Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 112: The power of the four ninja swords

In addition to the convenience of everyone's name for them, the Ninja Seven Ninjas also literally know that these ninjas possess special Ninja swords with terrifying abilities!

The good news is that Chojuro's Ninja sword must be under his hand, so the six people only have five Ninja swords at most. If there is no problem with the shark muscles placed in the land of water, they should only have four ninja swords!

"Can't you get rid of this kind of technique? If you want to work for a disgusting person like Da She Wan, you will certainly not be reconciled." Don't cut a stride to the front, stimulating these former companions.

"Hehe, do you think we are really willing to do this? When we understand that we are being used by others, we constantly try to break through this bondage, but it's useless. This power is too strong. Don't cut it anymore, wait a while. Don't keep your hands because we will never show mercy!"

"Understood!" With a wave of the broad sword, he returned to his previous indifference without cutting it. "I will never keep my hand in a while. The best way for me to memorialize you now is to kill you all on the spot!"

"Ready to fight!" Knowing that the battle was imminent, Xie Chen immediately reminded Bai and the others behind.

Bai and Hongdou did not rush up with Xie Chen, but consciously fell behind to protect the safety of Hinata and others. The only ones who are really on the front line are Xie Chen and the two who will not be cut!

"What a courage!"

Seeing that there were only two of them, they wanted to block their famous Ninja Seven. Even if one of them had been their companion, the six became angry.

The most "normal" ninja inside suddenly summoned an ink drawing with psychic techniques, with seven circular runes painted on it, each of which was different.

With the activation of his chakra, the four talisman cultures were directly transmitted to his companions for the four-handed ninja sword!

The first person who rushed over was a weird man who seemed to have two very pointed ears with his own hairstyle.

His Shinobi swords are double swords, and they are very slender.

Rushing in front of Xie Chen, both swords swung straight.

A moment ago, Xie Chen saw him swing the double knives, but in the next moment, the two long knives had already been cut in front of him, and there was a bit of thunder and lightning on them!

With Xie Chen's reaction speed, he was taken aback, and he quickly stepped away, the situation was dangerous and dangerous!

"Be careful! This is one of the seven ninja swords, Ya, its power is known for its speed! It is easy to be caught off guard!"

"Hehe, let you handle this. Although his speed is fast, he should be inferior to yours in terms of strength, right?"

"Hmph, I don't need to worry about you on my side. You still worry about the strength of other people. Their Shinobi will never be worse than Thunder Sword!" There is no delay if you don't cut it anymore. Ringo Yu Yuri took it over!

He rushed up to mention a **** man, who was stronger than Qiu Dao Ding times! But fortunately, he didn't seem to have any Shinobi swords, but the huge iron fist made people dare not ignore it.

Xie Chen just wanted to meet his iron fist head-on, but suddenly realized that something was wrong!

Before his iron fist attacked, countless spurs attacked them first!

"Unexpectedly, there is this trick!" Xie Chen's reaction speed was fast enough, and immediately mobilized the "Instant Shaving" power to avoid these spurs.

On the other side, a messy long hair with a slender ninja sword attacked Xie Chen.

Facing the enemies on both sides, Xie Chen snorted, and suddenly hit the ground with a punch, shaking up a huge stone wall, blocking the ninja with messy hair, and he first dealt with the big fat man!

However, before Xie Chen could take action, his heart suddenly became vigilant!

Just as he flew away, a "flying needle" suddenly pierced such a huge stone wall silently, and it shuttled back and forth, cutting the huge wall apart within a second. Drop!

"It's so strong! If you don't cut it, what kind of knife is this thing?"

"Long knife, stitches, this ninja knife can pierce everything and stitch it together!"

"Piercing everything? What a big tone." Xie Chen snorted and flew back to avoid the attack of the two of them again, but before he was ready to start a counterattack, he went from two directions behind his back. There are new enemies!

The man on the left rushed towards him like a beast, and his force was more powerful than that of the big fat man.

The person on the right also holds a long knife, and the entire knife looks like a huge scroll.

"Be careful, the ninja sword held by Wuli Jinhachi is a blasting sword, droplet! The area it cuts will be detonated!"


As soon as Xie Chen touched the ground, he immediately kicked it out, and shot some stones on the ground to the side of Wu Li Bashi, and he punched the "beast" man who had summoned the four Shinobi before.

After a cut, although the stones had strong kinetic energy, they were easily exploded, leaving only ashes.

But on the other side, Ghost Lantern Full Moon underestimated the horror of Xie Chen's strengthening.

The two punched at the same time, only to hear the sound of a broken bone.

The seven Ninja Swordsmen all looked over in horror. They knew the strength of the Ghost Lantern Man Yue very well, and they never expected that he would be broken by Xie Chen's arm in a single blow!

"Step up the siege!"

That ghost lantern full moon is really fierce! Regardless of his severely injured body, he first ordered Xie Chen to besiege.

"Dull knife!"

An indomitable force slashed towards Xie Chen, and that force felt irresistible even with Xie Chen's feeling.

Xie Chen has now fought against all of these seven Ninja Swords, and has a clear understanding of their strength and characteristics. In such a short period of time, Xie Chen has decided on an offensive and defensive strategy.

Under the situation of siege, he absolutely must avoid the blunt knife and the long knife, the two kinds of ninja knives, which are all hard and fast. On the contrary, for the blast knife, although it looks very powerful, it is all their own people. , This enemy must be scrupulous when using it! ..


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