Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 107: Rush to the battlefield

Xie Chen didn't answer directly, but looked at Tsunade suddenly showing a playful smile: "Then Tsunade-sama, what do you think my bottom line will be? And what is the bottom line you expect?"

"It's very simple! I hope you can participate in this operation all the way and stay in line with Konoha, and at the same time try to obey the tasks we have given you! In other words, consider yourself a member of the coalition army!"

"It's really troublesome to ask!" Xie Chen shrugged helplessly. "Compared to what you said, I still like to move freely. Of course, my actions cannot damage your Konoha's interests."

Since Tsunade had expected Xie Chen to answer this way, he was still a little disappointed after hearing it: "Xie Chen, we really need your strength in this battle. Let's take this time in the Iron Kingdom. For the great battle, if it were not for you to lead the other ninjas, I am afraid that the casualties of the ninjas in our country of fire would not be so low, and it would be impossible to repel Six Penn smoothly.

Xie Chen smiled indifferently: "But I never make a loss-making business. Since you already know my true value, then of course I have the capital to make the conditions, don't I?"

Tsunade sighed, "Well, tell me your terms, as long as it's not too much, I will agree."

Xie Chen said relaxedly: "It's very simple. As long as Tsunade promises to be my person and treat me as the master, then I can do it on your terms!"

Hearing Xie Chen’s request, Tsunade didn’t have any surprises: “Sure enough, it’s the same again. I think Hinata and Adzuki were so subdued by you, right? Although they are still Konoha’s people, they are already Your subordinates?"

"Yes. But as I said before, we will not do things that damage Konoha's interests, and they also have a very deep feeling for Konoha."

Tsunade was silent for a while before he said solemnly: "Well, as long as you can protect every ninja in the village to the best of your ability, then Tsunade will be yours!"

"Oh, I have subdued another big beauty." Xie Chen snapped his fingers. This time the "business" was really profitable. Originally, because of the mission, he would not just be a spectator. In addition to this requirement, he can still subdue Tsunade, which is an accident.

In the next few days, Xie Chen began uniform training for Konoha's ninjas as agreed. To put it more directly is to increase their actual combat capabilities.

However, Shikamaru and others all took Hinata's progress in their eyes, especially after the last battle with Akatsuki, they all realized how powerful Xie Chen is. Therefore, although the practice was very hard, they did not complain.

Within a few days, Xie Chen was invited to the office by Tsunade again, and this time Kakashi, Akai and other Konoha core Shinnin were all there.

"The latest information has come out. It came from Shayin Village." Seeing that everyone had arrived, Tsunade said straight to the door, "Now we have roughly grasped the new base of Akatsuki!"

"So fast!" Everyone was a little surprised.

After they rescued Gaara back, they immediately sent people to explore the surroundings of Shayin Village. There was no news, but now they suddenly have more accurate information." Tsunade-sama, is the news from Sain true? Is this a trap deliberately exposed by Akatsuki?"

Xie Chen nodded slightly, it seemed that Konoha wasn't all idiots.

"Gokage has already conducted a conference call. This kind of guess is very possible, but we have no choice." Tsunade said solemnly, "The current situation is that the enemy is dark and we are bright. The longer the delay, the easier it will be for us. Exposing flaws allows the opponent to sneak attack, so this is a trap that we can step into! As long as the strength is enough, the trap can also become an opportunity to force the opponent to fight us head-on!"

"How many coalition troops are you planning to send out?"

"This time Shayin will draw the least number of ninjas, while the water country will be converted to its terrain and the power of the sea maze, and it will draw the most. The other three villages plus the iron country will leave enough defensive forces. , Other ninjas go all out!"

"A big deal," Xie Chen sighed, "What about the specific layout."

"Shayin Village has already sent the specific coordinates. In order to prevent it from being a trap, we had to attack with a small but most elite force at the beginning to break this trap and force the opponent to send more people. The biggest shortcoming of Akatsuki's organization is that They are understaffed! And we have to make the most of this advantage."

Xie Chen felt that Tsunade and the others were too simplistic.

That's right, the most obvious weakness of Akatsuki's organization is indeed too much manpower, but don't they know this weakness themselves?

If this is the case, why should they send manpower to set up this trap and give them a chance to do their best?

"Xie Chen! What do you want? Since you are sending the most elite force this time, your'squad' must be doing your part. Is there any problem?" Tsunade said directly.

"Uh, there is no problem, it's just that you have to do a good job of the response, don't let us really become a lone army."

Other ninjas heard Xie Chen's "squad" and did not express anything unusually. Obviously, even Hong himself regarded Hinata and Hongdou as Xie Li's subordinates.

"Of course! We will give you a special ninja device. Even if we get caught in the opponent's ninja circle through this device, we can keep the communication open. You can explain the status to us at any time."

Now that Tsunade and the others had made preparations, Xie Chen didn't refuse. After all, in terms of strength, they are indeed the team most likely to get out of the possible traps.

Later Tsunade confessed to Kakashi that they divided the entire ninja village into several divisions and carried out direct tree management. At the same time, they divided the entire ninja village into several units, so as to facilitate the simultaneous presence of enemy in other directions. Combat dispatch.

After that, Xie Chen gathered No. No., Bai, Hin Tian and Hongdou, and the village's teleportation troops directly teleported them around the village of Shayin, and then rushed to the location of the coordinates. ..


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