Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 912: Follow us!

"Ha, then go take a look!"

Cangzaki Orange laughed, suppressing the thunderous heartbeat's interference with her, and she put on her glasses again.

"Go, I'll drive."

Rarely, Lin Feng did not say that he had to transfer to the past. He followed Cangqi Orange all the way into the garage and sat calmly in the passenger seat.


At night, the corridors of the hospital were silent. When the lights were turned off, there was only the green light of the safety exit in the entire corridor.

The two rituals sat quietly on the hospital bed, and the words Cangqi Orange said during the day echoed in her heart, and she was still thinking about how to choose.

"Can you talk to Lin Feng about that question?"

Just as they thought about it, the two rituals suddenly noticed something wrong, and there was an extremely heavy sound of footsteps in the originally silent corridor.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

It is definitely not a normal person to walk like this at this time!

More importantly, the two rituals were keenly aware of the unusual breath, and she suddenly became tense and vigilant.

However, it was too late at this time, and something broke through the door suddenly.


After the loud noise, the two ceremonies only felt that a huge object was directly pressing on her bed, and she pinched her detailed neck with one hand.

"Give me, go in! Give me!"

The hoarse voice roared, and the two rituals felt the heavy breath sprayed on the face, and was mixed with a little splash of saliva.

This is what I wanted to take away from my body before!

Almost at that instant, the two ceremonies confirmed this matter!

She hurriedly pushed away the thing that was trying to strangle herself, and hurriedly hid to the side, but because of the unstable center of gravity, she rolled over to the ground.

The pain of falling directly from the bed to the ground stimulated the nerves of the two rituals. She rolled from the ground with difficulty, finally supporting the wall to stand up.

She gritted and cut her teeth, cursing inwardly.

Damn it!

After the roaring thing was pushed away, his emotions became even higher, and he almost seemed to be crazy again to pounce on the two rituals, trying to chase her.

Can't stop!

The two ceremonies recognized this, and she hurriedly helped the wall out of the room, she touched the corridor wall and walked forward desperately.

If you don't pay attention to it, you will fail here. In short, you can't lose to this kind of thing here!

There is no doubt that the pride of the two rituals does not allow her to lose to something that is not even a living person, but it is very difficult for her to escape.

Because this body has been asleep for two years and has not moved, it is really difficult to use it for such strenuous exercise!


The indescribable creature was chasing after him, his mouth was calling out unsyllable words, but the two rituals understood what the thing wanted to express.

Why reject us?

Obviously you can't find the purpose of living!

This is exactly what the thing has been asking about, and the two rituals that realized this gritted their teeth.

She stomped her feet immediately, and rolled over to avoid a punch that came from the thing, and then ran to the other side.

However, I regretted the two ceremonies just after running a few steps. The corridor on that side was so deadly that it was a dead end. There was only a window at the end of it, and there would be no way to go if it continued.

Follow us!

The Cannian remaining in this hospital seemed to be responding to the cry, and they taunted the two rituals of finding the wrong path.

"How can I give up my body to you here? I still have important people who have high hopes for me!"

The two ceremonies will not forget that she has worked hard to understand who died for these two years. She shouted loudly. When she reached the end of the corridor, she jumped without hesitation, breaking the window and jumping out.

There is grass outside, as long as you can go to a more open place, there will be a ray of life!

The two ceremonies supported the roof of the bungalow when they fell from a high altitude, and they froze directly into the grass with the explosive power of the critical moment.

She struggled to get up, and a familiar breath came immediately behind her.

"Oh, oh, I didn't expect things to develop to this point."

Cangqi Orange pressed her forehead with a headache, she walked to the front of the two ceremonies and completely protected it behind her without a trace. She was originally confident in her charm.

But even the Magic Association bought the patented runes from her at a high price, one of Aosaki Orange's proud magic, unexpectedly it would be so vulnerable.

"It seems that this bet can only be lost to you. Anyway, you guys didn't expect it from the beginning, right? I wanted to say it a long time ago! In fact, you are the holder of the'determined' future vision, right? Otherwise, how could you be so predictable every time!"

Cangqi Orange complained and turned his head to look to the side. The person who slowly walked out from under the shade of the tree was undoubtedly Lin Feng. Unlike Cangqi Orange, who looked rather anxious, Lin Feng seemed to be here for a walk.

"How come? I have a future vision, you can't not see it."

Lin Feng shrugged, he glanced at someone with a smile.

If Aozaki Orange doesn't even have this ability to judge, she wouldn't be able to become the crowned magician.

Cangqi Orange shrugged her shoulders in a frustrated manner. Lin Feng was right. She was absolutely impossible to overlook. Lin Feng was really not the holder of the future.

But he can easily predict what will happen!

Originally, Orange was quite confident in his magic, thinking that he might win the bet this time, but who knew that such an accident happened!

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