Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 167: Safe return

"It seems that you are very guilty, don't you want me to touch your fortress? What do you think is the use of a fortress that is not touched?" Of course Xie Chen can feel the strong pressure behind him, but he is completely Don't be afraid, castrate and attack the city wall with a fist.

He immediately felt a great recoil force spreading along his arm to his body.

"With such a strong recoil force, it seems that the wall doesn't move at all!" Xie Chen didn't dare to think too deeply, and flashed directly to the side, trying to avoid his blow in time.

However, now that he was taken the lead by the soil, how could he get it back so easily. Of course, bringing the soil is to chase behind him with all his strength and at least hurt Xie Chen with his strongest strength!

Although Xie Chen's most scientific goal has not been achieved, he has not really analyzed the true power of this fortress, but at least he has obtained first-hand information, so there is no need to entangle him at all, as long as he can get away now, he can. Go back for business.

The battlefield immediately evolved into a displacement battle between the technique of instant shave and the power of God.

I saw their twinkling shadows everywhere in the air.

Each time they appear for less than one second, don't talk about chasing in such a situation, even if you look at it, you will be dazzled.

However, the party who transfers first has the advantage after all, because the people behind can only follow his rhythm to chase behind.

Finally, Xie Chen's reaction seemed to slow down, and he was chased directly behind him by the soil.

"Art fire escape **** fireball!"

For the earth, it seems that it is too late to use the Shenwei Shuriken. It is better to directly use the instant fireball technique to attack him so that he can't be teleported calmly, and then he will be hit hard!

A huge flame rose up, covering Xie Chen's entire body.

"Successful?" Tai Tu himself was a little bit disbelief that he actually hit Xie Chen.

Several times, to be honest, Jian Tu had an abnormal psychology towards Xie Chen from the bottom of his heart. It's not that he was afraid of Xie Chen, otherwise he wouldn't come alone to fight him alone, but he was somewhat afraid of difficulties.

He knew that even if he wanted to defeat Xie Chen, the process was definitely more difficult than he had imagined, but now he really caught his flaws, Jizhong!

Er, it's not that I can't grasp his flaws, but I shouldn't be able to grasp it so easily.


Suddenly, Tai Tu sensed a strong force slashing towards him.

Xie Chen's Yanfeng cut!

He disappeared in place with the magic of supernatural power, which made his attack miss, but the attack with soil was ineffective, but he could no longer track Xie Chen."Thank you for your warm hospitality, I will humbly accept this information!" Xie Chen easily leaped over the remaining two flame chains and waited until Xie Chen had already jumped out of sight before bringing the soil to keep him in more ways.

"Next time, when you really come to attack the fortress, it won't be that simple!" said Tai Tu coldly looking at his back.

"Master Xie Chen, are you back?"

Because this time Xie Chen performed the task of temptation alone, even if he was very confident in his strength, Hinata and the others were still a little worried, and only breathed a sigh of relief after seeing his figure.


"Did your action go smoothly this time?" Although Xie Chen's actions were top secret to them, these people were too concerned about Xie Chen's whereabouts, and they still knew a little bit about him. Therefore, many people can guess that he is going to investigate the situation of the other three fortresses by guessing alone.

"You savvy ghosts. When did I personally go out and have problems? Okay, it's all gone, I'm going to discuss something with Tsunade-sama now."

Seeing Xie Chen's performance, Shikamaru and others all showed disappointed expressions. They saw that Xie Chen didn't seem to be preparing to organize a large-scale operation, so if they wanted the kind of battle they were looking forward to, it would be impossible unless Xiao organized an attack in a short time.

Xie Chen didn't have time to pay attention to their thoughts of looking forward to a war, and went straight into the communication room.

There are already quite a few ninjas who have set up a communication ninja array, allowing him to communicate with Tsunade and others in real time. And Tuying and Raikage are already waiting there

"Xie Chen, how's your investigation going this time? How strong is their fortress, is it difficult to break?" Lei Ying was impatient, and just saw Xie Chen walk in and hurried forward to ask.

"When I rushed to their third fortress, I happened to be blocked by Motou himself, so I didn't get many chances to attack their fortress, but from that time I tried my full blow, it was indeed very strong. ."

"Oh? Come and listen."

Xie Chen waved his hand in a soothing manner, and signaled them to stay calm, and waited for the communication with Tsunade and Terumi Mei to talk about the details of the process of this action.

"How much power does your palm have? Just based on verbal descriptions, we still don't have a detailed understanding."

Although Lei Ying and others also understand Xie Chen's level of strength, they have not personally experienced it in terms of strength, so the understanding is still not intuitive enough.

Xie Chen estimated: "About, it's already enough to flatten Shayin Village's outer interest Yashan."

"What? The power that demolished Funasan!" Except for Tsunade, the strange girl, Raikage could not help but take a breath.

"Furthermore, even such a powerful force only received a stronger counter shock from the walls of the fortress, but didn't it actually hurt the fortress half a point?"

Xie Chen thought for a while, shook his head and said, "It is true from the situation of my personal attack, but I always feel that there is something wrong with it."

Others did not rush to ask Xie Chen what was wrong. They knew that such urgent questions would interrupt his thinking. ..


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