Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 969: Almost wiped out by his own people!

But, who believes?

This Yogg Domirenia Castle, which almost collapsed into ruins, was all a gift from Linfeng!

Danike was also angry, he held back for a long time, and shouted.


"Oh, if you don't have a lot of vocabulary, don't use it indiscriminately? Really... I'm doing it for your good."

"Using the magical power of artificial humans as a substitute for your barren magical powers is a good method, but is it cheating? Guess whether that Miss Ruler will rule that you violated the rules and eliminate you directly!"

Lin Feng made a knife-blade shape with his hand in a pretentious manner, cut his neck, and smiled.

"Speaking of it, she seems to have come over here to see it, you haven't confessed it."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, the expressions of all the magicians in the venue were not very good.

Putting aside the speculation of illegality, it was nothing more than his "barren magic" that hit their sore spot.

After all, the essence of Yogg Domirenia is a gang of mobs with declining bloodlines. In terms of aptitude, it is actually not that great.

But this Lin Feng doesn't even have a magic circuit, so what nonsense is he talking about here?

Among them, Kaules, who has the worst magic aptitude, was uncomfortable. He murmured in his heart rather resentfully, but he did not dare to say it.

Lin Feng clearly saw that there was no magic circuit, how did he easily drive the servant?

Obviously he is much better than him!

Danike doesn't care what other people think, it's his idea to use cyborg magic as a battery. He only cares about this. There is no record of this thing that it is illegal!

After all, this is Yogg Domirenia's original creation, so he hesitated and scolded.

"You are just a new layman who joined because of a loophole. What can you know! There is no record of saying that this is not allowed."

"But I didn't say that it was OK?"

Lin Feng didn't care about the layman's words, but Nero wanted to go up and teach Danic a lesson, but Lin Feng comforted him.

"Do you want me to help you ask if I meet ruler next time? Anyway, I'm passing by."

Lin Feng said it kindly, it sounds completely humiliating in the black camp.

Danick's face was on one side, before Vlad III had time to speak, Vlad III glanced at him and said coldly.

"Danike, you don't need to be obsessed with this topic anymore. Lin Feng will naturally be executed by Yu. This time, he will completely release the boundaries."

Before he finished his words, Vlad III surged with a violent flow of magical power all over his body, and Dane, who was standing next to him, stagnated, almost unable to stand firmly due to the sudden loss of magical power.

Lin Fengdang didn't hear the same, he hugged Nero and walked away slowly, facing Vlad III behind his back, as if the other party couldn't beat him with a backstab.

This was self-confidence and contempt. Vlad III pointed a spear in his hand, and the magic instantly moved with his mind.

"The King of Death!"

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!"

"Rumble rumbling!"

It was too late and then soon, and as soon as Vlad III's words were spoken, the forest made of black iron piles rose up instantly, all concentrated in one piece.

What can be hit is not Lin Feng who is about to leave, but the black camp staying in place.

The earth moves, the mountains shake, and the sky is shaded by the black iron forest!

The black camp was all caught off guard. If Vlad III hadn't regained his power in the end, I'm afraid the black camp had already been wiped out.

But the non-central area is different. Fiore and others breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, when they escaped, they heard a scream from outside.


A scream resounded through the entire ruins, and Vlad III's face suddenly became more ugly.

He completely retracted the power of the treasure, rushed over it first, and saw the black caster lying on the ground.

The blood flow in his abdomen was endless, and he saw the wound from the black iron stake.


The young magician leaped at the black caster and asked with great concern.

Avisbronn's expression hidden under the mask was quite ugly, his abdomen pain was unbearable, even far beyond the pain he had experienced before his death.

After seeing Vlad III rushing over to look at him, he felt more pain in his abdomen.

I want to know that the sudden iron stake was from Vlad III’s treasure. He didn’t like being stared at. Avisbronn was uncomfortable even through a mask, let alone the cause of his current pain. Out of Vlad III.

"Caster, are you okay? Let your master heal you, I feel sorry for this."

Avisbronn pressed the painful wound, he took a deep breath and replied with a trembling voice.

"I'm fine, Wang, just why..."

Avisbronn felt aggrieved, but he couldn't directly ask why Vlad III pierced himself with an iron stake. He could only ask in a euphemistic way.

Vlad III took a halt. Although he couldn't see Avisbronn's expression clearly, he also knew that it was his fault for the sake of reason, and that Lin Feng made the calculation.

Vlad III sighed, facing his beloved Avis Bronn, who was badly injured, he had to put down his former king figure.

After all, for this Holy Grail War, Avisbronn's magic and the magic puppet he created are both important combat powers.

Vlad III was not a person who lost the concept of the overall situation for a moment, so he squatted down, holding Avisbronn's hand very sincerely, and slowly apologized.

"I'm sorry about what happened this time, but Yu was also stunned by the Lin Fengqi, but he didn't expect to be scammed by him!"

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