Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 915: What did you say to her?

"You obviously can find where Fujino Asakami is by yourself? It's not good to rely on me too much."

"Even if I can find... who knows what you can do!"

At the moment when it was pointed out that they were too dependent on Lin Feng, the two rituals resembled a cat with blow-up hair. She stretched out her hand and scratched Lin Feng, and was defeated amidst the usual smile of the other side. She was a little discouraged.

"Huh? Do you think I would do anything to that girl? This idea really surprised me, Shi."

Lin Feng sighed in an exaggerated tone.

"Don't say that I am like a **** who can casually deal with girls?"

"Who is worried about that?"

Both rituals blushed and stared at Lin Feng, she muttered.

"You absolutely said something to Fujino Asakami that day! That's why she returned to her original state when she saw me."

Although it was just a guess, the two rituals used a determined tone. She stared straight at Lin Feng, hoping to find even the slightest flaw in his face.

However, the two rituals failed, Lin Feng just raised his eyebrows, and his emotions did not fluctuate much.

"Oh? What do you think I said?"

Two rituals take a breath.

"Who knows what you said? Isn't this asking you?"

"Shi, you are so sure of what I did to others, this kind of thought is very sad."

Lin Feng didn't answer the aggressive questioning of the two ceremonies. Instead, he patted his chest exaggeratedly and wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of his eyes.

The two rituals frowned fiercely, and she instantly understood that it was impossible to get information from Lin Feng, let alone let the other party guide herself.

Therefore, after the two ceremonies stepped to the door and opened the door, she turned to stare at Lin Feng.

"I'm going to kill her. If you intervene in my fight with Fujino Asakami again this time, even if your opponent is you, I will kill you without hesitation!"

After abandoning such imposing words, the two ceremonies closed the door severely and left.

But Lin Feng, who was threatened severely by the two ceremonies, shrugged, and he met Cangqi Orange's teasing gaze.

"The real murderer."

"It's no wonder that she has been holding back for a month. Why did you suddenly deal with the toy she was fancy, you wouldn't be jealous?"

Jealous? how is this possible.

Lin Feng smiled.

"As far as you know about me, if I make a move, are there other possibilities?"

Cangzaki Orange immediately showed a clear expression.

Although Lin Feng's behavior was unpredictable, it seemed that it was completely based on his mood, and then if he talked about Lin Feng's true purpose, relying on Cangqi Orange's understanding of him, he could still tell one or two things.

This is the one that bears the brunt, of course it is for [interesting].

Cangqi Orange knew very well that Lin Feng was an out-and-out hedonism, and what he wanted to do was definitely because he thought it was fun.

This time I am afraid it was also because of this motivation, Lin Feng would not hesitate to attack Fujino Asakami.

"It must be done for fun, you will not do meaningless things..."

After Lin Feng deliberately showed an expression of admiration, and then nodded, Cangqi Orange's face showed an expression of "Sure enough".

"Sometimes I really wonder if you take life completely as a game."

Cangqi Orange's unintentional ridicule made Lin Feng's smile deepen. In his heart, he only said that Cangqi Orange was the holder of the magic eye, and a casual ridicule was just the truth.

Indeed, Lin Feng indifferently regarded what happened in this world as his game, and the people living in it were nothing but his toys.

That's why Lin Feng doesn't pay attention to anything and is so actively involved in interesting things.

It's just that on the surface, Lin Feng has never revealed the slightest landscape.

"Who knows, as long as it is interesting?"

"But I'm a little curious, what exactly did you do to that law, Fujino."

It just so happens that Aosaki Orange is also a wretched eye holder, and she has also paid attention to Asakami Fujino for a while, but it is not as eager for the two rituals.

Therefore, Cangqi Orange was also curious about what Lin Feng did to bring the other party back to normal from the murderous appearance, making the other party the target of the two rituals that cannot produce killing intent.

Facing Cangqi Orange's probing eyes, Lin Feng just smiled.

"You have to know that Asakami Fujino is a painless patient who has always pretended to be a normal person. Of course, she is the most fanatical about'looks like an ordinary person'."

"It's just that? You won't just remind her to make the ground normal."

Cangqi Orange looked at Lin Feng suspiciously, but couldn't see anything.

"Is it that simple?"

"Ah, that's not it."

Lin Feng waved his hand and smiled crookedly.

"I just reminded her a word."

"This makes me a little curious about what you said. If the anti-formal is not there, you just tell me?"

Cangqi Orange was tickled by Lin Feng's mockery. She stood up while watching the table with her elbow, staring at Lin Feng.


"Are you sure you continue to hunt down those who have witnessed your killing, so you can suppress the urge to kill and return to normal?"

As soon as Cangqi Orange heard this, she almost applauded Lin Feng's manipulation of this wave of psychological warfare. She knew exactly what Lin Feng was using.

Lin Feng is nothing more than using Asakami Fujino's obsession with normality. Once the seeds of doubt are planted, Asakami Zano, who is fighting between heaven and man in his heart, will no longer think about killing.

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