Infinite King System

Chapter 852: General!

"That's it," Lin Feng's tone became cold. "Since that day, the twins have had to bet on this name, from being intimate to being hostile, and each embarked on a journey to the outside world to become stronger. In order to beat the opponent!"

"Among these twins, one of them is me, and the other child is Lin Feng the Pirate!"

"Then you haven't decided the outcome yet?" Karp couldn't help asking.

Lin Feng shook his head, and his tone became extremely sad: "Unfortunately, our family was destroyed by the Pirates of the New World before the final judgment can be made!"


Karp was surprised, and Lin Feng continued to play the Oscar-level acting skills: "After this, he and I have each believed that we are the orthodox family heirs, so we both bear the name of Lin Feng, but neither Don’t recognize each other."

The family was annihilated, and it was still a pirate group, and most of the town suffered together. By then, even if the Warring States period wanted to investigate, there was no evidence.

However, there is still a hint of doubt in the Warring States period: "If this is the case, why did the other Lin Feng become a pirate?"

Lin Feng had already prepared the answer: "Because at the beginning, both of us were very disappointed with the navy that failed to rescue in time. You can ask Karp about this. I was not very willing to join the navy at the beginning. Up."

Karp nodded in cooperation. At first he wasted a lot of energy in order to let Lin Feng join the navy.

"Furthermore, the pirates are fighting their own way. He thinks that maybe by becoming a member of the pirates, he can get in touch with the enemy faster."

Lin Feng explained that at this point, the Warring States had already fully understood. He took a deep breath and said: "I know, you have a good rest and prepare for the world conscription!"

"As long as you can succeed, you will definitely be able to find your enemy faster!"


What happened in the ward today did not spread. People only learned from the newspaper that the Navy had visited Brigadier General Lin Feng who had just recovered from the serious injury, and a photo was taken by the reporter.

It seemed that Brigadier General Lin Feng was recovering well, and everyone was relieved. In this incident, only Zefa died. Now that another victim, Lin Feng, has recovered, there is nothing to worry about.

Now everyone is looking at the upcoming naval conscription. As the Navy recently broke out more things, people continue to come to sign up, but the Navy has never seen those who are truly capable.

Just a week before the scheduled start of the competition, at the Navy’s regular press conference, the Navy announced two things. One of them is the much-anticipated Brigadier General Lin Feng who will come to participate in the final reward of this world conscription. Scramble.

The second thing is to officially announce the final reward of this conscription-the new general rank!

Obviously this was used to replace the previously sacrificed Zefa's combat power. When this matter was told from the navy spokesperson, everyone felt crazy.

No one dared to guess no matter how you guessed it, the navy actually offered a place with the rank of general, and when everyone was in madness, someone discovered the most critical part of this matter.

Someone asked whether the navy would provide Lin Feng with assessment content. The spokesperson said bluntly: “We will provide the best help to Brigadier Lin Feng, but it does not include assessment content and other cheating methods. After all, this is a global recruitment. Activities, we can still stick to this bottom line."

After explaining such a problem, the spokesperson turned his head and left, leaving only the reporters who were still frantically writing manuscripts. Then the next time an article flew to various parts of the world, the information exploded.

The representative of the navy's highest combat power, the legendary general, everyone was stimulated by the news. It was the last few days of the registration period. The registration point that was originally only deserted was suddenly surrounded by people.

Everyone wants to participate, even if they don't get a general, they may be looked at by other senior navy leaders and get other positions.

In fact, there is one more thing that the navy hasn't announced yet, but many general-level leaders already know about it.

In addition to Lin Feng, the two lieutenant generals who are truly considered to be the younger generations of the generals will be used as seed players in the latter part of the World Conscription!

Sarkarski and Kuzan!

The reason why the position of generals in the navy was always vacant was to wait for the two to truly grow up to be competent generals. Unfortunately, when Zefa died, time didn't wait for anyone, so the selection of generals had to start early.

In this way, the registration for the big conscription ended in a frenetic atmosphere. The next month was a simple screening, and then the finalists were notified to rush to the competition venue.

The five hundred contestants selected from all over the world all used their own methods to rush towards Malin Fanduo. Finally, on the day of the deadline, everyone arrived and the first game officially began.

After a night’s rest, everyone was taken to the pier the next day and then boarded a luxury cruise ship.

There were only their contestants and staff above. In the meeting room of the cruise ship, Karp, the chief examiner, appeared in front of everyone. Before waiting for the excitement of the masters selected from the private sector, he directly announced the rules of the first game. .

"Treasure your last meal at noon."

Karp’s first sentence is this: "For the jungle survival battle, you can only take a small amount of supplies to the designated jungle. Each of you will have a badge, which means that your original points are 10 points. There are more flags, badges or other things in it, and each is marked with a point value."

"If you find it, it will give you extra points. You can only rely on you to get food and other supplies in the jungle. I will also give you a signal stick. If you feel that you can't survive, you will open it. Signal stick, our people will come to rescue you!"..

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