching the real existence.

Isn't it a dream here?

Almost all the thoughts of the two rituals were written on his face, and Lin Feng was a little bit smirk, he didn't even need to use divine power, he already knew exactly what the other party thought.

"This is not a dream. As for why you can touch me... You may know the answer later."

Lin Feng's words were vague, and she was confused when hearing the two ceremonies. She stared at Lin Feng for a long time, and finally slowly uttered a question.

"So, do you know where this is? You shouldn't have been here, right?"

The two rituals are not dull people, and it is not difficult for her to infer from Lin Feng's words that this place is different from any place she usually knows.

You know, there shouldn't be such a dark place in this world, where it feels inclusive but nothing exists.

At least in the past ten years of life, the two rituals are unheard of.

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