Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 119: Just argument

"I can't guarantee this! But even so, you can't start killing people, and even take pleasure in this kind of killing! &

"Don't worry, we are not so boring. If there is not something that makes our hearts move inside, do you think there will be such a powerful force to bring so many people and so many forces together?"

"It's not ashamed, is this you putting gold on your own face?" Someone in the back could not help but sneer at the fallacies that they were defending for themselves.

"Huh, don’t you have to at least listen to people’s words when you post gold? Of course I know that you are accustomed to judgment before trial. Over the years, how many outstanding people have been wronged by this "guessing" and "vertical target" method. Ninja! Can you remember it yourself?"

Xie Chen, Kakashi and others looked at each other. He is indeed correct in this regard. The five big ninja villages used to have many unclear dark sides. And these dark sides are generally not visible to the members of their own village, otherwise, half of the big people in the entire village will probably be judged! Obviously, let's not talk about that kind of thing in wartime, even in peacetime, shouldn't we adopt this attitude? "

"Of course everyone agrees that the option is right. But the fact is that what should I do? With the past performance of all ninja villages, can I expect them to be in control? Those big men can sacrifice others without shame in the past. To perfect oneself, can it be so great now that you give up vendetta and desire to live in peace?"

"At least if you really have the idea of ​​purifying the world, you should try hard with us!" Xie Chen said flatly.

"Huh, don't say so nicely, let alone overestimate your own strength! As far as I know, you are not even Konoha's ninja now. You feel like you are arbitrarily arguing about the internal affairs of the village. Will anyone obey? They will reject you with a more fierce attitude, and even beat you as their enemy!"

"Then you should be like you! How do others use war to kidnap other innocent people? Have they ever used other innocent lives? Or is it a massacre somewhere? How can you be worthy of this? This group of people!"

"Humph, don't talk nonsense with him. Even if the war in the Ninja world were to be killed, at least he would come in a straightforward manner. And even if he had the idea of ​​changing the world, he would only act like this sneakily. Can this method change the world? Even the courage to stand up frontally!" Other ninjas were even more cynical.

"Huh! Do you have the qualifications to look down on me?" Bringing the soil coldly pointed to their team, "You don't even have the power to connect me with a tailed bullet. Now your life and death are my responsibility. Hands. Tell me what is the use of the so-called courage for you now! See how young children like that are pushed onto the battlefield by you, and you know how scared the five great shadows behind them are now!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw that a child was kneeling in front of his relative who had just been killed.

However, what is surprising is that at this last moment, guarding in front of his relatives, he started to paint the same face makeup as his parents! And this kind of face makeup is somewhat similar to the one on Zi Lai Ye's face!

Take the soil at this moment seems to be distracted.

At the same time, the "reason" he was talking about also stopped instantly.

Before this child's deeds, it seemed that part of the truth he insisted on was being crushed by him.

"I'm dizzy, why are there still father and son soldiers in the same team?"

Kakashi looked back and nodded helplessly: "This time the Ninja Alliance Army was formed very hastily, so it was only divided into Zhongnin in general. Generally, the upper ninja and the elite upper ninja. As it is now, this child should be A genius ninja, he is already a ninja at such a young age. That's why he could witness his father's tragic death with his own eyes."

Xie Li let out a long sigh, and turned his eyes to the soil: "With the soil, haven't you seen it yet? You are destroying the things we carry by the law of earth. Even if you kill us all, so what? So? When the new generation of ninjas grow up, they will still inherit our ideas."

"I didn't say that I would eliminate them!" At this time, there was a stronger sense of reason between the words with the soil, "I just explained my disgust for this whole ninja world, disgusting his previous attitude , Lies, deceit. But the way I want to change this world is never to directly destroy it. It is to hypnotize everyone!"

"The illusion of writing round eyes? But how can you do it. Even if your strength is no longer what it used to be, it is absolutely impossible to hypnotize everyone!" Kakashi still doesn't believe in bringing dirt. It was actually carrying out such a crazy plan.

"Hehe, that's why I need the help of the ten tails. When I inhale the power of the ten tails, I can get stronger power. My chakra may be limited, but the power of the ten tails is almost infinite When I gather the power of the ten tails, I will transform myself into the power of the ten tails. Then I will have enough power to perform the infinite moon reading technique on the moon! The reflection of the moon will affect everyone's mind. They have shaped a truly pure society in their hearts."

"At that time, there will be no more lies between people, and there will be no more fights and vendettas between people. If society will always be such perfect people, then will our previous ugly behaviors still happen today? ? At that time we must usher in a truly intoxicating world!"

"Hehe, then you never thought that such a world itself is the biggest lie?" Xie Chen dismissed a place where he contradicted himself.

"This is different! I want to hypnotize them infinitely through Infinite Moon Reading, so that they can merge what they see in front of them into one, and in their respective dreams, I will try to shape them into what they most hope to achieve. The world. Let them always have a happy time. In this way, it is equal to compensation for them!"..


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