Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 183: objection

Needless to say, Naruto and Sakura's reaction when they heard the news, if it weren't for the current enemy, they would have had a party to celebrate.

Other ninjas who are sympathetic to the Uchiha clan are also happy to see such a situation. Especially they already knew that Sasuke had made a big noise in the Five Shadows Conference, which fully demonstrated how strong he was. Not to mention Itachi, another survivor of the Uchiha clan, his strength has long been known.

With the help of such a powerful player, their strength can be greatly improved, so that the situation that had formed a balance of power began to fall to their side.

It's just that if they see the big snake in the pocket with their own eyes, they don't know if they will have such an idea.

However, in the Ninja Army, it is by no means all people who have a good impression of them!

In other words, there are even more people who have bad impressions of them than those who have good impressions!

The atmosphere of the entire ninja coalition army immediately became weird. It is not even a question of how many people openly express their opposition to Sasuke and Itachi, but they are also full of mistrust between them!

For example, those Konoha ninjas who want to "save" Sasuke back are very worried that the ninjas in the villages that Sasuke and Itachi have offended before will kill them, or deliberately kill them on the battlefield.

Similarly, those ninjas who want to destroy the return of Sasuke and Itachi are also planning something. Moreover, Xie Chen can hardly blame them. After all, many of their companions died in Itachi’s hands. Moreover, although everyone has gathered into the same team, they still don’t want the Uchiha clan in their subconscious mind. Able to revive.

These mental states are either uncontrollable or unconscious thoughts, even Xie Chen can't control them.

And if you get to the top, the various mentalities are even more complicated!

"Huh, isn't Itachi always your Konoha's betrayer? Now he says he wants to cooperate with such a person? And that Sasuke just had a fight in Konoha, and he also hid your important elder's belongings. Did you kill it?"

This is an enlarged meeting.

Because the decision to accept Tsuna Sasuke and Itachi is more important, and it may involve the conspiracy of the other party, it is not easy for the Five Shadows Conference to make up their mind.

Therefore, this time I called more elite Shangren all over and asked them to express their opinions. Some of them have also dealt with the two, which can provide some information worthy of reference.

"Hey, do you know what it means to unite the secondary enemy to defeat the main enemy. Sasuke and Itachi may have done something that shouldn't be done before, but now they are willing to join us as a force against Akatsuki. We should be more generous and don't care about them."

"How can it work then!" Oh Yeki almost roared, because his body was too short, he jumped directly onto the table, "If this is the case, wouldn't everyone else be able to come back openly after betraying the village for this reason? In this way, our rules will no longer be any deterrent to potential betrayers!"

"Uh. That's not bad." Xie Chen was also lost in thought at this time.

He can of course be certain that Ohnoki must have certain ideas in his mind that he wants to limit Konoha's power in the future, but he has to admit that his statement is still very reasonable.

An organization, especially an organization as large as the Ninja United Army, wants to order and prohibit to exert the strongest combat power, then it needs to have a set of "rules" with sufficient authority to restrict everyone's actions.

The most basic content of the so-called majesty can be summarized in six words: merit must be rewarded, and demerit must be punished!

Only in this way will it not happen that some ninjas lose the chain at critical moments.

And now if they give the green light because of Sasuke and Itachi, they will lose their legitimacy when they are used to restrict other ninjas in the future.

Although not necessarily as Oh Nogi said, everyone betrayed the Ninja Alliance casually. However, they will definitely feel unconvinced in their hearts, and when performing tasks, they will not strictly follow their rules.

If it looks like this, it would not be a good comparison to find Sasuke and Itachi directly.

"Furthermore, although Danzo did something wrong this time, he did not betray Konoha after all. He was not guilty of death. Sasuke and Itachi directly killed such an important person, and there were also a lot of Konoha. Forbearance and Zhongren, such a thing can never be easily forgiven!"

If Ohnoki should pay attention to his own Dokage's identity and find a reason to overwhelm Xie Chen, then Konoha Ninja, who was close to Danzo before, simply took the opportunity to make a fuss.

Although Danzo is dead now and their backers have fallen, but Frozen means that they are willing to accept this situation. Even if they are unable to gain power with Danzo, Sasuke and Itachi can never make it easier!

"Yes, yes, you can't accept them. Now it's pretty good if we don't go to them to settle the accounts, Master Xie Chen, you must not be fooled by them!"

"Shut up!"

I thought that Xie Chen would definitely compromise when he saw the pressure of other people, but he didn't expect it to be annoying!

"What do you think other people don't know?" Xie Chen aimed at the inside of Konoha, standing on the ninja on the Danzo side.

"Isn't Danzo's behavior guilty of death? Who said that? Is his guilt you can judge? Didn't you experience the situation at that time? Really have to wait until the next time we are destroyed by the Xiao organization to be serious?"

"Not to mention, Sasuke and Itachi also helped us a lot when they attacked Konoha. You can ask the Konoha ninjas who participated in the action at that time. If they did not attract Danzo’s attention, let us divide the troops. Two ways, I am afraid it will not be so easy to rescue Tsunade-sama!"

Some ninjas were still not convinced, although they did not dare to confront Xie Chen head-on, they murmured quietly. ..


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